Internet providers have built huge data systems to track every move you make online | #BigData #Privacy | ICT Security-Sécurité PC et Internet |
Web users face an even greater threat to their privacy as large ISPs align themselves more closely with data brokers to track their customers, an advocacy group said.

Several large ISPs have either formed partnerships with, or acquired, data tracking and analytics firms in recent years, giving them a "vast storehouse of consumer data," according to a report Wednesday from the Center for Digital Democracy.

"ISPs have been on a shopping spree to help build their data-targeting system across devices and platforms," the report says. "Superfast computers analyze our information ... to decide in milliseconds whether to target us for marketing and more."

Through digital dossiers that merge all of this information, we can be bought and sold in an instant -- to financial marketers, fast-food companies, and health advertisers -- all without our knowledge."

ISPs are increasingly using programmatic advertising "fueled by powerful alliances among data, media, advertising and technology companies," the report says. The new advertising model "encompasses nearly all the device and formats we rely on -- including mobile, audio and video."

Some ISPs now have the ability to marry a customer's Web surfing history with his or her TV viewing habits and mobile app use to target advertising across devices, the report says.


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