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ICT Security-Sécurité PC et Internet
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Curated by Gust MEES
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Scooped by Gust MEES
August 12, 2019 6:26 AM

This is how ransomware could infect your digital camera | #CyberSecurity #Ransomware

This is how ransomware could infect your digital camera | #CyberSecurity #Ransomware | ICT Security-Sécurité PC et Internet | Scoop.it

Security vulnerabilities in popular internet-connected digital cameras could allow hackers to infect them with ransomware, rendering the devices useless, or deploy other forms of malware which could potentially turn a camera into a gateway for infecting larger networks.

Digital cameras use Picture Transfer Protocol (PTP), a standard protocol to transfer digital files. Researchers at cybersecurity company Check Point Software found that it was possible to exploit vulnerabilities in the protocol to infect a camera with ransomware, presenting their findings at the Defcon security conference in Las Vegas.

The researchers looked at the Canon EOS 80D because it has both USB and Wi-Fi connectivity, as well as an extensive modding community which provides open source software for the camera. But while this particular model was chosen for the experiment, researchers warn that any internet-connected digital camera could be vulnerable to the attacks.

"As PTP is widely used by all digital camera vendors, we do believe that similar vulnerabilities will affect other vendors as well," Eyal Itkin, security researcher at Check Point, told ZDNet.


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Gust MEES's insight:

Security vulnerabilities in popular internet-connected digital cameras could allow hackers to infect them with ransomware, rendering the devices useless, or deploy other forms of malware which could potentially turn a camera into a gateway for infecting larger networks.

Digital cameras use Picture Transfer Protocol (PTP), a standard protocol to transfer digital files. Researchers at cybersecurity company Check Point Software found that it was possible to exploit vulnerabilities in the protocol to infect a camera with ransomware, presenting their findings at the Defcon security conference in Las Vegas.

The researchers looked at the Canon EOS 80D because it has both USB and Wi-Fi connectivity, as well as an extensive modding community which provides open source software for the camera. But while this particular model was chosen for the experiment, researchers warn that any internet-connected digital camera could be vulnerable to the attacks.

"As PTP is widely used by all digital camera vendors, we do believe that similar vulnerabilities will affect other vendors as well," Eyal Itkin, security researcher at Check Point, told ZDNet.


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Eric Bouttier's curator insight, August 13, 2019 6:14 AM
Décidément les logiciels rançonneurs envahissent Internet et même les objets connectés.
Scooped by Gust MEES
March 14, 2017 1:24 PM

Trend Micro details new IoT DDoS threat | #CyberSecurity #Awareness #Linux #Cameras

Trend Micro details new IoT DDoS threat | #CyberSecurity #Awareness #Linux #Cameras | ICT Security-Sécurité PC et Internet | Scoop.it
Trend Micro is reporting a new threat to Linux-based Internet of Things (IoT) devices that is specifically able to exploit a specific vulnerability in surveillance cameras made by AVTech.
The threat is called ELF_IMEIJ.A and was originally uncovered by Search-Lab in October 2016 and reported to AVTech. Trend Micro said Search-Labs did not received a response regarding the issue.


Much like Mirai, ELF_IMEIJ.A the malware searches for unprotected IoT devices, in this case a camera.
The attacker uses cgi-bin scripts to randomly ping IP addresses searching for a device that is vulnerable.

“Specifically, it exploits CloudSetup.cgi, the reported AVTech CGI Directory vulnerability, to execute a command injection that triggers the malware download. The attacker tricks the device into downloading the malicious file and changes the file's permissions to execute it locally,” Trend wrote.

Search-Labs noted that every user password for the AVTech products is stored in clear text and that an attacker with access to the device itself can easily obtain the full list of passwords.
“By exploiting command injection or authentication bypass issues, the clear text admin password can be retrieved,” Search-Labs initial report on the malware stated.


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Gust MEES's insight:
Trend Micro is reporting a new threat to Linux-based Internet of Things (IoT) devices that is specifically able to exploit a specific vulnerability in surveillance cameras made by AVTech.
The threat is called ELF_IMEIJ.A and was originally uncovered by Search-Lab in October 2016 and reported to AVTech. Trend Micro said Search-Labs did not received a response regarding the issue.


Much like Mirai, ELF_IMEIJ.A the malware searches for unprotected IoT devices, in this case a camera.
The attacker uses cgi-bin scripts to randomly ping IP addresses searching for a device that is vulnerable.

“Specifically, it exploits CloudSetup.cgi, the reported AVTech CGI Directory vulnerability, to execute a command injection that triggers the malware download. The attacker tricks the device into downloading the malicious file and changes the file's permissions to execute it locally,” Trend wrote.

