Real Estate Articles Worth Reading
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Curated by Bill Gassett
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Scooped by Bill Gassett
June 8, 2020 9:49 AM!

How Does a Home Construction Mortgage Work

How Does a Home Construction Mortgage Work | Real Estate Articles Worth Reading |
Construction Loans – What You Need to Know Are you considering getting a home construction loan? When building your own house, chances are you will need to get a construction loan. If you have ever gotten a mortgage before, you have some familiarity with how complex the loan application process can be. If anything, the process of getting a construction loan is even more complicated. Plenty of people are approved for construction loans, though, so it’s certainly something you can succeed at if you are prepared. Many times, those who are taking out a construction loan have previously purchased land,
Bill Gassett's insight:

Are you contemplating buying a piece of land to build your dream home? If so, you are not alone. Lots of folks would love to be able to find a lot and build their home from scratch.


When doing a construction project while owning your own land it is quite common to take out what is known as a construction loan. In the article at Maximum Real Estate Exposure, you will get an in-depth understanding of everything you need to know about this type of financing.


Having a strong grasp of construction loans is vital so you do not make mistakes that can cost you time and money. Take a look and if you find the information useful, please share it with someone that may need it.'s curator insight, February 22, 2021 9:41 PM

Are you contemplating buying a piece of land to build your dream home? If so, you are not alone. Lots of folks would love to be able to find a lot and build their home from scratch.


When doing a construction project while owning your own land it is quite common to take out what is known as a construction loan. In the article at Maximum Real Estate Exposure, you will get an in-depth understanding of everything you need to know about this type of financing.


Having a strong grasp of construction loans is vital so you do not make mistakes that can cost you time and money. Take a look and if you find the information useful, please share it with someone that may need it.

Scooped by Bill Gassett
September 24, 2019 1:42 PM!

Mortgage Terms Ever Home Buyer Should Know

Mortgage Terms Ever Home Buyer Should Know | Real Estate Articles Worth Reading |
Mortgage Terms You Need to Know When Buying or Selling a Home Whether you are buying or selling a home, there are specific 'mortgage terms' that are essential to understand. The mortgage process can be intimidating, and no wonder, since you are trying to qualify for what is likely the most substantial loan you have ever requested. Fortunately, with sufficient research and a helpful lender, you can do like so many others have done before you and successfully navigate the path to becoming a homeowner. Below you will find a list of thirty-five common mortgage terms that will be useful
Bill Gassett's insight:

When you are going to be buying a home there will be numerous financial terms that you will encounter in the process. It is vital that you have at least a basic understand of most of these terms.


In the article at Maximum Real Estate Exposure, you will see a comprehensive review of some of the more common mortgage jargon that buyers will come across. When you visit you'll see thirty-five of the most essential mortgage terms to understand.


If any of these terms are confusing it would behoove you to speak with either a competent mortgage broker or real estate agent for clarification.


Make any kind of serious mortgage mistake could be costly.'s curator insight, February 22, 2021 9:43 PM

When you are going to be buying a home there will be numerous financial terms that you will encounter in the process. It is vital that you have at least a basic understand of most of these terms.


In the article at Maximum Real Estate Exposure, you will see a comprehensive review of some of the more common mortgage jargon that buyers will come across. When you visit you'll see thirty-five of the most essential mortgage terms to understand.


If any of these terms are confusing it would behoove you to speak with either a competent mortgage broker or real estate agent for clarification.


Make any kind of serious mortgage mistake could be costly.

Scooped by Bill Gassett
February 14, 2014 12:53 PM!

Mortgage Pre-approval vs Pre-qualification: What's The Difference?

Mortgage Pre-approval vs Pre-qualification: What's The Difference? | Real Estate Articles Worth Reading |

Mortgage Pre-approval vs Pre-qualification Letter by Bill gassett Enjoy This Real Estate Article? "Subscribe To My Blog - It's FREE and No Spam EVER!" Get my blog articles in your inbox as soon as they are published!

Bill Gassett's insight:

The terms mortgage pre-approval and pre-qualification unfortunately are used interchangeably which creates confusion amongst the buying public. Folks these two mortgage terms have very drastic meanings. A pre-qualification letter essentially says that you are able to purchase a certain amount based on the income and debt load you have provided a mortgage broker or bank. This really does not mean you are able to get a loan as nothing is verified. In comparing a mortgage Pre-approval vs Pre-qualification there is a world of differences. When a borrower has been pre-approved for a mortgage there are things that have been verified by a lender including income, credit, financial history, debt load and employment. These things are not done when getting pre-qualified. Take a look at the article to see why it makes sense for a buyer to get pre-approved and why most savvy home sellers will require it!

