Social Media and its influence
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Social Media and its influence
Social Medias and its influence...
Curated by Gust MEES
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Scooped by Gust MEES
May 20, 2013 9:40 AM!

Yahoo Buys Tumblr, Promises ‘Not to Screw it Up’

Yahoo Buys Tumblr, Promises ‘Not to Screw it Up’ | Social Media and its influence |
Yahoo has made a deal and a promise. The company officially announced it bought Tumblr and told the blogging-site’s loyal fan base it "promises not to screw it up."
Gust MEES's insight:


Yahoo Buys Tumblr, Promises ‘Not to Screw it Up’


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Scooped by Gust MEES
April 26, 2013 9:46 AM!

4 Twitter Tools Every Teacher should Know about

4 Twitter Tools Every Teacher should Know about | Social Media and its influence |

Twitter is a powerful educational social networking website that has a huge potential for  teachers professional development.


Twitter is also ideal as a  PLN  where you get to connect with other educators from all around the globe and exchange teaching and learning materials with them. Building a PLN, however, requires making acquaintances with similar like-minded teachers and also developing your list of followers; but once you have such a solid PLN problems of maintaining it and staying updated with what others tweet become a tricky challenge.


I have curated for you some powerful tools to help you benefit the maximum from  the PLN you create on Twitter. Check them out below.


Gust MEES's insight:


Learn more:



Check also:






Gust MEES's curator insight, April 26, 2013 9:51 AM


Learn more:



Check also:






Danijel Drnić's curator insight, April 26, 2013 3:07 PM

..eto Twitter je upravo ono što mi nismo. Marljiv, uporan, nepogrešiv i ponekad zanimljiv. Dajte ga si opskrbite.

Jordi Castells's curator insight, April 28, 2013 3:18 PM

Twitter gets into Personal Learning Environments !

Scooped by Gust MEES
December 15, 2012 7:10 AM!

How to Find New Competitive Knowledge in Social Media

How to Find New Competitive Knowledge in Social Media | Social Media and its influence |
Buzz used to be an intangible — something you just felt. No longer.

"Buzz volume" is one of the metrics offered by a new generation of social-media-based tools that are transforming the way corporations gather intelligence about customers and competitors. "Consumer sentiment" is another: You can now get a reading on how customers are feeling about your products or services, your customer service, or your prices.
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Rescooped by Gust MEES from 21st Century Learning and Teaching
November 2, 2012 5:09 PM!

Is Content Curation in Your Skill Set? It Should Be

Is Content Curation in Your Skill Set? It Should Be | Social Media and its influence |

Curation is a term that is rapidly growing in popularity and is directly impacting the world of workplace learning and performance. In a world where the amount of information available to workers doubles every 18 to 24 months, it is impossible to keep up with the seemingly endless supply of it.


Learn more:


Via Ana Cristina Pratas, Jack Patterson, Gust MEES
Philip Verghese 'Ariel's comment, November 3, 2012 2:11 AM
Hi Thanks Gust MEES and Lynnette :-)
Eli's comment, February 4, 2013 4:08 PM
It is interesting - I have been doing this for a while, just didn't name it:)
Rescooped by Gust MEES from 21st Century Learning and Teaching
October 19, 2012 5:23 AM!

Social News Gathering, Curation and Syndication Platform: Spundge

Social News Gathering, Curation and Syndication Platform: Spundge | Social Media and its influence |

Robin Good: Expressedly designed for journalists and newsrooms Spundge is a unique social news discovery, curation and syndication platform that facilitates the discovery, selection and distribution of news content across multiple channels.


Spundge works with topic-specific containers called "notebooks", which you can create and configure to work around any specific topic, event, company or issue you are interested in following.


Spundge taps into YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, Flickr, Soundcloud and Facebook to gather relevant content around your specified topics, as well as into RSS feeds and OPML files that you specify. All these can then be easily filtered (by keyword, time, location, and language) and curated manually before being published inside any topic-specific "notebook".


Notebooks can be made public or private and their contents can be shared on all major social media networks as well as being syndicated outside of Splundge in a number of different ways.


The PRO version of Spundge adds a number of useful features to the free base version, including:


Custom editor - create, write, format and edit your own multimedia posts integrating text, images and video clips with extreme ease.


Personal customized dashboards - these allow you to collect and organize in one page streams from different notebooks, traffic and social sharing data and more.


Syndication - syndicate to major socia platforms such as Twitter and Facebook as well as to Wordpress and Mialchimp.


Collaboration - invite co-editors, curators, newsmasters to complement your work or to fuel a common newsroom activity allowing everyone to track, review, comment and edit individual notebooks.


Embedding - standard embed code to publish/integrate any notebook inside any website or blog page.


Analytics - Acces to detailed traffic data.


Smart attribution - Spundge automatically tracks original sources from where you are picking content, images or video clips and automatically credits them.


Custom sources - plug-in private RSS feeds or your own API to feed unique proprietary content into your notebooks.


Free version available.


