ICT Security-Sécurité PC et Internet
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ICT Security-Sécurité PC et Internet
ICT Security + Privacy + Piracy + Data Protection - Censorship - Des cours et infos gratuites sur la"Sécurité PC et Internet" pour usage non-commercial... (FR, EN+DE)...
Curated by Gust MEES
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Scooped by Gust MEES
February 17, 2015 4:52 AM

A Crypto Trick That Makes Software Nearly Impossible to Reverse-Engineer | CyberSecurity

A Crypto Trick That Makes Software Nearly Impossible to Reverse-Engineer | CyberSecurity | ICT Security-Sécurité PC et Internet | Scoop.it
Software reverse engineering, the art of pulling programs apart to figure out how they work, is what makes it possible for sophisticated hackers to scour code for exploitable bugs. It’s also what allows those same hackers’ dangerous malware to be deconstructed and neutered. Now a new encryption trick could make both those tasks much, much harder. At…

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Software reverse engineering, the art of pulling programs apart to figure out how they work, is what makes it possible for sophisticated hackers to scour code for exploitable bugs. It’s also what allows those same hackers’ dangerous malware to be deconstructed and neutered. Now a new encryption trick could make both those tasks much, much harder. At…

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Scooped by Gust MEES
February 17, 2015 4:46 AM

HARES Tool Hampers the Reverse-Engineering of Code | CyberSecurity

HARES Tool Hampers the Reverse-Engineering of Code | CyberSecurity | ICT Security-Sécurité PC et Internet | Scoop.it
In what could prove to be a revolutionary development in information security, researcher Jacob Torrey will be unveiling the Hardened Anti-Reverse Engineering System (HARES) at several upcoming security conferences, a crypto breakthrough will make reverse engineering code an almost impossible feat.

HARES is a tool that focuses on encrypting code to protect it from being reverse engineered, as the code remains obscured until it is decrypted by the system’s processor at the moment of execution.

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Gust MEES's insight:

In what could prove to be a revolutionary development in information security, researcher Jacob Torrey will be unveiling the Hardened Anti-Reverse Engineering System (HARES) at several upcoming security conferences, a crypto breakthrough will make reverse engineering code an almost impossible feat.

HARES is a tool that focuses on encrypting code to protect it from being reverse engineered, as the code remains obscured until it is decrypted by the system’s processor at the moment of execution.

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