Hackers bypassing some types of 2FA security FBI warns – | ICT Security-Sécurité PC et Internet | Scoop.it

Some types of two-factor authentication (2FA) security can no longer be guaranteed to keep the bad guys out, the FBI is reported to have warned US companies in a briefing note circulated last month.

FBI reporting identified several methods cyber actors use to circumvent popular multi-factor authentication techniques in order to obtain the one-time passcode and access protected accounts.

The simplest and therefore most popular bypass is SIM swap fraud, in which the attacker convinces a mobile network (or bribes an employee) to port a target’s mobile number, allowing them to receive 2FA security codes sent via SMS text.

Naked Security now regularly covers this kind of hack, almost always because it was used to empty people’s bank accounts, steal cryptocurrency from wallets or exchange accounts, or to attack services such as PayPal.


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