Real Estate Articles Worth Reading
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Real Estate Articles Worth Reading for Real Estate. See real estate articles worth reading about buying and selling a home from many sources from around the internet including the blog.
Curated by Bill Gassett
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Scooped by Bill Gassett
October 20, 2021 3:32 PM!

Budgeting Tips When Leaving a Rental Property

Budgeting Tips When Leaving a Rental Property | Real Estate Articles Worth Reading |
See some helpful tips to plan your moving budget before leaving a rental property. Know what to do before you leave a rental.
Bill Gassett's insight:

Are you going to be moving out of a rental and are trying to plan a sensible budget? In the article at Active Rain, get some helpful guidance on how you can budget properly when moving out of a rental. Budgeting and financial planning go hand in hand.


If you are living in your first place and have never gone somewhere else you'll surely find these tips to be helpful.


Have a look at the article and if you find it helpful share it with others who may be in the same situation.

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Scooped by Bill Gassett
October 12, 2020 11:29 AM!

 Pros and Cons of Renting a Home vs. Renting an Apartment

 Pros and Cons of Renting a Home vs. Renting an Apartment | Real Estate Articles Worth Reading |
What to Know About Renting an Apartment vs. A Home Are you trying to decide between renting a home or an apartment? The choice to either rent an apartment or house can be difficult. On the one hand, renting a house might seem like the ideal type of home, with more rooms and space. But there are many advantages to living in an apartment too, like city center locations or lower costs. There isn't a right or wrong decision for most people when you’re choosing between renting a house or renting an apartment. A lot of folks have different financial
Bill Gassett's insight:

Are you trying to decide whether to rent a home or rent an apartment instead? If so, you are not alone! Lots of people struggle trying to decide if they should rent a house or an apartment. There are, of course, can be some similarities but there are also striking differences as well.


In the article at Maximum Real Estate Exposure, you will see a comprehensive review of both scenarios. By the time you are done reading you will have a much better understanding of what the pros and cons are of both.


Before committing to rent a house or apartment it is vital to understand some of the common rules and conditions with each.

Scooped by Bill Gassett
January 9, 2018 1:52 PM!

Should I Sell or Rent My Home

Should I Sell or Rent My Home | Real Estate Articles Worth Reading |
Should I rent or sell my house is a question a lot of homeowners will ask themselves. See all of the considerations for deciding whether renting or selling your home makes the most sense for your circumstances.
Bill Gassett's insight:

One of the questions that many homeowners ask themselves is whether they should rent or sell their home. For some this is a very difficult question to answer.


One the one hand with selling you are moving on completely from the home that you probably love. On the other hand you can rent and keep the house but have to deal with all the headaches being a landlord may bring.


Is selling or renting the house the best option? When trying to decide between these two options there are a number of considerations.


In my latest article at Maximum Real Estate Exposure, I take an in-depth look at the pros and cons of both selling and renting.


Each scenario has their pluses and minuses. If you have ever wanted to be an investor/landlord starting with your own home is probably your best option.


When trying to pick between renting and selling one of the better methods is to look at what the current local real estate is doing.


Are real estate values on the rise? If this is the case and you don't need the cash out of a sale, renting may not be a bad option.



Take a look at the article and if you enjoy it, give it a share socially or Scoop it.

Larry Matthews's curator insight, January 14, 2018 10:34 AM
Should I Sell or Rent My Home
Bill Gassett's comment, January 15, 2018 7:14 AM
Thanks for the Scoop Larry!
Indy Home Vault, LLC's comment, October 9, 2018 8:16 AM
Good points
Scooped by Bill Gassett
May 17, 2021 9:35 AM!

Renting a Condo vs. An Apartment: How Do They Differ

Renting a Condo vs. An Apartment: How Do They Differ | Real Estate Articles Worth Reading |
Differences Between Renting an Apartment and a Condo Renting condos and apartments can be easily confused. There are many important differences you need to understand when you are choosing between these property types. Some home types are obviously different, like a townhouse and an apartment. But when it comes to apartment vs. condo, the differences may be harder to spot. If you find yourself asking, what is a condo, you wouldn't be alone, and we have the answers. Searching for your next home can take a lot of time, so anything you can do to narrow down the search is
Bill Gassett's insight:

When it comes to housing rentals there are many options to choose fun. What makes sense for you, especially when it is a long term rental can come down to lifestyle choices.


One of the things that comes up quite a bit is comparing a condo rental to an apartment rental. Do you know the difference? If you are going to be renting one of the other in the near future, it may be helpful to have a careful review of the pros and cons of each.


In the article at Maximum Real Estate Exposure, see a comprehensive breakdown explaining the differences of each one of the rental options.


The most glaring difference will be the ownership that is found with condos. There are however, other smaller differences as well.

Scooped by Bill Gassett
June 15, 2020 10:53 AM!

Pros and Cons of Renting a Room in Your Home

Pros and Cons of Renting a Room in Your Home | Real Estate Articles Worth Reading |
Renting a Room in Your Home – Things to Think About Are you considering renting a room in your home? If you are struggling each month to pay your mortgage and your other bills, you are not alone. Many homeowners find themselves in a similar situation. For some, the answer is to rent out a room in their house. Of course, renting out a room has its pros and cons. You get rent money, which can provide a much-needed cushion. But you have to find and manage a renter, which can be challenging. While renting out your house is a
Bill Gassett's insight:

Are you thinking about renting out a room in your home? If so, there are quite a few things you should be considering. There are some fairly significant pros and cons for renting a room that you should address before doing so.


In the article at Maximum Real Estate Exposure, you will find a comprehensive explanation of what you should consider before renting a room in your house. Discover some of the best tips on the internet for renting space in your property!