やばそうなホテル - The 13th Cloud Hotel - RoxkStudios - Second Life | Second Life Destinations | Scoop.it

Destination Guide から、The 13th Cloud Hotel を見物して来ました。

"Welcome to the Asylum! Explore the tale of the destitute remains of a broken-down madhouse. Once a place for care with doctors, the patients broke loose from their medication and ruined this establishment. You are invited to explore these ghastly terrors. Produced by the Doll's House & SLRandom ArtCrew on the RoxkStudios region." 

Designers Roxksie Logan, Viltringen McAuley

http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/RoxkStudios/154/125/2554スチームパンクっぽい。ホテルらしい。正しい時計はどれでしょう?やばそうなところだ。小屋にハープ弾きがいる。ホテルの中もやばそ...,LANDMARKS AND SNAPSHOTS IN VIRTUAL WORLD