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Curated by Gust MEES
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Scooped by Gust MEES
July 25, 2018 10:51 AM

Apache Tomcat: Wichtige Updates schließen Sicherheitslücken | #CyberSecurity

Apache Tomcat: Wichtige Updates schließen Sicherheitslücken | #CyberSecurity | ICT Security-Sécurité PC et Internet | Scoop.it

Neue Versionen der 7er-, 8er- und 9er-Reihe des Anwendungsservers Apache Tomcat bringen unter anderem zwei dringliche Security-Fixes mit.

Die Apache Software Foundation hat Updates für mehrere Versionen des Open-Source-Webservers und Webcontainers Apache Tomcat veröffentlicht. Laut einem Sicherheitshinweis des US-CERT schließen sie unter anderem zwei Lücken, deren Schweregrad die Apache-Entwickler als "Important" einstufen.


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Neue Versionen der 7er-, 8er- und 9er-Reihe des Anwendungsservers Apache Tomcat bringen unter anderem zwei dringliche Security-Fixes mit.

Die Apache Software Foundation hat Updates für mehrere Versionen des Open-Source-Webservers und Webcontainers Apache Tomcat veröffentlicht. Laut einem Sicherheitshinweis des US-CERT schließen sie unter anderem zwei Lücken, deren Schweregrad die Apache-Entwickler als "Important" einstufen.


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Scooped by Gust MEES
October 3, 2017 9:11 AM

​Serious Linux kernel security bug fixed - #Update asap!! | #CyberSecurity 

​Serious Linux kernel security bug fixed - #Update asap!! | #CyberSecurity  | ICT Security-Sécurité PC et Internet | Scoop.it
Sometimes old fixed bugs come back to bite us. That's the case with CVE-2017-1000253, a Local Privilege Escalation Linux kernel bug.

This is a problem with how the Linux kernel loaded Executable and Linkable Format (ELF) executables. If an ELF application was built as Position Independent Executable (PIE), the loader could allow part of that application's data segment to map over the memory area reserved for its stack. This could cause memory corruption. Then, an otherwise unprivileged local user with access to a Set owner User ID (SUID) or otherwise privileged flawed PIE binary, could gain higher-level user privileges.

Qualys, a security company, worked out a way to exploit this hole. By smashing the PIE's .dynamic section with a stack-based string operation, they found they could force the ld.so dynamic linker to load and execute their own shared library.

This security hole may sound complicated, but it's relatively easy to exploit. Since it could give an ordinary user super-user privileges it's potentially very dangerous.


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Gust MEES's insight:
Sometimes old fixed bugs come back to bite us. That's the case with CVE-2017-1000253, a Local Privilege Escalation Linux kernel bug.

This is a problem with how the Linux kernel loaded Executable and Linkable Format (ELF) executables. If an ELF application was built as Position Independent Executable (PIE), the loader could allow part of that application's data segment to map over the memory area reserved for its stack. This could cause memory corruption. Then, an otherwise unprivileged local user with access to a Set owner User ID (SUID) or otherwise privileged flawed PIE binary, could gain higher-level user privileges.

Qualys, a security company, worked out a way to exploit this hole. By smashing the PIE's .dynamic section with a stack-based string operation, they found they could force the ld.so dynamic linker to load and execute their own shared library.

This security hole may sound complicated, but it's relatively easy to exploit. Since it could give an ordinary user super-user privileges it's potentially very dangerous.


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Scooped by Gust MEES
December 21, 2016 8:09 AM

Correction express pour faille critique dans Ubuntu | #Linux #Update asap!!

Correction express pour faille critique dans Ubuntu | #Linux #Update asap!! | ICT Security-Sécurité PC et Internet | Scoop.it
Le système de rapport de bugs d’Ubuntu était touché par des failles. Des vulnérabilités promptement corrigées par les développeurs.


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Le système de rapport de bugs d’Ubuntu était touché par des failles. Des vulnérabilités promptement corrigées par les développeurs.


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Scooped by Gust MEES
April 6, 2016 7:01 PM

Ubuntu Patches Kernel Vulnerabilities | #Linux #CyberSecurity

Ubuntu Patches Kernel Vulnerabilities | #Linux #CyberSecurity | ICT Security-Sécurité PC et Internet | Scoop.it
Several vulnerabilities in Ubuntu’s implementation of the Linux kernel, including a use-after-free vulnerability and a timing side-channel vulnerability, were patched today.

