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ICT Security-Sécurité PC et Internet
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Curated by Gust MEES
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Scooped by Gust MEES
October 19, 2012 5:26 PM

MDM and BYOD: A square peg for a round hole

MDM and BYOD: A square peg for a round hole | ICT Security-Sécurité PC et Internet | Scoop.it
While mobile device management will always be in use in the enterprise, thankfully, a better option exists.


In fact, it seems the only group not excited about BYOD is IT – the ones who have to figure out how to keep sensitive corporate information safe. IT's consternation over BYOD is made worse by the fact that many think mobile device management (MDM) is the only tool available to contain the risks associated with BYOD, which is not the case.


MDM will always have a place in the enterprise because BYOD will simply never be the right approach for every employee. However, when it comes to BYOD implementations, MDM is not ideal. Thankfully, a better option exists. Mobile application management (MAM) presents an intriguing option for preparing for and avoiding the hazards of BYOD.


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Rescooped by Gust MEES from 21st Century Learning and Teaching
September 12, 2012 6:53 AM

BYOD-2012 Mobile Device Security Policy Survey

BYOD-2012 Mobile Device Security Policy Survey | ICT Security-Sécurité PC et Internet | Scoop.it
nCircle is the leading provider of automated security and compliance auditing solutions.


Gust MEES: while using e-Learning, m-Learning and "Bring Your Own Device" (Hashtag on Twitter = #BYOD) we need to know the dangers, risks and ALSO that NO DEVICE is perfect! ANY device containing a computer, even a mini-computer is vulnerable! Mini-computer? YES, also a smartphone with what ever OS is vulnerable as it is more a computer than a phone!


Please check my FREE courses and curations here to get smart and don't forget "Forewarned is Forearmed"!


- http://gustmees.wordpress.com/2012/07/07/bring-your-own-device-advantages-dangers-and-risks/


- http://gustmees.wordpress.com/category/get-smart-with-5-minutes-tutorials/


- http://gustmeesen.wordpress.com/2012/03/16/beginners-it-security-guide/


- http://www.scoop.it/t/ict-security-tools


- http://www.scoop.it/t/securite-pc-et-internet


- http://www.scoop.it/t/apps-for-any-use-mostly-for-education-and-free


                   ===> Be aware of the malware!!! <===


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Scooped by Gust MEES
September 8, 2012 1:58 PM

4 Rogue IT Trends to Watch Out For BYOD

4 Rogue IT Trends to Watch Out For BYOD | ICT Security-Sécurité PC et Internet | Scoop.it
Is IT becoming a consumer product?...


Most people are participating in rogue IT without even realizing it. By definition, rogue IT is the unmanaged hardware and software that employees bring into their offices, connect to employers’ networks and use for professional productivity on personal time. At first, it doesn’t sound so bad. By allowing employees to connect to the Wi-Fi with their own devices, companies avoid the cost of providing the hardware. But as we learned from the BYOD toolkit from CIO.gov, BYOD programs aren’t profitable if they are uncontrolled, because problems, like the ones we’ll discuss below, arise.


===> Rogue IT is innovative and efficient for workers, but it’s becoming a real problem for IT managers. Here are four trends that are shaking up IT: <===


Gust MEES: check out also my FREE course about it here

- http://gustmees.wordpress.com/2012/07/07/bring-your-own-device-advantages-dangers-and-risks/



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Gust MEES's comment, September 9, 2012 3:54 PM

Merci pour avoir fait lke #rescoop de ma curation, mais:

Quand on #rescoop un article d'un autre curateur on le fait à 100% et on ne fait pas de la censure sur le #scoopit de cet auteur !!!

Le texte complet est sur cette curation, voici ce qui manque:

"===> Rogue IT is innovative and efficient for workers, but it’s becoming a real problem for IT managers. Here are four trends that are shaking up IT: <===

Gust MEES: check out also my FREE course about it here
- http://gustmees.wordpress.com/2012/07/07/bring-your-own-device-advantages-dangers-and-risks/";

Et c'est l'article complet que je veux voir avec mes remarques personnelles, et rien d'autre !!!

Si vous n'êtes pas d'accord avec mes remarques personnelles je vous conseille vivement d'effacer ce #scoopit (il est marqué avec mon nom !!!) et de prendre l'adresse originaire de le republier avec votre propre nom sans mes commentaires !!!

J'espère que l'on s'est bien compris, autrement j'attends votre commentaire de retour !!!

Bonne soirée,
Stéphane Koch's comment, September 10, 2012 2:24 AM
Cher Gust, la "curation de contenu" est basée sur la mise à disposition de contenus que l'on aura auparavant "éditorialisés", l'idée étant d'organiser et de structurer l'information afin d'en offrir une "meilleure" lisibilité. Scoopit offre, par son champs d'édition, la possibilité d’aménager/organiser l'information à sa convenance... Que l'on partage, ou repartage une info... Concernant spécifiquement cet article ont je me permets - gentiment - de rappeler que vous n'en êtes pas l'auteur. Et d'ajouter qu'il n'y avait aucune volonté de censure de ma part... La mention de votre nom fait référence à la source de ce partage, et ne vous indique en aucune cas comme étant une référence par rapport au contenu de cet article, sur lequel par ailleurs vous n'avez aucun droit de propriété, si ce n'est celui d'être justement mentionné comme source dudit partage. Ni ne vous engage juridiquement. Vous devriez plutôt prendre en compte que la mention de votre nom permet aux lecteurs de venir visiter votre propre scoopit et de s'y abonner le cas échéant, et au final d'en apprendre plus sur vous et les différents services que vous offrez... Donc s'il y avait eu une volonté de "censure" de ma part, j'aurais "rescoopé" directement l'article sans mention de l'origine de son partage, d'autant plus que dans le cas présent je n'ai pas altéré ou modifié le contenu de l'article lors de sa "réédition".

