real utopias
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real utopias
Curated by jean lievens
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Scooped by jean lievens
November 2, 2015 3:35 PM!


Peer2Politics | real utopias |
on peer-to-peer dynamics in politics, the economy and organizations
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Scooped by jean lievens
August 14, 2016 5:31 AM!

No new scoops for a while

No new scoops for a while | real utopias |

Due to health problems, I need to interrupt my activities on for a while


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Scooped by jean lievens
August 4, 2016 4:13 PM!

Princeton Study Observes Group Consciousness Has Physical Effects On World During Large-Scale Events

Princeton Study Observes Group Consciousness Has Physical Effects On World During Large-Scale Events | real utopias |
For the first time in scientific history researchers have discovered that group consciousness (i.e. collective consciousness) elicits physical changes in the physical world around us. Researchers made the discovery in a groundbreaking study from Princeton University's PEAR Laboratory (Princeton
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Scooped by jean lievens
August 4, 2016 4:10 PM!

Revisiting the future with Laboria Cuboniks | A conversation |

Revisiting the future with Laboria Cuboniks | A conversation | | real utopias |

Techno-feminisms are, once again, on the ascent. The Xenofeminist Manifesto, published in 2015 by the collective Laboria Cuboniks, is a provocative and elaborate example for the renewed exhortation for gendered bodies to merge with technology, rationality and the sciences in order to defeat white supremacist patriarchal capitalism. Cornelia Sollfrank, a practising technofeminist artist with a long history and rich experience in building and contributing to cyber-feminist-net-art platforms and organisations, and Rachel Baker, a former ‘net artist’ currently involved in collaborative feminist performance and writing practices, are curious: What drives the resurrected hype around techno-feminisms? What is new about the future 30 years after Cyberfeminism? Will the current techno-feminist virus take hold? Or has recent history resulted in an aesthetic immunity to the strategy of “seductive semiotic parasites?”


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Scooped by jean lievens
August 4, 2016 4:09 PM!

The Corbyn Model of Leadership — Medium

The Corbyn Model of Leadership — Medium | real utopias |
Of all the people currently in leadership positions in a major political party anywhere in the world, Jeremy Corbyn is the only one who…
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Scooped by jean lievens
August 4, 2016 4:04 PM!

UK pay: British workers see biggest fall in wages - TUC - BBC News

UK pay: British workers see biggest fall in wages - TUC - BBC News | real utopias |
Workers in the UK have suffered the biggest fall in wages among the world's richest countries since the financial crisis, research suggests.
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Scooped by jean lievens
July 23, 2016 1:18 AM!

How The Eurozone Can Be Reformed

How The Eurozone Can Be Reformed | real utopias |
The 50th anniversary issue of Intereconomics is out, and I have a contribution which summarises how I think the Eurozone could succeed without deeply probl
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Scooped by jean lievens
July 23, 2016 1:18 AM!

Why US Democrats Must Derail Republican Party Nationalist Populism With Economic Populism

Why US Democrats Must Derail Republican Party Nationalist Populism With Economic Populism | real utopias |
Electoral success for Democrats in November will hinge on muting Republican nationalism with economic populism centered on raising wages.
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Scooped by jean lievens
July 22, 2016 5:34 AM!

How Will The EU’s ‘Rule Of Law’ Investigation Affect Polish Politics?

How Will The EU’s ‘Rule Of Law’ Investigation Affect Polish Politics? | real utopias |
The European Commission is currently conducting an inquiry into judicial and media reforms introduced by the Law and Justice government in Poland. Aleks Sz
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Scooped by jean lievens
July 22, 2016 5:31 AM!

The Third Way: Share-The-Gains Capitalism

The Third Way: Share-The-Gains Capitalism | real utopias |
No matter the outcome of their current turmoil, the CEO of Yahoo cannot lose. Why do we keep putting up with these kind of scenarios?
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Scooped by jean lievens
July 22, 2016 5:31 AM!

If Europe Takes Trade Union Rights For Granted… We Risk Losing Them

If Europe Takes Trade Union Rights For Granted… We Risk Losing Them | real utopias |
Why has the European Trade Union Confederation found it necessary to ring alarm bells in defence of basic trade union rights in the EU?
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Scooped by jean lievens
July 22, 2016 5:30 AM!

From monetary policy to fiscal policy and the law of unintended consequences

From monetary policy to fiscal policy and the law of unintended consequences | real utopias |
Yesterday the US Federal Reserve’s monetary policy committee (FOMC) decided to keep its policy interest rate unchanged.  The FOMC reckoned that global economic growth was slowing and it would be risky for the Fed to hike rates at this time because its policy rate sets the floor for all interest rates on bonds and mortgages…
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Scooped by jean lievens
July 22, 2016 5:30 AM!

