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Curated by Gust MEES
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Scooped by Gust MEES
February 26, 2018 9:48 AM

Canonical rend disponibles des correctifs pour 26 failles découvertes dans le noyau d'Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, avec un patch pour atténuer la faille Meltdown | #Linux #CyberSecurity #Updates 

Canonical rend disponibles des correctifs pour 26 failles découvertes dans le noyau d'Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, avec un patch pour atténuer la faille Meltdown | #Linux #CyberSecurity #Updates  | ICT Security-Sécurité PC et Internet | Scoop.it
Canoncinal vient d’annoncer la disponibilité de correctifs pour 26 vulnérabilités recensées dans le noyau d’Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr). Cette version qui est sortie depuis avril 2014 bénéficie d’un support Long Term Support abrégé LTS (pour support à long terme en français) ce qui fait qu’elle est prise en charge par l’équipe de développement pendant cinq ans (pour les versions bureau et serveur), soit jusqu’en avril 2019.

Dans cette récente annonce, l’entreprise rapporte parmi les failles corrigées qu’une vulnérabilité d’écriture hors limites existait dans le système de fichiers Flash-Friendly (f2fs) du noyau Linux. Cette faille qui a été consignée sous la référence CVE-2017-0750 pourrait être exploitée par un attaquant pour construire un système de fichiers malveillant qui, lorsqu’il est monté, peut provoquer un déni de service (panne du système) ou éventuellement exécuter du code arbitraire.

À côté de cette faille, une situation de concurrence débouchant sur une faille use-after-free a été découverte dans la fonction snd_pcm_info du sous-système ALSA PCM sur le noyau Linux. Cette situation de compétition rapportée par l’équipe de sécurité d’Ubuntu pourrait être utilisée par une personne malveillante pour obtenir des privilèges non autorisés à travers des vecteurs non spécifiés et provoquer une panne du système ou éventuellement exécuter du code arbitraire. Cette faille portant le code CVE-2017-0861 a été classée à un niveau élevé de sévérité selon la version 3 de CVSS Severity.


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Gust MEES's insight:
Canoncinal vient d’annoncer la disponibilité de correctifs pour 26 vulnérabilités recensées dans le noyau d’Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr). Cette version qui est sortie depuis avril 2014 bénéficie d’un support Long Term Support abrégé LTS (pour support à long terme en français) ce qui fait qu’elle est prise en charge par l’équipe de développement pendant cinq ans (pour les versions bureau et serveur), soit jusqu’en avril 2019.

Dans cette récente annonce, l’entreprise rapporte parmi les failles corrigées qu’une vulnérabilité d’écriture hors limites existait dans le système de fichiers Flash-Friendly (f2fs) du noyau Linux. Cette faille qui a été consignée sous la référence CVE-2017-0750 pourrait être exploitée par un attaquant pour construire un système de fichiers malveillant qui, lorsqu’il est monté, peut provoquer un déni de service (panne du système) ou éventuellement exécuter du code arbitraire.

À côté de cette faille, une situation de concurrence débouchant sur une faille use-after-free a été découverte dans la fonction snd_pcm_info du sous-système ALSA PCM sur le noyau Linux. Cette situation de compétition rapportée par l’équipe de sécurité d’Ubuntu pourrait être utilisée par une personne malveillante pour obtenir des privilèges non autorisés à travers des vecteurs non spécifiés et provoquer une panne du système ou éventuellement exécuter du code arbitraire. Cette faille portant le code CVE-2017-0861 a été classée à un niveau élevé de sévérité selon la version 3 de CVSS Severity.


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Scooped by Gust MEES
February 8, 2018 9:59 AM

Adobe Flash Player: Wichtiges Update soll Zero-Day-Lücke schließen | #CyberSecurity #Updates #Awareness

Adobe Flash Player: Wichtiges Update soll Zero-Day-Lücke schließen | #CyberSecurity #Updates #Awareness | ICT Security-Sécurité PC et Internet | Scoop.it
Adobe hat für seinen Flash Player ein Sicherheits-Update freigegeben. Version schließt die kritische Sicherheitslücke, die vergangene Woche publik wurde. Nachdem die Lücke bereits ausgenutzt wird, sollten Sie als Flash-Nutzer dringend aktualisieren. Wie dies manuell funktioniert, erklären wir Ihnen im Video.