Bref, si vous n'aviez pas utilisé un ton aussi peu courtois, j'aurais accédé avec plaisir à votre demande... Je vais donc laisser les choses en l'état, étant donné que - comme mentionné précédemment - cela permettra non seulement aux lecteurs intéressés d'accéder à votre scoopit, mais aussi de lire votre commentaire, et par conséquent, ce que vous vouliez communiquer.... Voilà pour ce qui est de mon "commentaire de retour".

Pour finir, je ne peux m'empêcher de "quoter" "2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)". Je pense que c'est tout à fait approprié à la situation ;) "Look Dave, I can see you're really upset about this. I honestly think you ought to sit down calmly, take a stress pill, and think things over."
Rescooped by Gust MEES from 21st Century Learning and Teaching
September 6, 2012 9:50 AM

Infographic: Uneducated Employees and Their Seven Deadly Sins

Infographic: Uneducated Employees and Their Seven Deadly Sins | ICT Security-Sécurité PC et Internet | Scoop.it
Organizations that do not invest in security education for their employees put themselves at risk. Trustwave's infographic outlines how.


Gust MEES: when working with ICT Education of employees is a MUST, in Business and especially in Education while working with "Bring Your Own Device" (Hashtag on Twitter = #BYOD)!


Don't forget that Internetsafety alone isn't enough! You need also to protect the computer and other devices of "Bring Your Own Device" (BYOD), check my FREE courses here:



National Cybersecurity Awareness Month Advocates Good “Cyber Hygiene”
Check also what CIO.GOVhttp://www.cio.gov/pages.cfm/page/National-Cybersecurity-Awareness-Month-Advocates-Good-Cyber-Hygiene  An Official Website of the United States Government says: Surfing the web. Social networking. Shopping. Even the most innocuous online activities can pose a threat to our nation’s cybersecurity, and all Americans should play a part in protecting it.













 Check out also "Security Education Services" from Trustwave:






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Scooped by Gust MEES
October 15, 2012 6:03 PM

The BYOD security commandments

The BYOD security commandments | ICT Security-Sécurité PC et Internet | Scoop.it

The BYOD trend will make cyber security more complex

Of the tips put forward by IDC, the first one is perhaps the most obvious and perhaps the reasons why the BYOD trend has caused so many headaches.


“The consensus is that BYOD is now a given. Whether you want it or not, employees will do your work on their own devices,” says Infosec commentator Stilgherrian.


“So your choice is whether to have a policy that acknowledges that and lays out the ground rules, or try to ban it and end up with an infestation of unknown and uncontrolled devices.”


However, as many enterprises are currently finding out, controlling and securing data on multiple devices is a lot easier said than done.


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Scooped by Gust MEES
September 8, 2012 2:03 PM

Endpoint Security for BYOD

Endpoint Security for BYOD | ICT Security-Sécurité PC et Internet | Scoop.it
Everyone wants to bring personal devices into the workplace; these tips will help keep your network secure.


From iPhones and Android devices to tablets and notebooks, employees are increasingly bringing devices from home to the office for both work and personal reasons. Once they arrive, they expect to be able to join those devices to the network, ­either to access shared resources or simply to connect to the Internet. Whatever an agency’s stance on the “bring your own device”(BYOD) trend, a few simple tips can help protect the network.


Gust MEES: check out also my FREE course about it here
- http://gustmees.wordpress.com/2012/07/07/bring-your-own-device-advantages-dangers-and-risks/


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Scooped by Gust MEES
September 7, 2012 7:17 AM

As BYOD Trend Grows So Do Malware Attacks

As BYOD Trend Grows So Do Malware Attacks | ICT Security-Sécurité PC et Internet | Scoop.it
As BYOD Trend Grows So Do Malware Attacks
The report found that the majority of employee’s devices did not have any form of security software loaded nor were company materials protected.


The BYOD concept has been a growing trend for some years now as employees become more accustomed to using their own mobile computing devices in their jobs, and accessing corporate assets.

The rapid adoption of high end smartphones and tablets including iPhones, iPads and Android devices along with the number of easily accessible apps is driving this concept forward. Cloud based services, accessible from almost anywhere, are also a key factor.

The ‘Mobile Security Strategies: Threats, Solutions & Market Forecasts 2012-2017’ report report from Juniper found that while this trend can bring productivity benefits to businesses, it also poses potential security risks.


In particular, the report found that the majority of employee’s phones and smart devices did not have any form of security software loaded nor were company materials protected. The new report provides detailed assessments of the mobile security threat and the growing market for security solutions.


The war on cybercrime therefore continues for many organizations and especially their IT departments and CISOs. The total number of Computer viruses, trojans and web attacks is growing at their fastest pace in four years.


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