Read The Nieman Journalism Lab review of Spundge:


For more info:



Via Robin Good, Gust MEES
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Rescooped by Gust MEES from Curation, Social Business and Beyond
January 20, 2012 12:33 PM!

What is Content Curation?

What is Content Curation? | Social Media and its influence |
I selected this piece by Dino Joannides for Lingospot because it tackles a much asked and frequently tackled answered of "What is Curation?" in the most appropriate manner possible. That is to say, he answers the question with an excellent example of curation, complete with multiple links to articles that prove his points.


Some points that caught my attention:


**Content curation means different things to a variety of stakeholders, be they journalists, editors, bloggers, business executives or marketers.


**Fred Wilson the Venture Capitalist and blogger sees curation as an essential element in today's media landscape as indicated by one of his posts here


**Some argue that curation could actually save media.


**Others have argued that there is a new type of curation that is in effect the New Search.


**Most people inadvertently already act as curators whenever they decide to post a link or video to their social networks to show their friends they have found great or topical content.


He closes by suggesting traditional editors make decisions based only upon content that was produced internally, whereas the newer Curation mixes this with external content. The determination of what is given prominence remains the same.


The difference is that now, this role is undertaken by professional journalists, content marketers, bloggers" or in reality, anyone that publishes online".


What do you think?


Curated by Jan Gordon covering "Content Curation, Social Business and Beyond"


Read full article: []

Via janlgordon
Robin Good's comment, January 20, 2012 12:49 PM
Thank you Jan, excellent work, as always.
Rescooped by Gust MEES from 21st Century Learning and Teaching
May 4, 2013 8:49 AM!

Using Twitter for Teachers' Professional Development

Using Twitter for Teachers' Professional Development | Social Media and its influence |

I strongly believe in the use of Twitter for professional development and from my own experience with it I can attest to its practicability and usability.

Gust MEES's insight:


I strongly believe in the use of Twitter for professional development and from my own experience with it I can attest to its practicability and usability.


Learn more:

Gust MEES's curator insight, May 4, 2013 8:44 AM


I strongly believe in the use of Twitter for professional development and from my own experience with it I can attest to its practicability and usability.

Learn more:

Antoine van Dinter's curator insight, May 6, 2013 11:55 AM

Gebruik twitter om vragen te stellen aan je netwerk. Ik heb hier al veel aan gehad,

Rescooped by Gust MEES from Content Curation World
January 21, 2013 10:00 AM!

Collect, Organize and Highlight Specific Scenes with Video Curation Platform Zeeik



Via Robin Good
Gust MEES's insight:

Give it a try, BUT read also the TOS (Terms Of Service...)...


See examples here:



Robin Good's curator insight, January 16, 2013 12:37 PM

Zeeik is a video curation platform which allows you to collect your selected clips into organized collections, and to highlight specific scenes within them.

Zeeik video collections can be edited in a collaborative fashion, and they can be saved, shared and embedded on any web site or blog.

Free to use.

More info:

Simón Rave's curator insight, January 18, 2013 7:11 PM

Collect, Organize and Highlight Specific Scenes with Video Curation Platform Zeeik via 

Rescooped by Gust MEES from 21st Century Learning and Teaching
November 13, 2012 12:58 PM!

Content Curation for Twitter: How To Be a "Thought Leader DJ"

Content Curation for Twitter: How To Be a "Thought Leader DJ" | Social Media and its influence |
This is my framing post for the August 4th #smchat I moderated on Content Curation for Twitter. (Although this post breaks my rule for brevity , I hope you enjoy it!

Via Ana Cristina Pratas, Gust MEES
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Rescooped by Gust MEES from 21st Century Learning and Teaching
November 2, 2012 4:37 PM!

#Scoopitchat on Curation and Education featuring Seth Dixon

For this week's #scoopitchat, we had special guest Seth Dixon, and AP Human Geography teacher.


Topic was: #Scoopitchat on Curation and Education featuring Seth Dixon






It was a great Chat and I encourage other members from best Curation Platform  #scoopit to take part in the next Twitter-Chat's as well. Teachers and Educators as Students as well should use Twitter-Chat's for BETTER Communication! Remember the "C" in ICT? It's meaning "Communication", use it, please ;)


Don't know what a Twitter-Chat is? Please check my Curation about Twitter-Chat's to learn more:





Read more:


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Rescooped by Gust MEES from Content curation trends
April 19, 2012 7:22 AM!

Content Curators Are The New Superheros Of The Web

Content Curators Are The New Superheros Of The Web | Social Media and its influence |

"Yesterday, 250 million photos were uploaded to Facebook, 864,000 hours of video were uploaded to YouTube, and 294 billion emails were sent. No wonder content curation is one of the most important jobs of our digital age.


Which means it's time to enlist the web's secret power: humans."


I just love the way Steve Rosenbaum talks about curators, don't you?


He coined the term when we interviewed him at SxSWi and Steve definitely knows what he's talking about, being the author of Curation Nation.


He gives interesting guidelines to all would-be curators in this post: even if you're already one, you might find them useful. And if you're not a curator yet: "All you need is a web browser and a cape. The rest is up to you."




Via Guillaume Decugis
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