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Gust MEES's insight:
Adobe hat für seinen Flash Player ein Sicherheits-Update freigegeben. Version schließt die kritische Sicherheitslücke, die vergangene Woche publik wurde. Nachdem die Lücke bereits ausgenutzt wird, sollten Sie als Flash-Nutzer dringend aktualisieren. Wie dies manuell funktioniert, erklären wir Ihnen im Video.


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Scooped by Gust MEES
February 1, 2018 11:22 AM

Smominru! Half a million PCs hit by cryptomining botnet | #CyberSecurity #CryptoJacking #Malware #Updates #Awareness

Smominru! Half a million PCs hit by cryptomining botnet | #CyberSecurity #CryptoJacking #Malware #Updates #Awareness | ICT Security-Sécurité PC et Internet | Scoop.it
Why go to all the bother of writing ransomware that demands victims pay a Bitcoin ransom? If all you want is cryptocurrency, why not use the infected computers to mine the crypto coins themselves?

That way you don’t have to rely on a human victim buying some Bitcoin, and nervously making their way onto the dark web to make their ransom payment.

According to security researchers at Proofpoint, that’s exactly the reasoning shown by online criminals who are moving from regular ransomware to cryptomining.

A Monero-mining botnet called Smominru is said to have infected 526,000 Windows PCs since May 2017 – mostly in Russia, India, and Taiwan – and is earning millions of dollars for its operators.


In fact, the biggest clue that most users will have that their computers may be affected by a cryptominer is if they found the PC is slowing down, its battery running out at a quicker rate, or the fan blowing at full blast.


Don’t make the mistake of thinking that this is a victimless crime. If your computers get recruited into a cryptomining botnet like Smominru, it’s your electricity and computer power that is being stolen.


Keep your computers up-to-date with security patches, defended with layered security solutions, and your wits about you.


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Gust MEES's insight:
Why go to all the bother of writing ransomware that demands victims pay a Bitcoin ransom? If all you want is cryptocurrency, why not use the infected computers to mine the crypto coins themselves?

That way you don’t have to rely on a human victim buying some Bitcoin, and nervously making their way onto the dark web to make their ransom payment.

According to security researchers at Proofpoint, that’s exactly the reasoning shown by online criminals who are moving from regular ransomware to cryptomining.

A Monero-mining botnet called Smominru is said to have infected 526,000 Windows PCs since May 2017 – mostly in Russia, India, and Taiwan – and is earning millions of dollars for its operators.


In fact, the biggest clue that most users will have that their computers may be affected by a cryptominer is if they found the PC is slowing down, its battery running out at a quicker rate, or the fan blowing at full blast.


Don’t make the mistake of thinking that this is a victimless crime. If your computers get recruited into a cryptomining botnet like Smominru, it’s your electricity and computer power that is being stolen.


Keep your computers up-to-date with security patches, defended with layered security solutions, and your wits about you.


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Scooped by Gust MEES
January 26, 2018 12:20 PM

Keylogger found on thousands of WordPress-based sites, stealing... | #Blogs #CyberSecurity #Updates #CyberHygiene #Awareness

Keylogger found on thousands of WordPress-based sites, stealing... | #Blogs #CyberSecurity #Updates #CyberHygiene #Awareness | ICT Security-Sécurité PC et Internet | Scoop.it

A new report from researchers at Sucuri reveals that websites are once again being found infected by cryptomining code – stealing the resources of visiting computers to mine for the Monero cryptocurrency.

Many web surfers almost certainly don’t realise that the reason that their laptop’s fan is running at full blast is because the website they are viewing is tied up with the complex number-crunching necessary to earn the digital currency.

But, in a twist, this particular attack isn’t just interested in mining Monero. While the website’s front-end is digging for cryptocurrencies, the back-end is secretly hosting a keylogger designed to steal unsuspecting users’ login credentials.

