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Curated by Gust MEES
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Scooped by Gust MEES
March 30, 2016 7:36 PM

New Remaiten Malware Builds Botnet of Linux-Based Routers | #CyberSecurity #InternetOfThings #IoT

New Remaiten Malware Builds Botnet of Linux-Based Routers | #CyberSecurity #InternetOfThings #IoT | ICT Security-Sécurité PC et Internet | Scoop.it
Remaiten Linux Bot Targets Routers and Potentially Other Embedded (IoT) Devices

A new piece of malware is targeting embedded systems with the mission to compromise and make them part of a botnet, ESET security researchers have discovered.

Dubbed “Remaiten” (Linux/ Remaiten), the new threat combines the capabilities of previously spotted Tsunami (also known as Kaiten) and Gafgyt malware and also brings a series of improvements and new features. According to ESET, three versions of Remaiten have already emerged, while the malware authors call their creation “KTN-Remastered” or “KTN-RM.”

One of the capabilities that Remaiten borrows from Gafgyt is telnet scanning, though Remaiten enjoys a series of improvements, ESET’s Michal Malik explains in a blog post. Both, however, rely on improperly secured devices to successfully infect them.

Gafgyt attempts to connect to random routers via port 23, which it then issues a shell command to download bot executables for multiple architectures and tries to run them. Remaiten, on the other hand, carries downloaders for CPU architectures commonly used in embedded Linux devices, then tries to trigger the device’s platform to drop only the appropriate downloader.


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Gust MEES's insight:
Remaiten Linux Bot Targets Routers and Potentially Other Embedded (IoT) Devices

A new piece of malware is targeting embedded systems with the mission to compromise and make them part of a botnet, ESET security researchers have discovered.

Dubbed “Remaiten” (Linux/ Remaiten), the new threat combines the capabilities of previously spotted Tsunami (also known as Kaiten) and Gafgyt malware and also brings a series of improvements and new features. According to ESET, three versions of Remaiten have already emerged, while the malware authors call their creation “KTN-Remastered” or “KTN-RM.”

One of the capabilities that Remaiten borrows from Gafgyt is telnet scanning, though Remaiten enjoys a series of improvements, ESET’s Michal Malik explains in a blog post. Both, however, rely on improperly secured devices to successfully infect them.

Gafgyt attempts to connect to random routers via port 23, which it then issues a shell command to download bot executables for multiple architectures and tries to run them. Remaiten, on the other hand, carries downloaders for CPU architectures commonly used in embedded Linux devices, then tries to trigger the device’s platform to drop only the appropriate downloader.


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Scooped by Gust MEES
June 25, 2015 8:42 AM

Les antivirus Eset touchés par une grosse faille de sécurité | CyberSecurity

Les antivirus Eset touchés par une grosse faille de sécurité | CyberSecurity | ICT Security-Sécurité PC et Internet | Scoop.it

Une faille critique a récemment été découverte dans de nombreux produits antivirus Eset. La vulnérabilité, corrigée en début de semaine, pourrait permettre à des attaquants de compromettre tout un tas de systèmes complets mais aussi des sites web, courriels, clés USB et autres.

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Gust MEES's insight:

Une faille critique a récemment été découverte dans de nombreux produits antivirus Eset. La vulnérabilité, corrigée en début de semaine, pourrait permettre à des attaquants de compromettre tout un tas de systèmes complets mais aussi des sites web, courriels, clés USB et autres.

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Scooped by Gust MEES
October 25, 2013 10:44 AM

Website of ESET Distributor in Spain Hacked

Website of ESET Distributor in Spain Hacked | ICT Security-Sécurité PC et Internet | Scoop.it
A total of five eset.es subdomains have been hacked and defaced by DrD0x, a hacker from Panama. Eset.es is operated by Ontinet, the only distributor o...

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A total of five eset.es subdomains have been hacked and defaced by DrD0x, a hacker from Panama. Eset.es is operated by Ontinet, the only distributor of ESET products in Spain.

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Scooped by Gust MEES
June 25, 2015 8:52 AM

Critical flaw in ESET products shows why spy groups are interested in antivirus programs | CyberSecurity

Critical flaw in ESET products shows why spy groups are interested in antivirus programs | CyberSecurity | ICT Security-Sécurité PC et Internet | Scoop.it
The flaw could allow attackers to fully compromise systems via websites, email, USB drives and other methods.

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The flaw could allow attackers to fully compromise systems via websites, email, USB drives and other methods.

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Scooped by Gust MEES
June 25, 2015 8:37 AM

Anti-Viren-Software: Fehler in NOD32-Scanner erlaubte kompletten Systemzugriff | CyberSecurity

Anti-Viren-Software: Fehler in NOD32-Scanner erlaubte kompletten Systemzugriff | CyberSecurity | ICT Security-Sécurité PC et Internet | Scoop.it
Über eine Schwachstelle im Virenscanner von Esets Anti-Viren-Programm NOD32 konnten sich Angreifer vollständigen Zugriff auf ein System verschaffen. Die Schwachstelle wurde inzwischen behoben.

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Gust MEES's insight:

Über eine Schwachstelle im Virenscanner von Esets Anti-Viren-Programm NOD32 konnten sich Angreifer vollständigen Zugriff auf ein System verschaffen. Die Schwachstelle wurde inzwischen behoben.

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