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ICT Security-Sécurité PC et Internet
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Curated by Gust MEES
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Scooped by Gust MEES
July 29, 2015 6:21 PM

MIT researchers figure out how to break Tor anonymity without cracking encryption | CyberSecurity | Privacy

MIT researchers figure out how to break Tor anonymity without cracking encryption | CyberSecurity | Privacy | ICT Security-Sécurité PC et Internet | Scoop.it

Researchers can identify which hidden service you're connecting to with 88% accuracy.

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Researchers can identify which hidden service you're connecting to with 88% accuracy.

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Scooped by Gust MEES
December 26, 2014 1:44 PM

Hackers Who Shut Down PSN and Xbox Live Now Attacking Tor | CyberSecurity | CyberAttacks

Hackers Who Shut Down PSN and Xbox Live Now Attacking Tor | CyberSecurity | CyberAttacks | ICT Security-Sécurité PC et Internet | Scoop.it
The hacker group appears to be attempting to dominate Tor's relays to the point where it can comprise anonymity. Tor keeps you anonymous by bouncing your communications around a network of volunteer nodes. But if one group is controlling the majority of the nodes, it could be able to eavesdrop on a substantial number of vulnerable users. Which means Lizard Squad could gain the power to track Tor users if it infiltrates enough of the network.

So far, they have already established over 3000 relays, nearly half of the total number. That's very not good.

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Gust MEES's insight:

The hacker group appears to be attempting to dominate Tor's relays to the point where it can comprise anonymity. Tor keeps you anonymous by bouncing your communications around a network of volunteer nodes. But if one group is controlling the majority of the nodes, it could be able to eavesdrop on a substantial number of vulnerable users. Which means Lizard Squad could gain the power to track Tor users if it infiltrates enough of the network.

So far, they have already established over 3000 relays, nearly half of the total number. That's very not good.

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Scooped by Gust MEES
November 14, 2014 10:24 PM

81% of Tor users can be de-anonymised by analysing router information, research indicates

81% of Tor users can be de-anonymised by analysing router information, research indicates | ICT Security-Sécurité PC et Internet | Scoop.it
Cisco routers contain traffic-flow software which can help an attacker deduce the identity of a Tor client.

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- http://www.scoop.it/t/securite-pc-et-internet/?tag=TOR

Gust MEES's insight:
Cisco routers contain traffic-flow software which can help an attacker deduce the identity of a Tor client.

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Scooped by Gust MEES
November 10, 2014 11:31 AM

Thoughts and Concerns about Operation Onymous | The Tor Blog

Thoughts and Concerns about Operation Onymous | The Tor Blog | ICT Security-Sécurité PC et Internet | Scoop.it

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Scooped by Gust MEES
May 27, 2015 4:40 PM

Online-Dienst erstellt maßgeschneiderte Krypto-Trojaner | TOR | CyberSecurity | eSkills

Online-Dienst erstellt maßgeschneiderte Krypto-Trojaner | TOR | CyberSecurity | eSkills | ICT Security-Sécurité PC et Internet | Scoop.it
Die Einstiegshürde für angehende Online-Erpresser ist erneut gesunken: Ein Dienst im Tor-Netz erstellt nach wenigen Klicks den individuellen Erpressungs-Trojaner. Falls ein Opfer das geforderte Lösegeld zahlt, verdienen die Betreiber mit.

Die Einstiegshürde für angehende Online-Erpresser ist erneut gesunken: Ein Dienst im Tor-Netz erstellt nach wenigen Klicks den individuellen Erpressungs-Trojaner. Falls ein Opfer das geforderte Lösegeld zahlt, verdienen die Betreiber mit.


Gust MEES's insight:

Die Einstiegshürde für angehende Online-Erpresser ist erneut gesunken: Ein Dienst im Tor-Netz erstellt nach wenigen Klicks den individuellen Erpressungs-Trojaner. Falls ein Opfer das geforderte Lösegeld zahlt, verdienen die Betreiber mit.


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Scooped by Gust MEES
November 19, 2014 8:07 AM

Analysis casts doubt on FBI claims over Tor website seizures | Cybercrime

Analysis casts doubt on FBI claims over Tor website seizures | Cybercrime | ICT Security-Sécurité PC et Internet | Scoop.it

Just how many hidden Tor services seized by law enforcement were genuine websites, and how many were clones and copies?

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Just how many hidden Tor services seized by law enforcement were genuine websites, and how many were clones and copies?

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Scooped by Gust MEES
November 14, 2014 11:18 AM

OnionDuke: APT Attacks Via the Tor Network | Cyber Security

OnionDuke: APT Attacks Via the Tor Network | Cyber Security | ICT Security-Sécurité PC et Internet | Scoop.it

Recently, research was published identifying a Tor exit node, located in Russia, that was consistently and maliciously modifying any uncompressed Windows executables downloaded through it. Naturally this piqued our interest, so we decided to peer down the rabbit hole. Suffice to say, the hole was a lot deeper than we expected! In fact, it went all the way back to the notorious Russian APT family MiniDuke, known to have been used in targeted attacks against NATO and European government agencies.

The malware used in this case is, however, not a version of MiniDuke. It is instead a separate, distinct family of malware that we have since taken to calling OnionDuke.

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Gust MEES's insight:

Recently, research was published identifying a Tor exit node, located in Russia, that was consistently and maliciously modifying any uncompressed Windows executables downloaded through it. Naturally this piqued our interest, so we decided to peer down the rabbit hole. Suffice to say, the hole was a lot deeper than we expected! In fact, it went all the way back to the notorious Russian APT family MiniDuke, known to have been used in targeted attacks against NATO and European government agencies.

The malware used in this case is, however, not a version of MiniDuke. It is instead a separate, distinct family of malware that we have since taken to calling OnionDuke.

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Scooped by Gust MEES
August 6, 2013 8:09 AM

Advice on Tor use in wake of Freedom Hosting compromise

Advice on Tor use in wake of Freedom Hosting compromise | ICT Security-Sécurité PC et Internet | Scoop.it
In the wake of the discovery that someone has compromised Tor hidden services hosted by Freedom Hosting and injected malicious JavaScript ai...
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