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Scooped by Bill Gassett
October 7, 2019 11:03 AM!

What Questions Will a Lender Ask You

What Questions Will a Lender Ask You | Real Estate Articles Worth Reading |
What Questions Can You Expect from Lenders? Applying for a mortgage can be an intimidating thing—you know they are going to ask you a lot of questions, request numerous documents, and it’s probably going to feel like you must jump through many hoops to get a loan. Of course, if you are like many homebuyers, you need a loan to make your purchase. That means going through the lending question, and answer process is inevitable. Fortunately, applying for a home loan is not as bad as it might first appear. Sure, it can be stressful—answering questions about your finances usually
Bill Gassett's insight:

Are you going to be purchasing a home for the first time? Doing so can be an exciting venture for sure. Buying a home can also be emotionally charged when things do not go well.


One of the things most buyers will need to go through is procuring a mortgage. Today, getting a home loan is not as easy as it used to be. There are quite a few hoops to jump through.


It is essential for buyers to be aware of the most common questions that a lender will ask when granting a mortgage. In the article at Maximum Real Estate Exposure, you will see an in-depth run down of all the questions a lender is likely to ask.


As a borrower it is important to have an understanding of the answers to these questions. Make sure you also are doing a good job of vetting the lender as well and asking them your own questions.

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Scooped by Bill Gassett
June 10, 2019 7:56 PM!

What to Ask Your Mortgage Broker

What to Ask Your Mortgage Broker | Real Estate Articles Worth Reading |
What to Ask When Getting a Loan Before you start looking at homes, it's wise to get your selection of a lender squared away first. Part of being prepared to get a loan is asking your mortgage company the right questions. When you first start looking for a lender to help you buy a home, it is normal to feel like it’s a one-way street—you need the money, so anyone who will offer it to you seems like a someone you should do your best to listen to. But in reality, you are an essential customer for your lender. Your
Bill Gassett's insight:

When purchasing a home, one of the most important aspects is the financing. For home buyers, there are literally hundreds of options.


Should you go with a fixed or adjustable rate mortgage? Does going with a thirty year, fifteen years or some other time frame mortgage make the most sense?


Being educated on the mortgage process with be a critical component to your financial success. Therefore it is imperative to have questions to ask your lender lined up ahead of time.


The lender you choose with have financial ramifications that will affect you for a long time. It makes sense to take the time and do your due diligence when selecting a lender.


The questions you ask will go a long way in making the absolute best choice. The reference above provides a great article found on Maximum Real Estate Exposure that will explain what you should be asking.


Make sure that you get the answers you are looking for to these detailed set of questions.'s curator insight, February 22, 2021 9:43 PM

When purchasing a home, one of the most important aspects is the financing. For home buyers, there are literally hundreds of options.


Should you go with a fixed or adjustable rate mortgage? Does going with a thirty year, fifteen years or some other time frame mortgage make the most sense?


Being educated on the mortgage process with be a critical component to your financial success. Therefore it is imperative to have questions to ask your lender lined up ahead of time.


The lender you choose with have financial ramifications that will affect you for a long time. It makes sense to take the time and do your due diligence when selecting a lender.


The questions you ask will go a long way in making the absolute best choice. The reference above provides a great article found on Maximum Real Estate Exposure that will explain what you should be asking.


Make sure that you get the answers you are looking for to these detailed set of questions.


Scooped by Bill Gassett
February 5, 2014 8:34 PM!

VA Loans Are Booming. Get on Board With These 4 Essentials.

VA Loans Are Booming. Get on Board With These 4 Essentials. | Real Estate Articles Worth Reading |
Working with VA buyers? The VA loan process can be different than what your used to, but with these 4 tips, you can become VA knowledgeable and boost sales.
Bill Gassett's insight:
If you are a veteran and are thinking about buying a home keep in mind that a VA loan product is a terrific way to finance a home. There is a lot you need to know about VA loans and it makes sense to be educated about any type of loan product you would be using.
Lynn Pineda's curator insight, February 6, 2014 12:20 PM

Find out more about the fabulous benefits of a VA loan and don't listen to the myths!