An advisory issued by Ubuntu Wednesday morning urges users to patch if they’re running 14.04 LTS or any derivative builds.


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Gust MEES's insight:
Several vulnerabilities in Ubuntu’s implementation of the Linux kernel, including a use-after-free vulnerability and a timing side-channel vulnerability, were patched today.

An advisory issued by Ubuntu Wednesday morning urges users to patch if they’re running 14.04 LTS or any derivative builds.


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Scooped by Gust MEES
February 18, 2016 5:03 PM

Linux distros aren't updating WebKit, making web browsers and email clients vulnerable | CyberSecurity

Linux distros aren't updating WebKit, making web browsers and email clients vulnerable | CyberSecurity | ICT Security-Sécurité PC et Internet | Scoop.it
The WebKit rendering engine used in many Linux applications is a complete security mess. That’s the takeaway from a blog post by Michael Catanzaro, who works on GNOME’s WebKitGTK+ project. He’s sounding the alarm about a problem the open-source community needs to fix.

The problem with WebKit
Most web browsers issue regular security updates to their users. But, if you’re using a WebKit-based browser, or email client, or any other application that uses that rendering engine, on Linux, you almost certainly aren’t getting security updates.

WebKit is a large open-source project. Apple uses WebKit for Safari on Mac and iOS, and those versions of WebKit receive regular security updates. But the WebKit port used for Linux does not.

The common port used by Linux distros is WebKitGTK+, which is associated with GNOME software and other applications that use the GTK+ toolkit. This includes Epiphany, GNOME’s flagship web browser, often called simply “Web” or “GNOME Web.” It also includes a variety of other applications, such as the Evolution email client, Midori web browser, GIMP image-editing program, Banshee and Rhythmbox media players, and many other programs.

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Gust MEES's insight:
The WebKit rendering engine used in many Linux applications is a complete security mess. That’s the takeaway from a blog post by Michael Catanzaro, who works on GNOME’s WebKitGTK+ project. He’s sounding the alarm about a problem the open-source community needs to fix.

The problem with WebKit
Most web browsers issue regular security updates to their users. But, if you’re using a WebKit-based browser, or email client, or any other application that uses that rendering engine, on Linux, you almost certainly aren’t getting security updates.

WebKit is a large open-source project. Apple uses WebKit for Safari on Mac and iOS, and those versions of WebKit receive regular security updates. But the WebKit port used for Linux does not.

The common port used by Linux distros is WebKitGTK+, which is associated with GNOME software and other applications that use the GTK+ toolkit. This includes Epiphany, GNOME’s flagship web browser, often called simply “Web” or “GNOME Web.” It also includes a variety of other applications, such as the Evolution email client, Midori web browser, GIMP image-editing program, Banshee and Rhythmbox media players, and many other programs.

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Scooped by Gust MEES
February 16, 2016 2:57 PM

ALERT!!! Glibc: Sicherheitslücke gefährdet fast alle Linux-Systeme - #Update asap!!!

ALERT!!! Glibc: Sicherheitslücke gefährdet fast alle Linux-Systeme - #Update asap!!! | ICT Security-Sécurité PC et Internet | Scoop.it
Sicherheitslücke gefährdet fast alle Linux-Systeme
Eine schwerwiegende Sicherheitslücke klafft in der Glibc-Bibliothek, die in fast allen Linux-Systemen genutzt wird: Eine DNS-Funktion erlaubt die Ausführung von bösartigem Code. Nutzer sollten schnellstmöglich Updates installieren.
Diese Sicherheitslücke hat es in sich: Mittels gezielter DNS-Antworten lässt sich unter Umständen die Namensauflösungsfunktion der Glibc-Bibliothek dazu bringen, fremden Code auszuführen. Die Glibc ist die Standard-C-Bibliothek, die üblicherweise auf Linux-Systemen zum Einsatz kommt.

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Sicherheitslücke gefährdet fast alle Linux-Systeme
Eine schwerwiegende Sicherheitslücke klafft in der Glibc-Bibliothek, die in fast allen Linux-Systemen genutzt wird: Eine DNS-Funktion erlaubt die Ausführung von bösartigem Code. Nutzer sollten schnellstmöglich Updates installieren.
Diese Sicherheitslücke hat es in sich: Mittels gezielter DNS-Antworten lässt sich unter Umständen die Namensauflösungsfunktion der Glibc-Bibliothek dazu bringen, fremden Code auszuführen. Die Glibc ist die Standard-C-Bibliothek, die üblicherweise auf Linux-Systemen zum Einsatz kommt.

