ChatGPT: A New Wave of Cybersecurity Concerns? | ICT Security-Sécurité PC et Internet |

As 2022 ended, OpenAI made ChatGPT live to the world. It is an artificially intelligent research and deployment chatbot that interacts through text using realistic human responses. Its deep learning techniques can generate conversations that convince anyone they are interacting with an actual human. 

Like opening the jar and releasing the genie, its impact is relatively unknown, but grave intrigue and curiosity surrounded it. How will it be used; how does it work; is it for good or evil? No, this is not the next Terminator sequel…

Its intentions are certainly for positive use, and its articulate responses have led many to claim it as the best chatbot to be released. However, in a short period, ChatGPT has already been linked to cyber threats as cyber-criminals leverage its advanced capabilities for nefarious means. 


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