Search-Labs noted that every user password for the AVTech products is stored in clear text and that an attacker with access to the device itself can easily obtain the full list of passwords.
“By exploiting command injection or authentication bypass issues, the clear text admin password can be retrieved,” Search-Labs initial report on the malware stated.


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Scooped by Gust MEES
October 30, 2015 10:51 AM

Security: Ein Botnetz aus Überwachungskameras | Linux

Security: Ein Botnetz aus Überwachungskameras | Linux | ICT Security-Sécurité PC et Internet | Scoop.it

Überwachungskameras schränken nicht nur die Privatsphäre vorbeilaufender Menschen ein - sie können auch als Basis für DDoS-Angriffe missbraucht werden. Dazu nutzen Kriminelle in einem aktuellen...

Kameras mit Linux-Distribution

Alle infizierten Geräte liefen nach Angaben der Forscher mit einem Embedded-Linux und nutzten die Busybox-Tools. Die installierte Malware wird als eine Variante von ELF_BASHLITE beschrieben. Ist die Software installiert, scannt diese im Netzwerk nach anderen Geräten mit Busybox und sucht nach offenen Telnet/SSH-Diensten. In einer bestimmten Variante der Malware fanden die Forscher den Code, um die DDoS-Angriffe durchzuführen.

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Gust MEES's insight:

Überwachungskameras schränken nicht nur die Privatsphäre vorbeilaufender Menschen ein - sie können auch als Basis für DDoS-Angriffe missbraucht werden. Dazu nutzen Kriminelle in einem aktuellen...

Kameras mit Linux-Distribution

Alle infizierten Geräte liefen nach Angaben der Forscher mit einem Embedded-Linux und nutzten die Busybox-Tools. Die installierte Malware wird als eine Variante von ELF_BASHLITE beschrieben. Ist die Software installiert, scannt diese im Netzwerk nach anderen Geräten mit Busybox und sucht nach offenen Telnet/SSH-Diensten. In einer bestimmten Variante der Malware fanden die Forscher den Code, um die DDoS-Angriffe durchzuführen.

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Scooped by Gust MEES
November 16, 2017 4:07 PM

Amazon Key’s camera can be disabled by a third party, allowing couriers to reenter your house | #CyberSecurity #NobodyIsPerfect 

Amazon Key’s camera can be disabled by a third party, allowing couriers to reenter your house | #CyberSecurity #NobodyIsPerfect  | ICT Security-Sécurité PC et Internet | Scoop.it

Last month, the world was introduced to Amazon Key, a new service from the online shopping juggernaut that allows couriers to unlock your front door to deliver packages. One of the main concerns of the service is the central question of whether Prime customers trust Amazon enough to let the company monitor their homes and determine when it’s okay to unlock the door for someone who is, essentially, a stranger.


The service relies on Cloud Cam and a compatible smart lock, and only grants permission for a courier to enter after they scan a barcode, which is checked against information in the cloud. A camera also monitors and records the drop-off so customers can check that nothing suspect happened.

Now security researchers have found that the camera can be disabled and frozen from a program run from any computer within Wi-Fi range, reports Wired. That means a customer watching a delivery will only see a closed door, even if someone opens the door and goes inside — a vulnerability that may allow rogue couriers to rob customers’ homes.


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Gust MEES's insight:

Last month, the world was introduced to Amazon Key, a new service from the online shopping juggernaut that allows couriers to unlock your front door to deliver packages. One of the main concerns of the service is the central question of whether Prime customers trust Amazon enough to let the company monitor their homes and determine when it’s okay to unlock the door for someone who is, essentially, a stranger.


The service relies on Cloud Cam and a compatible smart lock, and only grants permission for a courier to enter after they scan a barcode, which is checked against information in the cloud. A camera also monitors and records the drop-off so customers can check that nothing suspect happened.

Now security researchers have found that the camera can be disabled and frozen from a program run from any computer within Wi-Fi range, reports Wired. That means a customer watching a delivery will only see a closed door, even if someone opens the door and goes inside — a vulnerability that may allow rogue couriers to rob customers’ homes.


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Scooped by Gust MEES
January 31, 2017 5:46 AM

Ransomware attack impacted 70% of Washington DC police surveillance cameras | #CyberSecurity

Ransomware attack impacted 70% of Washington DC police surveillance cameras | #CyberSecurity | ICT Security-Sécurité PC et Internet | Scoop.it
Officials found 123 of 187 network video recorders capturing CCTV footage had fallen victim to two strains of ransomware.


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Gust MEES's insight:
Officials found 123 of 187 network video recorders capturing CCTV footage had fallen victim to two strains of ransomware.


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