With the keylogger in place, any information entered on any of the affected websites’ web forms will be surreptitiously sent to the hackers.

And yes, that includes the site’s login form.


We’ve said it before, and we’ll no doubt say it again. And again.

If your website is powered by the self-hosted edition of WordPress, it’s essential that you keep both it, and any third-party plugins, updated.


Self-hosting your WordPress site is attractive in many ways, but you have to acknowledge that security is now your responsibility (or find yourself a managed wordpress host who is prepared to take it on for you). New vulnerabilities are found in the software and its many thousands of third-party plugins all the time.


In short, if you don’t know what you’re doing, there’s a chance that your WordPress-running website has security holes which a malicious hacker could exploit. Such security weaknesses could potentially damage your brand, scam your website visitors, and help online criminals to make their fortune.


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Gust MEES's insight:

A new report from researchers at Sucuri reveals that websites are once again being found infected by cryptomining code – stealing the resources of visiting computers to mine for the Monero cryptocurrency.

Many web surfers almost certainly don’t realise that the reason that their laptop’s fan is running at full blast is because the website they are viewing is tied up with the complex number-crunching necessary to earn the digital currency.

But, in a twist, this particular attack isn’t just interested in mining Monero. While the website’s front-end is digging for cryptocurrencies, the back-end is secretly hosting a keylogger designed to steal unsuspecting users’ login credentials.

With the keylogger in place, any information entered on any of the affected websites’ web forms will be surreptitiously sent to the hackers.

And yes, that includes the site’s login form.


We’ve said it before, and we’ll no doubt say it again. And again.

If your website is powered by the self-hosted edition of WordPress, it’s essential that you keep both it, and any third-party plugins, updated.


Self-hosting your WordPress site is attractive in many ways, but you have to acknowledge that security is now your responsibility (or find yourself a managed wordpress host who is prepared to take it on for you). New vulnerabilities are found in the software and its many thousands of third-party plugins all the time.


In short, if you don’t know what you’re doing, there’s a chance that your WordPress-running website has security holes which a malicious hacker could exploit. Such security weaknesses could potentially damage your brand, scam your website visitors, and help online criminals to make their fortune.


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Scooped by Gust MEES
January 4, 2018 9:48 AM

Windows Meltdown-Spectre patches: If you haven't got them, blame your antivirus | #CyberSecurity #NobodyIsPerfect #Awareness

Windows Meltdown-Spectre patches: If you haven't got them, blame your antivirus | #CyberSecurity #NobodyIsPerfect #Awareness | ICT Security-Sécurité PC et Internet | Scoop.it
Microsoft has warned users that its patches for the dangerous Meltdown CPU bug won't reach them if their third-party antivirus hasn't been updated to support this week's Windows security update.

By now Windows users should have received the patches Microsoft released yesterday to plug the widespread Meltdown bug and its companion Spectre, which expose most computers and phones to speculative execution side-channel attacks that affect chips from Intel, AMD, and Arm.

Microsoft released software updates for Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge, Windows, and SQL Server, but customers will also need to apply firmware updates from their respective hardware vendors too.

Surface and Surface Book users can expect an automatic firmware update from Microsoft but those with other hardware will need to check with their vendors.


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Gust MEES's insight:
Microsoft has warned users that its patches for the dangerous Meltdown CPU bug won't reach them if their third-party antivirus hasn't been updated to support this week's Windows security update.

By now Windows users should have received the patches Microsoft released yesterday to plug the widespread Meltdown bug and its companion Spectre, which expose most computers and phones to speculative execution side-channel attacks that affect chips from Intel, AMD, and Arm.

Microsoft released software updates for Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge, Windows, and SQL Server, but customers will also need to apply firmware updates from their respective hardware vendors too.

Surface and Surface Book users can expect an automatic firmware update from Microsoft but those with other hardware will need to check with their vendors.


