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ICT Security-Sécurité PC et Internet
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Curated by Gust MEES
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Scooped by Gust MEES
February 4, 2018 10:48 AM

Krypto-Mining-Malware bremst Windows-Server | #CyberSecurity #CryptoCurrency #CryptoMining #Monero #Awareness

Krypto-Mining-Malware bremst Windows-Server | #CyberSecurity #CryptoCurrency #CryptoMining #Monero #Awareness | ICT Security-Sécurité PC et Internet | Scoop.it
Sicherheitsexperten von Proofpoint untersuchten das Mining-Botnet Smominru, das auf mehr als 500.000 Windows-Maschinen die Kryptowährung Minero schürft.

Nach Erkenntnissen von Sicherheitsexperten der Firma Proofpoint missbrauchen Kriminelle die Rechenleistung von mehr als einer halben Million Windows-Systemen, um die Kryptowährung Minero zu "schürfen". Laut Proofpoint handelt es sich bei den befallenen Maschinen vor allem um Windows-Server, von denen viele in Russland, Indien, Taiwan und der Ukraine laufen. Im Beobachtungszeitraum von Mai 2017 bis Januar 2018 hätten die Angreifer Mineros im Wert von rund 3,6 Millionen US-Dollar ergattert.

Server unbrauchbar
Auf den Stromkosten bleiben die Geschädigten sitzen, außerdem vermuten die Sicherheitsforscher, dass viele der befallenen Server wegen der zusätzlichen Rechenlast nur noch eingeschränkt funktionieren.


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Gust MEES's insight:
Sicherheitsexperten von Proofpoint untersuchten das Mining-Botnet Smominru, das auf mehr als 500.000 Windows-Maschinen die Kryptowährung Minero schürft.

Nach Erkenntnissen von Sicherheitsexperten der Firma Proofpoint missbrauchen Kriminelle die Rechenleistung von mehr als einer halben Million Windows-Systemen, um die Kryptowährung Minero zu "schürfen". Laut Proofpoint handelt es sich bei den befallenen Maschinen vor allem um Windows-Server, von denen viele in Russland, Indien, Taiwan und der Ukraine laufen. Im Beobachtungszeitraum von Mai 2017 bis Januar 2018 hätten die Angreifer Mineros im Wert von rund 3,6 Millionen US-Dollar ergattert.

Server unbrauchbar
Auf den Stromkosten bleiben die Geschädigten sitzen, außerdem vermuten die Sicherheitsforscher, dass viele der befallenen Server wegen der zusätzlichen Rechenlast nur noch eingeschränkt funktionieren.


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Scooped by Gust MEES
February 1, 2018 11:22 AM

Smominru! Half a million PCs hit by cryptomining botnet | #CyberSecurity #CryptoJacking #Malware #Updates #Awareness

Smominru! Half a million PCs hit by cryptomining botnet | #CyberSecurity #CryptoJacking #Malware #Updates #Awareness | ICT Security-Sécurité PC et Internet | Scoop.it
Why go to all the bother of writing ransomware that demands victims pay a Bitcoin ransom? If all you want is cryptocurrency, why not use the infected computers to mine the crypto coins themselves?

That way you don’t have to rely on a human victim buying some Bitcoin, and nervously making their way onto the dark web to make their ransom payment.

According to security researchers at Proofpoint, that’s exactly the reasoning shown by online criminals who are moving from regular ransomware to cryptomining.

A Monero-mining botnet called Smominru is said to have infected 526,000 Windows PCs since May 2017 – mostly in Russia, India, and Taiwan – and is earning millions of dollars for its operators.


In fact, the biggest clue that most users will have that their computers may be affected by a cryptominer is if they found the PC is slowing down, its battery running out at a quicker rate, or the fan blowing at full blast.


Don’t make the mistake of thinking that this is a victimless crime. If your computers get recruited into a cryptomining botnet like Smominru, it’s your electricity and computer power that is being stolen.


Keep your computers up-to-date with security patches, defended with layered security solutions, and your wits about you.


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Gust MEES's insight:
Why go to all the bother of writing ransomware that demands victims pay a Bitcoin ransom? If all you want is cryptocurrency, why not use the infected computers to mine the crypto coins themselves?

That way you don’t have to rely on a human victim buying some Bitcoin, and nervously making their way onto the dark web to make their ransom payment.

According to security researchers at Proofpoint, that’s exactly the reasoning shown by online criminals who are moving from regular ransomware to cryptomining.

A Monero-mining botnet called Smominru is said to have infected 526,000 Windows PCs since May 2017 – mostly in Russia, India, and Taiwan – and is earning millions of dollars for its operators.


In fact, the biggest clue that most users will have that their computers may be affected by a cryptominer is if they found the PC is slowing down, its battery running out at a quicker rate, or the fan blowing at full blast.


Don’t make the mistake of thinking that this is a victimless crime. If your computers get recruited into a cryptomining botnet like Smominru, it’s your electricity and computer power that is being stolen.


Keep your computers up-to-date with security patches, defended with layered security solutions, and your wits about you.


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