Patients are increasingly active on the social web - Symplur for MedicineX | Social Health on line |

At Symplur, over the past three years we’ve tracked more than 1,800 healthcare conferences from around the globe, and we’ve captured their entire Twitter conversations in our database of health related tweets at the Healthcare Hashtag Project. Sometimes we’re hired to help facilitate the social media experience at these events, and/or to do a deep-dive into the analytics of those conversations.


Patients are increasingly active on the social web

Part of our presentation included the video below.  It’s a visual representation of the Twitter conversation surrounding Medicine X 2012.  In it, each node represents a Twitter account using the #MedX hashtag during last year’s event. We purposely color coded the known patient Twitter accounts in green.  The larger nodes demonstrate those participants who are more central in the conversation, more engaged. And the lines between the nodes show direct lines of communication. One person communicating directly with another. The video plays out over the course of the event, showing each full day in just 14 seconds apiece, and at the end shows the entire conference … displaying the full dynamic of the Twitter conversation that took place...

..But even we’ll admit that sometimes standard metrics, stats, and analytics can miss the point. In Sarah’s case the void in the tweet-stream represented something intimate … the vulnerable human in all of us. We stopped tweeting. We let go of our keyboards and touch-screens. And we just listened, related, and cried a few of our own tears, to ourselves. That silence actually spoke volumes. 


The goal of most healthcare conferences is to instill a sense of commitment among its attendees. To inspire them to continue to contemplate the messages disseminated. And to find ways to integrate some of these new ideas into their own lives and work settings.