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Scooped by Gust MEES
November 30, 2016 8:55 PM

ALERT! Mozilla and Tor release urgent update for Firefox 0-day under active attack | #CyberSecurity #Anonymity

ALERT! Mozilla and Tor release urgent update for Firefox 0-day under active attack | #CyberSecurity #Anonymity | ICT Security-Sécurité PC et Internet | Scoop.it
Developers with both Mozilla and Tor have published browser updates that patch a critical Firefox vulnerability being actively exploited to deanonymize people using the privacy service.

Firefox 0-day in the wild is being used to attack Tor users
"The security flaw responsible for this urgent release is already actively exploited on Windows systems," a Tor official wrote in an advisory published Wednesday afternoon. "Even though there is currently, to the best of our knowledge, no similar exploit for OS X or Linux users available, the underlying bug affects those platforms as well. Thus we strongly recommend that all users apply the update to their Tor Browser immediately."


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Gust MEES's insight:
Developers with both Mozilla and Tor have published browser updates that patch a critical Firefox vulnerability being actively exploited to deanonymize people using the privacy service.

Firefox 0-day in the wild is being used to attack Tor users
"The security flaw responsible for this urgent release is already actively exploited on Windows systems," a Tor official wrote in an advisory published Wednesday afternoon. "Even though there is currently, to the best of our knowledge, no similar exploit for OS X or Linux users available, the underlying bug affects those platforms as well. Thus we strongly recommend that all users apply the update to their Tor Browser immediately."


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Scooped by Gust MEES
February 8, 2018 10:07 AM

Flash Player : Adobe diffuse son patch pour la 0day | #CyberSecurity #Updates #Awareness

Flash Player : Adobe diffuse son patch pour la 0day | #CyberSecurity #Updates #Awareness | ICT Security-Sécurité PC et Internet | Scoop.it
La mise à jour Flash Player est au rendez-vous prévu afin de corriger une vulnérabilité exploitée dans des attaques. Un exploit qui pourrait être nord-coréen. Adobe en profite pour corriger une autre faille critique.

Comme promis la semaine dernière, Adobe publie une mise à jour de sécurité pour Flash Player afin de corriger la vulnérabilité CVE-2018-4878 qui est exploitée dans des attaques ciblées visant des utilisateurs Windows.

L'exploitation s'appuie sur des documents Office avec du contenu Flash malveillant. Un objet ActiveX (un fichier SWF) est intégré dans le document et contient l'exploit Flash.


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Gust MEES's insight:
La mise à jour Flash Player est au rendez-vous prévu afin de corriger une vulnérabilité exploitée dans des attaques. Un exploit qui pourrait être nord-coréen. Adobe en profite pour corriger une autre faille critique.

Comme promis la semaine dernière, Adobe publie une mise à jour de sécurité pour Flash Player afin de corriger la vulnérabilité CVE-2018-4878 qui est exploitée dans des attaques ciblées visant des utilisateurs Windows.

L'exploitation s'appuie sur des documents Office avec du contenu Flash malveillant. Un objet ActiveX (un fichier SWF) est intégré dans le document et contient l'exploit Flash.


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Scooped by Gust MEES
February 6, 2018 11:54 AM

Grammarly user? Patch now to stop crooks stealing all your data… | #CyberSecurity #DataBreaches #Awareness #Privacy #Updates

Grammarly user? Patch now to stop crooks stealing all your data… | #CyberSecurity #DataBreaches #Awareness #Privacy #Updates | ICT Security-Sécurité PC et Internet | Scoop.it
Have you watched a YouTube video lately in a country where English is widely used?

If so, we’re willing to bet that you’ve seen an advert for Grammarly, an online spelling and grammar checker.

In fact, we’ll suggest you’ve seen the Grammarly ad many times, perhaps even very many times – we certainly have.

The ads seem to be working, with the product currently closing in on 1,000,000 installs in Firefox, and already claiming more than 10,000,000 in Chrome.

As the product pitch in the Firefox add-on store explains:

Once you register your new account, you will start to receive weekly emails with personalized insights and performance stats (one of our most popular new features). Working on a large project, an essay, or a blog post? No sweat. You can create and store all of your documents in your new online editor.

In other words, your Grammarly account ends up knowing a lot about you, and holding copies of a lot of what you’ve written.

