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Curated by Gust MEES
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Scooped by Gust MEES
May 17, 2017 9:02 AM

Edmodo confirms hackers breached its education platform, stole user data and hashed passwords | #DataBreaches

Edmodo confirms hackers breached its education platform, stole user data and hashed passwords | #DataBreaches | ICT Security-Sécurité PC et Internet | Scoop.it
Details of 77 million students, teachers and parents are thought to have leaked on the web.


Edmodo confirms hackers breached its education platform, stole user data and hashed passwords

Details of 77 million students, teachers and parents are thought to be up for sale on the web.


Last week there were worrying reports that hackers had broken into Edmodo, and stolen the details of some 77 million teachers, students and parents.

Now the popular online education platform has emailed its users, confirming that it has suffered a security breach:


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Gust MEES's insight:

Last week there were worrying reports that hackers had broken into Edmodo, and stolen the details of some 77 million teachers, students and parents.


Now the popular online education platform has emailed its users, confirming that it has suffered a security breach:



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Rescooped by Gust MEES from 21st Century Learning and Teaching
June 23, 2013 12:07 PM

Data Security Is a Classroom Worry, Too

Data Security Is a Classroom Worry, Too | ICT Security-Sécurité PC et Internet | Scoop.it
Experts warn that educators may be embracing technology without doing enough to secure student data.


Mr. Porterfield, an engineer at Cisco Systems, examined Edmodo’s data security practices by registering himself on the site as a fictional home-school teacher.


“Anyone at a local cafe with Wi-Fi will have access to the information that the student is viewing or transmitting,” he told me. “I would consider that potentially sensitive information from the perspective of parents.”

Gust MEES's insight:


Mr. Porterfield, an engineer at Cisco Systems, examined Edmodo’s data security practices by registering himself on the site as a fictional home-school teacher.


“Anyone at a local cafe with Wi-Fi will have access to the information that the student is viewing or transmitting,” he told me. “I would consider that potentially sensitive information from the perspective of parents.”


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Gust MEES's curator insight, June 23, 2013 7:54 AM


Mr. Porterfield, an engineer at Cisco Systems, examined Edmodo’s data security practices by registering himself on the site as a fictional home-school teacher.

“Anyone at a local cafe with Wi-Fi will have access to the information that the student is viewing or transmitting,” he told me. “I would consider that potentially sensitive information from the perspective of parents.”

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Zhao KQiang's curator insight, March 27, 2014 7:02 AM

one example of network security in education area


Grégory Petit's curator insight, April 14, 2014 11:14 AM

La sécurité des réseaux scolaires remise en doute par M. Porterfield, un ingénieur réseau à Cisco Networks. Source de New York Times.

Scooped by Gust MEES
May 15, 2017 10:34 AM

Millions of identities stolen from education platform Edmodo | #CyberSecurity #DataBreaches #CyberCrime #EdTech

Millions of identities stolen from education platform Edmodo | #CyberSecurity #DataBreaches #CyberCrime #EdTech | ICT Security-Sécurité PC et Internet | Scoop.it
The account details of millions of subscribers to the education platform Edmodo have not only been stolen but witnessed to be for sale on the dark web, according to a post on Motherboard.

The platform is used by more than 78 million teachers, students and parents to compose lesson plans, make homework assignments and other tasks.

Breach notification website LeakBase provided Motherboard with a sample of more than two million records, which included usernames, email addresses and hashed passwords. 
The good news is that the passwords apparently are hashed with the stealthy bcrypt algorithm, and a string of random characters known as a salt, which likely will make it more difficult for hackers to obtain users' login credentials. And, when staffers at Motherboard attempted to open Edmodo accounts using some of the purloined data, they were unsuccessful as the address was already linked to an Edmodo account, the report explained.

The bad news is that at least a portion of the database is up for sale on the dark web marketplace Hansa for $1,000. The seller, going under the name nclay, said s/he was in possession of 77 million accounts. LeakBase reported that 40 million of those come with an email address.


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Gust MEES's insight:
The account details of millions of subscribers to the education platform Edmodo have not only been stolen but witnessed to be for sale on the dark web, according to a post on Motherboard.

The platform is used by more than 78 million teachers, students and parents to compose lesson plans, make homework assignments and other tasks.

Breach notification website LeakBase provided Motherboard with a sample of more than two million records, which included usernames, email addresses and hashed passwords. 
The good news is that the passwords apparently are hashed with the stealthy bcrypt algorithm, and a string of random characters known as a salt, which likely will make it more difficult for hackers to obtain users' login credentials. And, when staffers at Motherboard attempted to open Edmodo accounts using some of the purloined data, they were unsuccessful as the address was already linked to an Edmodo account, the report explained.

The bad news is that at least a portion of the database is up for sale on the dark web marketplace Hansa for $1,000. The seller, going under the name nclay, said s/he was in possession of 77 million accounts. LeakBase reported that 40 million of those come with an email address.


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