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Scooped by Bill Gassett
June 6, 2016 5:14 PM!

Selling a Home With a Reverse Mortgage

Selling a Home With a Reverse Mortgage | Real Estate Articles Worth Reading |
See how to sell a home with a reverse mortgage. Step by step guide to getting your home sold when you have a reverse mortgage to deal with.
Bill Gassett's insight:

One of the things that both seniors and their relatives often ask is whether or not selling a home with a reverse mortgage is different than selling one without this type of loan.


Do you need to do anything special when you are selling a home with a reverse mortgage? Given there are many seniors and their families who are often wondering about this subject I decided to write an article on how to sell a home with a reverse mortgage. While there are some special things you need to be concerned with when selling a home with this type of mortgage product there are also some tried and true selling tips you should follow.


Anyone who has sold a home in their life should understand that the agent who is selected to represent them is very important. It can easily make the difference on whether you are successful or not.


Other than selecting the right real estate agent there is nothing more important than pricing the home properly. In fact it is probably the #1 thing by far when selling a home.


These two criteria are discussed at length in the article. Beyond some of the prudent home selling advice for any property, there is also specific advice as it pertains to those with a reverse mortgage.


One of the unique circumstances that is mentioned is when a home owner is under water and does not have any equity in the home. This is something that is possible especially with a reverse mortgage.


Take a look and if you find the article helpful please consider scooping it or sharing within your social networks. This will be very helpful for seniors and/or their families.


You will also see a link to an article that gives an in-depth discussion on all the pros and cons of having a reverse mortgage in the first place.

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Scooped by Bill Gassett
April 18, 2016 4:54 PM!

Reverse Mortgage Advantages and Disadvantages

Reverse Mortgage Advantages and Disadvantages | Real Estate Articles Worth Reading |
What are the pros and cons of a reverse mortgage? See both the advantages and disadvantages of this loan product for seniors.
Bill Gassett's insight:

Probably one of the most confusing loan products to may people is what is known as a reverse mortgage. Reverse mortgages allow those seniors who are 62 years of age or older to tap the equity in their home in the form of a monthly payment.


Instead of paying a mortgage to live in your home the lender pays you from your equity to stay in the property, hence the term reverse mortgage.


There are however many pros and cons of a reverse mortgage that anyone considering this type of loan product should understand! In the article you will see a detailed description of both the advantages and disadvantages of using a reverse mortgage.


There is also a very helpful video that gives you some samples of how reverse mortgages work. If you have ever considered getting a reverse mortgage this is an article you will not want to miss.


Seniors who embark on getting a reverse mortgage should also understand there are a number of scams floating around. When getting a reverse mortgage it is imperative to work with a reputable mortgage company and not someone you saw advertising on late night television.


Besides the helpful guide to reverse mortgage products you will also see some other interesting financial resource articles from Kyle Hiscock, Luke Skar and Paul Sian.


If you find the article helpful, please consider either giving it a scoop or share on one of the other social networks. The more people that truly understand how reverse mortgages work the better!

Bill Gassett's comment, May 10, 2016 9:39 AM
Appreciate the share of the pros and cons of a reverse mortgage!
madisonmortgage's comment, May 10, 2016 1:28 PM
You bet @Bill Gassett, thanks for the great information!
Bill Gassett's comment, August 4, 2016 10:43 AM
Thanks for the scoop @Virginia Miros