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Scooped by Sad Mans Tongue
January 27, 2014 4:08 AM!

Lemmy Klimister, Slim Jim Phantom, and Danny B. Harvey's Headcat “Walk The Walk, Talk The Talk” Review

Lemmy Klimister, Slim Jim Phantom, and Danny B. Harvey's Headcat “Walk The Walk, Talk The Talk” Review | Rockabilly |
We have been a fan of Headcat for a couple of years now. The band, which is made up of Motorheads's Lemmy Klimister, The Stray Cats' Slim Jim Phantom, and Lonesome Spurs' Danny B Harvey, have taken...
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Scooped by Sad Mans Tongue
October 13, 2012 3:15 AM!

One Stray Cat + One Polecat + One Guana Bat

One Stray Cat + One Polecat + One Guana Bat | Rockabilly |
  by, Sarah Marie Pittman, Featured Writer,  Pollstar Stray Cats drummer Slim Jim Phantom, Guana Batz bass player Jonny Bowler and The Polecats singer Tim Polecat are once again teaming up. Th...
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