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Curated by Bill Gassett
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Scooped by Bill Gassett
May 27, 2015 12:06 PM!

Top Google Plus Real Estate Articles May 2015

Top Google Plus Real Estate Articles May 2015 | Real Estate Articles Worth Reading |
With so much great real estate content found daily on Google Plus, I think it’s important to recap and pull out those articles that really stood out. Every mo
Bill Gassett's insight:

Every month we recap some of the best real estate content that is discovered on the Google+ social network. These articles are typically found in some of the better real estate communities found on Google Plus.

This months summary was put together by @Andrew Fortune who has done an exceptional job of selecting some real gems.

Featured real estate authors include @Kyle Hiscock, @Lynn Pineda, @Anita Clark, @Karen Highland, @Debbie Drummond , @Xavier De Buck .

If you enjoy reading about real estate be sure to check out this round-up of great real estate content on many diverse topics.

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Scooped by Bill Gassett
February 25, 2014 9:45 PM!

Build Your Real Estate Business and Brand with Google Plus

Build Your Real Estate Business and Brand with Google Plus | Real Estate Articles Worth Reading |
If your business depends on trust for your success, then you'll want to hear what realtor & Google Plus enthusiast, Bill Gassett has to say.
Bill Gassett's insight:

If you are a real estate agent and have thought about using Google Plus take a look at the G Plus Lunch Bunch show hosted by Ray Hiltz. I was fortunate enough to be asked by Ray to come on his social media show to discuss how a Realtor can use Google Plus.

While the shows title speaks to the real estate industry the advice given in the show really applies to any business owner who wants to use Google Plus.

The show was a great discussion with a number of folks who are successfully using Google Plus.

Ray Hiltz's comment, February 27, 2014 10:40 AM
Thanks, Kyle and Bill. I agree with Bill. Just do it, Kyle. do some informal Hangouts with friends to get a feel of it then when you're comfortable, do a HOA. Because it's uploaded to your YouTube channel, it the content that never stops ;-)
Bill Gassett's comment, February 27, 2014 11:27 AM
Good point Ray!
Bill Gassett's comment, March 8, 2014 7:19 PM
Thanks for sharing Reena!
Scooped by Bill Gassett
February 6, 2014 10:55 AM!

Google Plus For Real Estate Agents

Google Plus For Real Estate Agents | Real Estate Articles Worth Reading |
When it comes to social media, there are two platforms that are no longer optional: Facebook and Google Plus. Yes, Twitter is cool and Pinterest is fun, but they can’t do for your real estate business what Facebook and Google Plus can -- at least not yet.
Bill Gassett's insight:

If you are a real estate agent and you are looking to grow your business through social media channels then you will want to take the time and go through this article that offers advice on how to use Google Plus, Facebook and Pinterest for your real estate business. There are many real estate agents who are using Facebook but have not caught on to the power of Google Plus for business. In comparing Google Plus vs Facebook for Real Estate there are a number of things to consider. Google Plus is the only social network that is also integrated with Google search. In other words if you are logged into Google and someone has connected with you on Google Plus and has either shared or +1 your post they will more than likely see it when they do an online search. By claiming Google authorship (see the article) you can also get your picture in search results. This has been shown to increase CTR dramatically! Facebook and Pinterest also should have a place in your social media arsenal. Take a look at the article and be sure to follow some of the links as well.

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Scooped by Bill Gassett
January 28, 2014 10:40 PM!

Google Plus For Realtors

Google Plus For Realtors | Real Estate Articles Worth Reading |

Google Plus for Realtors: Who Needs It? You Do! by Enjoy This Real Estate Article? "Subscribe To My Blog - It's FREE and No Spam EVER!" Get my blog articles in your inbox as soon as they are published!

Bill Gassett's insight:

If you are a Real Estate and are not using Google Plus you should be! Google Plus is unlike any other social network because of it's direct tie in with Google. When someone is logged into Google and has you in a circle the chances of them seeing your post when doing a search online increase dramatically. This makes it a real smart move for Realtors to use Google plus on a regular basis, Using Google Plus for Real Estate is only going to benefit the long term growth of your online visibility especially if you have claimed Google authorship.

