Your forgotten IoT gadgets will leave a disastrous, toxic legacy | #CyberSecurity #Privacy #InternetOfThings  | ICT Security-Sécurité PC et Internet |

Billions of Internet of Things devices exist in offices and homes across the world, including everything from sensors and home assistants to connected children's toys.

But many producers of IoT devices have rushed out products with almost no thought put into cybersecurity. Not only has this resulted in data breaches as a result of IoT products with weak security, but also ended up with connected devices being roped into botnets and used to carry out DDoS attacks, or being used as an entry-point for hacking into the wider network.

While the idea of IoT devices being exploited to carry out devastating cyberattacks might seem far-fetched, it's worth remembering that technology moves forward at an alarming rate: IoT devices distributed in the next few years could still be operating in ten or twenty years -- with no way of receiving security updates.

That means bugs and vulnerabilities could come to light in that time which just can't be fixed due how the technology is built now.


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