A security hole in Grammarly could therefore tell crooks much more about you than you’d like them to know.


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Gust MEES's insight:
Have you watched a YouTube video lately in a country where English is widely used?

If so, we’re willing to bet that you’ve seen an advert for Grammarly, an online spelling and grammar checker.

In fact, we’ll suggest you’ve seen the Grammarly ad many times, perhaps even very many times – we certainly have.

The ads seem to be working, with the product currently closing in on 1,000,000 installs in Firefox, and already claiming more than 10,000,000 in Chrome.

As the product pitch in the Firefox add-on store explains:

Once you register your new account, you will start to receive weekly emails with personalized insights and performance stats (one of our most popular new features). Working on a large project, an essay, or a blog post? No sweat. You can create and store all of your documents in your new online editor.

In other words, your Grammarly account ends up knowing a lot about you, and holding copies of a lot of what you’ve written.

A security hole in Grammarly could therefore tell crooks much more about you than you’d like them to know.


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Scooped by Gust MEES
January 26, 2018 7:42 PM

Thunderbird unbedingt updaten: Neue Version stopft kritische Sicherheitslücke | #CyberSecurity #Vulnerabilities #Updates #Awareness #CyberHygiene

Thunderbird unbedingt updaten: Neue Version stopft kritische Sicherheitslücke | #CyberSecurity #Vulnerabilities #Updates #Awareness #CyberHygiene | ICT Security-Sécurité PC et Internet | Scoop.it
Mit dem Patch auf Version 52.6 behebt Mozilla einige schwerwiegende Fehler in seinem beliebten E-Mail-Client Thunderbird. Darunter befinden sich auch kritische Sicherheitslücken befinden, die gestopft wurden. Nutzer sollten schnell aktualisieren. CHIP hat die neueste Version der kostenlosen Software für Windows, macOS und Linux zum Download. Im Video zeigen wir Ihnen, wie Sie Thunderbird aktualisieren.


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Gust MEES's insight:
Mit dem Patch auf Version 52.6 behebt Mozilla einige schwerwiegende Fehler in seinem beliebten E-Mail-Client Thunderbird. Darunter befinden sich auch kritische Sicherheitslücken befinden, die gestopft wurden. Nutzer sollten schnell aktualisieren. CHIP hat die neueste Version der kostenlosen Software für Windows, macOS und Linux zum Download. Im Video zeigen wir Ihnen, wie Sie Thunderbird aktualisieren.


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Scooped by Gust MEES
January 9, 2018 12:20 PM

Wichtiges Sicherheits-Update für Adobe Flash #Update asap!! | #CyberSecurity #PatchTuesday #Updates #CyberHygiene #Awareness

Wichtiges Sicherheits-Update für Adobe Flash  #Update asap!! | #CyberSecurity #PatchTuesday #Updates #CyberHygiene #Awareness | ICT Security-Sécurité PC et Internet | Scoop.it

An seinem ersten Patchday des Jahres dichtet Adobe einen Speicherfehler im Flash Player ab, der zu einem Informationsleck führen kann.

Anlässlich seines Januar-Patchdays schließt Adobe eine Sicherheitslücke im Flash Player, die zu einem Informationsleck führen kann. Der Speicherfehler (Out of bounds) trägt die CVE-Nummer 2018-4871 und wurde anonym über Trend Micros Zero Day Initiative an Adobe herangetragen. Der Hersteller ordnete der Lücke den zweithöchsten Schweregrad "wichtig" zu, bislang seien keine Fälle bekannt, in denen die Schwachstelle für Angriffe missbraucht wurde. Betroffen sind alle Versionen des Flash Player bis einschließlich auf allen unterstützten Plattformen.

Für Abhilfe sorgt Version, die sich wie gewohnt als Desktop-Runtime für Windows und Linux direkt bei Adobe beziehen lässt. Um die Aktualität des Plug-ins für den Chrome-Browser kümmert sich Google; in Kürze erscheint voraussichtlich eine neue Chrome-Version, welche die aktuelle Flash-Version enthält. Das Flash-Plug-in für Edge und Internet Explorer bringt Microsoft über Windows Update auf den aktuellen Stand. 


