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Scooped by Bill Gassett
September 16, 2020 2:52 PM!

What Does a Lender Consider a Good Credit Score

What Does a Lender Consider a Good Credit Score | Real Estate Articles Worth Reading |
What to Know About Credit Scores When Buying a House Are you looking to enter the realm of homeownership? When you are looking for a mortgage, lenders pay a lot of attention to your credit score. One of the most vital things to do before buying a home for the first time is to get your finances i
Bill Gassett's insight:

When buying a home one of the more vital considerations is getting your financial house in order. This includes making sure you pay all your bills on time and now taking out large loans.


One of the largest driving forces in giving a borrower their interest rate and mortgage terms is the credit score they have. Given how much weight is placed on credit scores it makes sense to work on them prior to purchasing a home.


In the article at Realty Times, see a rundown of what lenders think is a good credit score. You will see what is considered a good credit score and a bad one as well. You will also see some excellent tips on how you can improve your score before purchasing a house.


Putting in the effort to increase your score will be well worth your time.'s curator insight, February 22, 2021 9:41 PM

When buying a home one of the more vital considerations is getting your financial house in order. This includes making sure you pay all your bills on time and now taking out large loans.


One of the largest driving forces in giving a borrower their interest rate and mortgage terms is the credit score they have. Given how much weight is placed on credit scores it makes sense to work on them prior to purchasing a home.


In the article at Realty Times, see a rundown of what lenders think is a good credit score. You will see what is considered a good credit score and a bad one as well. You will also see some excellent tips on how you can improve your score before purchasing a house.


Putting in the effort to increase your score will be well worth your time.

Beacon Innovation's curator insight, June 3, 2021 1:08 AM
Scooped by Bill Gassett
March 2, 2020 8:07 PM!

What to Know About Getting a Credit Report

What to Know About Getting a Credit Report | Real Estate Articles Worth Reading |
Get Your Credit Report FREE! Are you interested in learning how to get a free credit report? How about a free credit score? Your credit report is an important financial document that you should review at least once a year. There are three leading credit reporting companies that produce credit reports, Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion. Your credit report contains so much vital information – like your standing with different creditors – that you want to make sure that everything on the report is accurate. But if you never review your report, you won’t know if a company has reported something
Bill Gassett's insight:

When you are going to be buying a home for the first time, one of the essential considerations is your credit score. Those who have the best credit scores generally get the best interest rates and mortgage terms from lenders.


Given the importance of your credit score, it is vital to do what you can to improve it. First-time buyers would also be wise to make sure their credit report is accurate as a mistake can have a devastating impact on your score?


Did you know that you can get a free credit report one time a year?

Well, you can! In the article at Maximum Real Estate Exposure, see what you need to know about getting a hold of your free credit report.


Once you have it in hand do your best to check for errors and take action if you discover there are any.'s curator insight, February 22, 2021 9:43 PM

When you are going to be buying a home for the first time, one of the essential considerations is your credit score. Those who have the best credit scores generally get the best interest rates and mortgage terms from lenders.


Given the importance of your credit score, it is vital to do what you can to improve it. First-time buyers would also be wise to make sure their credit report is accurate as a mistake can have a devastating impact on your score?


Did you know that you can get a free credit report one time a year?

Well, you can! In the article at Maximum Real Estate Exposure, see what you need to know about getting a hold of your free credit report.


Once you have it in hand do your best to check for errors and take action if you discover there are any.

Scooped by Bill Gassett
February 15, 2014 6:44 PM!

How to Increase a Credit Score

How to Increase a Credit Score | Real Estate Articles Worth Reading |
How to increase a credit score to get the best mortgage rates for a home purchase, as well as other types of loans.
Bill Gassett's insight:

If you are going to be buying a home there is no doubt you are going to want to have the best credit score possible! This borrowers who have the highest credit scores are afforded the opportunity to get the best mortgage rates.

It makes sense that if you know you are going to be buying a home and your credit score is not exactly where you want it to be you should be working to increase it. So how do you go about increasing a credit score? Take a look at the article for all the best advice on how to work towards maximizing your credit score.

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Scooped by Bill Gassett
August 17, 2020 10:10 AM!

What to Know About Credit Karma

What to Know About Credit Karma | Real Estate Articles Worth Reading |
What to Know About Credit Karma Have you ever wondered what Credit Karma is and how it works? Maybe you have seen their advertisements on television? Your credit score is one of the most critical pieces of financial information there is, especially when buying a home. For a long time now, creditors and lenders have used your credit score to determine whether they would lend to you and what kind of terms they would offer. Today, your credit score affects even more aspects of your life, possibly even your ability to get a job or successfully rent or purchase a
Bill Gassett's insight:

Do you have a strong desire to become a homeowner? Is your credit score lacking? Would your low credit score prevent you from buying a house? These are questions that go through the minds of many potential home buyers.


Getting out of a credit hole can be a difficult challenge for many folks. Lots of people have no idea how specific credit decisions will impact their FICO score. Quite often the things people think will help them have the exact opposite effect.


Fortunately, there is a company called Credit Karma that can help. Take a look at the review for Credit Karma where you will learn exactly what they do, including providing free credit reports, along with assistance on credit decisions.


For example, most people would have no idea how terminating a credit card would impact their credit score. Will it help or hurt? Credit Karma makes it easy for you to make the absolute best financial decisions.


The article at Maximum Real Estate Exposure does an excellent job explaining in detail what Credit Karma does and how it can be a benefit to those who would like to become homeowners.


Take a look and if you find the information helpful, share it with others who may be able to use the financial help.

Scooped by Bill Gassett
July 25, 2016 4:43 PM!

Credit Score Verification Before Buying a Home

Credit Score Verification Before Buying a Home | Real Estate Articles Worth Reading |
Make sure you check your credit score before buying a home. Credit scores influence the mortgage rates and terms when buying a home. Errors are very common!
Bill Gassett's insight:

Did you know your credit score plays a large role in the interest rate you will receive from a mortgage lender? Did you also know that credit scores often are wrong due to errors in your report?


Yes it is amazing when you start doing some research and see just how much a mistake in your credit report can hurt your score. This little fact will then come back to bite you in the form of higher rates on your mortgage when buying a home!


This makes it vital to check your credit report before you ever consider looking at homes. Chances are you could be another statistic of people who do not have the right information on their report.


In the article you will see all of the considerations on what you should be doing when it comes to your credit score. There is also helpful information on what it will take to get any credit report errors fixed.


Your credit score is not something you should take lightly. By taking the time to get errors fixed you increase the odds of getting better interest rates on your loan which in the long run can put a lot of money back in your pocket.


Take a look and if you enjoy the article please consider either Scooping it or sharing on your social networks.

Bill Gassett's comment, July 27, 2016 7:25 PM
Appreciate the scoop!