EU-Turkey ‘Agreement’ On Syrian Refugees: An Illegal And Shameful Deal

EU-Turkey ‘Agreement’ On Syrian Refugees: An Illegal And Shameful Deal | real utopias |
I used to enjoy researching European integration because the subject struck me as a rich laboratory for distilling evidence on the dark undersides of natio
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Scooped by jean lievens
July 22, 2016 5:30 AM!

Why Should We Care About Inequality?

Why Should We Care About Inequality? | real utopias |
It’s no secret that wealth inequality has grown, both in the US and abroad over the past several decades (after moderating somewhat in the post-WWII era).
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Scooped by jean lievens
July 22, 2016 5:29 AM!

How Political Elites Have Failed To Ensure Social Justice Across Generations

How Political Elites Have Failed To Ensure Social Justice Across Generations | real utopias |
Something interesting has emerged in voting patterns on both sides of the Atlantic: Young people are voting in ways that are markedly different from their
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Scooped by jean lievens
July 22, 2016 5:29 AM!

A Visegrad Plan For Rebuilding European Cohesion

A Visegrad Plan For Rebuilding European Cohesion | real utopias |
In February 1991, presidents of three nascent European democracies convened at a castle near Budapest to proclaim their common desire to return to Europe.
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Scooped by jean lievens
July 22, 2016 5:29 AM!

Greek Pensions: Tsipras' Last Ditch Fight Versus Troika

Greek Pensions: Tsipras' Last Ditch Fight Versus Troika | real utopias |
The Troika is in Athens and will not leave without deep cuts to pensions, even though the country is back in recession. Far from last summer’s media glare,
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Scooped by jean lievens
July 22, 2016 5:28 AM!

Lies, Damn Lies, And European Growth Statistics

Lies, Damn Lies, And European Growth Statistics | real utopias |
“Greece has at last returned to economic growth.” That was the official European Union storyline at the end of 2014. Alas, Greek voters, unimpressed by thi
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Scooped by jean lievens
July 22, 2016 5:07 AM!

LRB · Frances Stonor Saunders · Where on Earth are you?

LRB · Frances Stonor Saunders · Where on Earth are you? | real utopias |
The one border we all cross, so often and with such well-rehearsed reflexes that we barely notice it, is the threshold of our own home. We open the front door, we close the front door: it’s the most basic geographical habit, and yet one lifetime is not enough to recount all our comings . . .
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Scooped by jean lievens
July 22, 2016 4:48 AM!

Owen Jones walks off show after hosts deny Orlando attack was homophobic (VIDEO)

Owen Jones walks off show after hosts deny Orlando attack was homophobic (VIDEO) | real utopias |
The journalist walked off after claiming his co-panelist and host were trying to ‘deflect’ attention from the fact that Omar Mateen deliberately attacked gay people.
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Scooped by jean lievens
July 22, 2016 4:45 AM!

European Labour Law: Floor Of Rights - Or Ceiling?

European Labour Law: Floor Of Rights - Or Ceiling? | real utopias |
It is important the vision of EU labour law as a ceiling of rights is discarded, and an alternative as a ‘safety net’ embraced once more.
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Scooped by jean lievens
July 22, 2016 4:44 AM!

Jeremy Corbyn Can Stop The March Of The Anti-European Right

Jeremy Corbyn Can Stop The March Of The Anti-European Right | real utopias |
The latest UK wide opinion polls warn of a real danger that the Leave campaign will win a small but decisive majority in the referendum to be held on June
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Scooped by jean lievens
July 22, 2016 3:36 AM!

Getting off the fence on modern imperialism

Those of you who have been following the discussion on modern imperialism on my blog will know it was kicked off by two books: one by John Smith called Imperialism in the 21st century and one by Tony Norfield called The City - London and the power of finance.  The discussion on my blog was…
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Scooped by jean lievens
June 29, 2016 4:24 PM!

Howard Zinn Is There Hope in This Desperate Time - Noam Chomsky 2016

Howard Zinn Is There Hope in This Desperate Time by Noam Chomsky
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Scooped by jean lievens
June 29, 2016 4:24 PM!

best of - Yanis Varoufakis Guerilla Interview 2016 June

yanis varoufakis noam chomsky, yanis varoufakis capitalism will eat democracy, yanis varoufakis bernie sanders, yanis varoufakis debate, yanis varoufaki
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Scooped by jean lievens
June 29, 2016 4:24 PM!

Yanis Varoufakis All The good stuff that cannot be measured 2016

yanis varoufakis 2016, yanis varoufakis noam chomsky, yanis varoufakis capitalism will eat democracy, yanis varoufakis bernie sanders, yanis varoufaki
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Curated by jean lievens
Economist, specialized in political economy and peer-to-peer dynamics; core member of the P2P Foundation