Kristine Dugan's curator insight, February 24, 2014 10:50 PM

Great article to consider adding Google Plus to your Social Media Marketing Strategy #SocialMediaTipsForRealtors

Bill Gassett's comment, February 25, 2014 8:04 AM
Thanks for sharing Kristine!
Scooped by Bill Gassett
March 10, 2014 1:53 PM!

Tips from 25 Influential Real Estate and Mortgage Pros on Google Plus

Tips from 25 Influential Real Estate and Mortgage Pros on Google Plus | Real Estate Articles Worth Reading |
If you have a question on home buying, selling, or refinancing, you'll find the answer here. Best advice from 25 top mortgage and real estate professionals.
Bill Gassett's insight:

Are you in the market to either buy or sell a home? My Mortgage Insider rounded up some of the top real estate and mortgage experts around the country and asked them to offer up some of their best real estate advice.

What you will see in the article is a myriad of advice on all sorts of real estate topics. I was asked to provide some expertise for the article and what I mentioned was the lack of understand from numerous homes sellers about open houses being an effective sales tool.

In fact an open house has one of the lowest home sale conversion rates of any activity in real estate. Less than 2 percent of all homes sell nationally as a direct result of an open house.

My addition was just one small part of an excellent article with so many great people contributing. All of the experts who provided information for the article are regular contributors to the Google Plus platform.

Take a look at the advice - you won't be disappointed!

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Scooped by Bill Gassett
February 15, 2014 4:53 PM!

Top Real Estate Community Google Plus

Top Real Estate Community Google Plus | Real Estate Articles Worth Reading |
Bill Gassett's insight:

If you are a Real Estate agent and have not joined the top Google Plus real estate community you should! The Google Plus Real Estate community is a place where anyone who is in the real estate industry or just enjoys real estate can share their best blog articles!

If you like to write about real estate this is a great place to get social engagement for you real estate blog. Not only will your own content be found and enjoyed by others but you will see what others are writing about as well.

When joining the real estate community at Google+ make sure you read the rules at the top right side of the board. We only have a few rules that are really easy to follow. We ask you not to share listings, local market reports and things that are overly promotional like telling us how great your website is.

Come take a look and join the Google+ real estate community today!

Lynn Pineda's curator insight, February 15, 2014 6:53 PM

Talk Real Estate where Realtors and those connected to the Real Estate Industry  engage in the conversation of Real Estate offering tips, trends, debate and more!  See you there.

Bill Gassett's comment, February 15, 2014 6:57 PM
Thanks for sharing Lynn!
Lynn Pineda's comment, February 15, 2014 7:11 PM
You're welcome Bill!
Scooped by Bill Gassett
February 2, 2014 2:33 PM!

5 Things Real Estate Agents Should Never Do on Google Plus

5 Things Real Estate Agents Should Never Do on Google Plus | Real Estate Articles Worth Reading |
Bill Gassett's insight:

Google Plus is not Facebook and therefore should not be treated as such. If you ask me Google Plus is a far more intelligent platform than Facebook. You are more likely to see engaging business content on Google Plus than you will on Facebook. There are certainy some do's and don't which are covered here in this article.

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Scooped by Bill Gassett
January 25, 2014 12:00 PM!

Google Plus and Pinterest – Real Estate Marketing Powerhouses

Google Plus and Pinterest – Real Estate Marketing Powerhouses | Real Estate Articles Worth Reading |

Use Google Plus and Pinterest together for dynamic real estate social media marketing.

Bill Gassett's insight:

Are you using Google Plus as part of your real estate social media strategy? How about Pinterest? Did you know that you can use Google Plus and Pinterest together as a real estate marketing vehicle. These two sites can work together like wine and cheese. If you are a Realtor looking to take your social media efforts to another level I would encourage you to read how you can do it smoothly with these two marketing powerhouses!

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