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Gust MEES's insight:

An seinem ersten Patchday des Jahres dichtet Adobe einen Speicherfehler im Flash Player ab, der zu einem Informationsleck führen kann.

Anlässlich seines Januar-Patchdays schließt Adobe eine Sicherheitslücke im Flash Player, die zu einem Informationsleck führen kann. Der Speicherfehler (Out of bounds) trägt die CVE-Nummer 2018-4871 und wurde anonym über Trend Micros Zero Day Initiative an Adobe herangetragen. Der Hersteller ordnete der Lücke den zweithöchsten Schweregrad "wichtig" zu, bislang seien keine Fälle bekannt, in denen die Schwachstelle für Angriffe missbraucht wurde. Betroffen sind alle Versionen des Flash Player bis einschließlich auf allen unterstützten Plattformen.

Für Abhilfe sorgt Version, die sich wie gewohnt als Desktop-Runtime für Windows und Linux direkt bei Adobe beziehen lässt. Um die Aktualität des Plug-ins für den Chrome-Browser kümmert sich Google; in Kürze erscheint voraussichtlich eine neue Chrome-Version, welche die aktuelle Flash-Version enthält. Das Flash-Plug-in für Edge und Internet Explorer bringt Microsoft über Windows Update auf den aktuellen Stand. 


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Scooped by Gust MEES
August 31, 2017 8:51 AM

Kritische Lücke in Adobe Acrobat: Bitte noch einmal patchen! | #CyberSecurity #Updates 

Kritische Lücke in Adobe Acrobat: Bitte noch einmal patchen! | #CyberSecurity #Updates  | ICT Security-Sécurité PC et Internet | Scoop.it
Adobe hat beim August-Patchday eine kritische Lücke in seinem PDF-Reader nicht ausreichend abdichten können. Jetzt legt die Firma ein Update nach, das Anwender unbedingt installieren sollten.

Adobe hat ein neues Update für seinen Acrobat Reader veröffentlicht. Dieses enthält zwei Patches und wurde außerhalb des normalen Patchday-Zykluses der Firma veröffentlicht, da beim August-Patchday eine kritische Sicherheitslücke nicht richtig geschlossen worden war. Dabei handelt es sich um CVE-2017-11223, einen Speicherverwaltungsfehler vom Typ Use After Free, den Angreifer missbrauchen können um Schadcode per PDF in den Reader einzuschleusen und dann auszuführen.


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Gust MEES's insight:
Adobe hat beim August-Patchday eine kritische Lücke in seinem PDF-Reader nicht ausreichend abdichten können. Jetzt legt die Firma ein Update nach, das Anwender unbedingt installieren sollten.

Adobe hat ein neues Update für seinen Acrobat Reader veröffentlicht. Dieses enthält zwei Patches und wurde außerhalb des normalen Patchday-Zykluses der Firma veröffentlicht, da beim August-Patchday eine kritische Sicherheitslücke nicht richtig geschlossen worden war. Dabei handelt es sich um CVE-2017-11223, einen Speicherverwaltungsfehler vom Typ Use After Free, den Angreifer missbrauchen können um Schadcode per PDF in den Reader einzuschleusen und dann auszuführen.


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Scooped by Gust MEES
October 13, 2015 6:50 PM

Adobe releases nearly 70 security updates for Flash, Reader, and Acrobat | CyberSecurity | Awareness

Adobe releases nearly 70 security updates for Flash, Reader, and Acrobat | CyberSecurity | Awareness | ICT Security-Sécurité PC et Internet | Scoop.it
Adobe has released 69 security updates to address multiple vulnerabilities found in its Flash, Reader, and Acrobat applications. Make sure you update your systems as quickly as possible to protect against the critical flaws.
Gust MEES's insight:

Adobe has released 69 security updates to address multiple vulnerabilities found in its Flash, Reader, and Acrobat applications. Make sure you update your systems as quickly as possible to protect against the critical flaws.

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