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Scooped by Gust MEES
February 26, 2018 9:48 AM

Canonical rend disponibles des correctifs pour 26 failles découvertes dans le noyau d'Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, avec un patch pour atténuer la faille Meltdown | #Linux #CyberSecurity #Updates 

Canonical rend disponibles des correctifs pour 26 failles découvertes dans le noyau d'Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, avec un patch pour atténuer la faille Meltdown | #Linux #CyberSecurity #Updates  | ICT Security-Sécurité PC et Internet | Scoop.it
Canoncinal vient d’annoncer la disponibilité de correctifs pour 26 vulnérabilités recensées dans le noyau d’Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr). Cette version qui est sortie depuis avril 2014 bénéficie d’un support Long Term Support abrégé LTS (pour support à long terme en français) ce qui fait qu’elle est prise en charge par l’équipe de développement pendant cinq ans (pour les versions bureau et serveur), soit jusqu’en avril 2019.

Dans cette récente annonce, l’entreprise rapporte parmi les failles corrigées qu’une vulnérabilité d’écriture hors limites existait dans le système de fichiers Flash-Friendly (f2fs) du noyau Linux. Cette faille qui a été consignée sous la référence CVE-2017-0750 pourrait être exploitée par un attaquant pour construire un système de fichiers malveillant qui, lorsqu’il est monté, peut provoquer un déni de service (panne du système) ou éventuellement exécuter du code arbitraire.

À côté de cette faille, une situation de concurrence débouchant sur une faille use-after-free a été découverte dans la fonction snd_pcm_info du sous-système ALSA PCM sur le noyau Linux. Cette situation de compétition rapportée par l’équipe de sécurité d’Ubuntu pourrait être utilisée par une personne malveillante pour obtenir des privilèges non autorisés à travers des vecteurs non spécifiés et provoquer une panne du système ou éventuellement exécuter du code arbitraire. Cette faille portant le code CVE-2017-0861 a été classée à un niveau élevé de sévérité selon la version 3 de CVSS Severity.


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Gust MEES's insight:
Canoncinal vient d’annoncer la disponibilité de correctifs pour 26 vulnérabilités recensées dans le noyau d’Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr). Cette version qui est sortie depuis avril 2014 bénéficie d’un support Long Term Support abrégé LTS (pour support à long terme en français) ce qui fait qu’elle est prise en charge par l’équipe de développement pendant cinq ans (pour les versions bureau et serveur), soit jusqu’en avril 2019.

Dans cette récente annonce, l’entreprise rapporte parmi les failles corrigées qu’une vulnérabilité d’écriture hors limites existait dans le système de fichiers Flash-Friendly (f2fs) du noyau Linux. Cette faille qui a été consignée sous la référence CVE-2017-0750 pourrait être exploitée par un attaquant pour construire un système de fichiers malveillant qui, lorsqu’il est monté, peut provoquer un déni de service (panne du système) ou éventuellement exécuter du code arbitraire.

À côté de cette faille, une situation de concurrence débouchant sur une faille use-after-free a été découverte dans la fonction snd_pcm_info du sous-système ALSA PCM sur le noyau Linux. Cette situation de compétition rapportée par l’équipe de sécurité d’Ubuntu pourrait être utilisée par une personne malveillante pour obtenir des privilèges non autorisés à travers des vecteurs non spécifiés et provoquer une panne du système ou éventuellement exécuter du code arbitraire. Cette faille portant le code CVE-2017-0861 a été classée à un niveau élevé de sévérité selon la version 3 de CVSS Severity.


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Scooped by Gust MEES
June 8, 2017 10:05 AM

Linux malware enslaves Raspberry Pi to mine cryptocurrency | #CyberSecurity #MakerED #Coding

Linux malware enslaves Raspberry Pi to mine cryptocurrency | #CyberSecurity #MakerED #Coding | ICT Security-Sécurité PC et Internet | Scoop.it
It's time to update your Raspberry Pi devices or risk them being infected with cryptocurrency mining malware.


Someone has developed a simple Linux trojan designed to harness the meager power of Raspberry Pi devices to mine cryptocurrency.


