Learning basics of Cyber-Security | ICT Security-Sécurité PC et Internet | Scoop.it


[Beginning Text from www.informationweek.com]


Cybercriminals are looking for low-hanging fruit. Their targets are companies with poor defenses, a lack of security skills, and vulnerable end users. They’re looking for unlocked doors and open windows. The path of least resistance will always be the one most beaten down by bad guys.

There are many other reasons a cybercriminal might target your company and your employees, but the message is the same: ===> No business, no individual is immune. <=== Whether you are Sony or a mom-and-pop shop, you may be a target today. How you respond to that threat could make the difference between being safe and being breached. [End Text from www.informationweek.com]


In clear text this means that any private computer could be a target!


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