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Scooped by Bill Gassett
August 26, 2016 9:34 AM!

Best Group Boards For Realtors on Pinterest

Best Group Boards For Realtors on Pinterest | Real Estate Articles Worth Reading |
Need more exposure for your real estate content? Pinterest is the answer you've been looking for. Here's how you can maximize your reach!
Bill Gassett's insight:

If you are a real estate agent and have not put Pinterest at the top of the list for content marketing then you are missing out on some significant social media traffic to your website.


Many real estate agents who use Pinterest well report it is the #1 traffic source to their website or blog. I can attest to this being the case as it is easily the best source of traffic to my real estate blog.


The beauty of Pinterest is the fact that the shelf like of the content you share is endless. Unlike most social media channels where what you share loses momentum over time, is not the case with Pinterest.


One of the absolute best ways to get traction is to join the top real estate group boards. By doing so your content get seen by far more people than what you would get from just your profile.


Pinterest group boards often have a significant amount of people who are continuously sharing focused real estate content. Membership is typically high which means one thing - MORE EXPOSURE!


So are you are real estate agent or just someone who enjoys reading great real estate content? If so then be sure to read the article and find out the best group board for Realtors on Pinterest.


By joining the group boards you will grow your following and ultimately get your content seen by far more people.


A word to the wise - make sure you follow the board rules to a tee. It is very easy to get removed from group boards when you don't follow the rules.


Another important tip that real estate agents should follow is to limit sharing real estate listings. You will never get any traction by doing so. Unless you are marketing a mansion, it is unlikely anyone will be pinning your 2 bedroom condo.


Take a look and request to join the best real estate group boards by emailing the owner.

Bill Gassett's comment, August 29, 2016 7:11 AM
Thanks for the scoop @KADEIRO
Scooped by Bill Gassett
February 6, 2014 10:55 AM!

Google Plus For Real Estate Agents

Google Plus For Real Estate Agents | Real Estate Articles Worth Reading |
When it comes to social media, there are two platforms that are no longer optional: Facebook and Google Plus. Yes, Twitter is cool and Pinterest is fun, but they can’t do for your real estate business what Facebook and Google Plus can -- at least not yet.
Bill Gassett's insight:

If you are a real estate agent and you are looking to grow your business through social media channels then you will want to take the time and go through this article that offers advice on how to use Google Plus, Facebook and Pinterest for your real estate business. There are many real estate agents who are using Facebook but have not caught on to the power of Google Plus for business. In comparing Google Plus vs Facebook for Real Estate there are a number of things to consider. Google Plus is the only social network that is also integrated with Google search. In other words if you are logged into Google and someone has connected with you on Google Plus and has either shared or +1 your post they will more than likely see it when they do an online search. By claiming Google authorship (see the article) you can also get your picture in search results. This has been shown to increase CTR dramatically! Facebook and Pinterest also should have a place in your social media arsenal. Take a look at the article and be sure to follow some of the links as well.

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Scooped by Bill Gassett
January 22, 2014 1:08 PM!

What Every Real Estate Agent Needs to Know About Pinterest

What Every Real Estate Agent Needs to Know About Pinterest | Real Estate Articles Worth Reading |
Pinterest. Perhaps you’ve heard of it, perhaps you haven’t. Either way, it can no longer be ignored. As a Real Estate agent, Pinterest can easily be one of the most valuable tools in your social media work belt.
Bill Gassett's insight:

If you are in the real estate industry one of the best social media sites for driving visitors to your website is Pinterest. Find out what you need to know about Pinterest to help your real estate business. See what you should pin to your account and some of the other Pinterest tips that can help your online visibilty.

Bill Gassett's curator insight, January 22, 2014 3:24 PM

How a Real Estate agent can use Pinterest to drive traffic to their website and increase the chances they will be found online. See how to use Pinterest boards for real estate properly.

Scooped by Bill Gassett
August 24, 2016 12:33 PM!

How to Win With Pinterest as a Real Estate Agent

How to Win With Pinterest as a Real Estate Agent | Real Estate Articles Worth Reading |
Have you considered using Pinterest for your real estate business? You may be surprised how useful it is for building better relationships in your network.
Bill Gassett's insight:

If you are a real estate agent and have not been using Pinterest as a major part of your social media marketing plan then you are missing out on significant traffic to your website.


Pinterest is a visual platform where graphics are "pinned". The graphics are linked to an article that's interesting. If you are a Realtor with a blog, Pinterest is the perfect opportunity to get people reading!


Unfortunately like a lot of other social media platforms, real estate agents instead pin their listings. Frankly this makes me want to throw-up in my mouth.


Lets get one thing straight - if this what you do on Pinterest you are wasting your time. Nobody cares about your 3 bedroom ranch on Main Street somewhere in America. Unless you are showing off a grand mansion forget about getting any traction pinning listings.


Instead focus on your real estate expertise. Why would someone want to pin your articles? If they are dam good that's why! Help people solve problems and they will be pinning your content.


In the article you are going to see some of the best pinterest tips for a real estate agent to crush it! By following the advice you will see a dramatic difference in your success with Pinterest. Some of the things discussed include how to use group boards, how to get rich pins and what to pin.


These are just a few quick examples of what you will see. There are many other excellent Pinterest real estate tips.


Within the article you will also see references to a number of other helpful real estate articles to make Pinterest work for you as a real estate agent.


Take a look and if you find the article helpful please consider sharing socially or scooping it.

ironmic215's comment, August 27, 2016 9:59 PM
I enjoy using pinterest. It is very engaging.
Bill Gassett's comment, August 28, 2016 3:19 PM
No doubt Pinterest is a great marketing tool for real estate agents!
Scooped by Bill Gassett
January 22, 2014 6:59 PM!

Top Pinterest Real Estate Group Board

Top Pinterest Real Estate Group Board | Real Estate Articles Worth Reading |
Pinterest For Real Estate Are you using Pinterest as one of your social media platforms of choice? If not you should seriously consider doing so as it i...
Bill Gassett's insight:

Are you a Real Estate agent who is using Pinterest as part of your social media plan? If so one of the best ways to maximize pinterest is to join a top real estate group board. A group board offers the advantage of having far more visibility due to having multiple members. If you want to take your real estate business to another level on Pinterest consider joining one of the most active Pinterest boards for real estate.

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