Raspberry Pi users may need to consider applying a recent Raspbian OS update to their devices, particularly if they are currently configured to allow external SSH connections.

According to Russian security firm Dr Web, the malware Linux.MulDrop.14 exclusively targets Raspberry Pi devices to use their processing power to mine a cryptocurrency.


Dr Web discovered the Raspberry Pi mining malware after its Linux honeypot machine became infected with it. The malware uses a simple Bash script to attempt to connect to Raspberry Pi devices configured to accept external SSH connections. It targets Raspberry Pi boards with the default login and password, which are 'pi' and 'raspberry', respectively.


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Gust MEES's insight:
It's time to update your Raspberry Pi devices or risk them being infected with cryptocurrency mining malware.


Someone has developed a simple Linux trojan designed to harness the meager power of Raspberry Pi devices to mine cryptocurrency.


Raspberry Pi users may need to consider applying a recent Raspbian OS update to their devices, particularly if they are currently configured to allow external SSH connections.

According to Russian security firm Dr Web, the malware Linux.MulDrop.14 exclusively targets Raspberry Pi devices to use their processing power to mine a cryptocurrency.


Dr Web discovered the Raspberry Pi mining malware after its Linux honeypot machine became infected with it. The malware uses a simple Bash script to attempt to connect to Raspberry Pi devices configured to accept external SSH connections. It targets Raspberry Pi boards with the default login and password, which are 'pi' and 'raspberry', respectively.


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Scooped by Gust MEES
December 9, 2016 5:10 PM

Three serious Linux kernel security holes patched | #Update asap!!! | #CyberSecurity

Three serious Linux kernel security holes patched | #Update asap!!! | #CyberSecurity | ICT Security-Sécurité PC et Internet | Scoop.it
The good news is developers are looking very closely at Linux's core code for possible security holes. The bad news is they're finding them.

At least the best news is that they're fixing them as soon as they're uncovered.

The latest three kernel vulnerabilities are designated CVE-2016-8655, CVE-2016-6480, and CVE-2016-6828. Of these, CVE-2016-8655 is the worst of the bunch. It enables local users, which can include remote users with virtual and cloud-based Linux instances, to crash the system or run arbitrary code as root.


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This 'highly personalized' malware campaign targets retailers with phony customer queries
How the Cyber Kangaroo can help defend the Internet of Things
In short, it's nasty.


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Gust MEES's insight:
The good news is developers are looking very closely at Linux's core code for possible security holes. The bad news is they're finding them.

At least the best news is that they're fixing them as soon as they're uncovered.

The latest three kernel vulnerabilities are designated CVE-2016-8655, CVE-2016-6480, and CVE-2016-6828. Of these, CVE-2016-8655 is the worst of the bunch. It enables local users, which can include remote users with virtual and cloud-based Linux instances, to crash the system or run arbitrary code as root.


US government seeks more data on Apple customers
Electronics-sniffing dogs: How K9s became a secret weapon for solving high-tech crimes
This 'highly personalized' malware campaign targets retailers with phony customer queries
How the Cyber Kangaroo can help defend the Internet of Things
In short, it's nasty.


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Scooped by Gust MEES
February 19, 2016 9:10 AM

Years-old critical GNU C Library vulnerability patched by open source providers | Linux | CyberSecurity

Years-old critical GNU C Library vulnerability patched by open source providers | Linux | CyberSecurity | ICT Security-Sécurité PC et Internet | Scoop.it
Ubuntu, Red Hat, and a number of other leading open source solutions providers have patched a critical vulnerability in the GNU C Library that has been around for years.

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Ubuntu, Red Hat, and a number of other leading open source solutions providers have patched a critical vulnerability in the GNU C Library that has been around for years.

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Scooped by Gust MEES
February 17, 2016 12:58 PM

Patch Linux now, Google, Red Hat warn, over critical glibc bug | CyberSecurity | Updates

Patch Linux now, Google, Red Hat warn, over critical glibc bug | CyberSecurity | Updates | ICT Security-Sécurité PC et Internet | Scoop.it
Google has disclosed details of an open-source bug in the GNU C Library affecting a large number of Linux distributions, software and devices.

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Gust MEES's insight:
Google has disclosed details of an open-source bug in the GNU C Library affecting a large number of Linux distributions, software and devices.

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