Instagram just released a new feature that many are calling a Snapchat killer. The new feature is Direct Messaging and it allows you to send private images and videos to other Instagram users.
This gives a new opportunity to businesses looking to connect with Influencers and their following in a new private and "secure" manner. And like Snapchat, there are many ways you can utilize this feature to share sales, promote products, and create a dialog with your community. If you haven't read my post, 8 Small Business Marketing Ideas For Snapchat, I give you some great ways to use the mobile app.
Of course you can do the same things with Instagram Direct. Things like flash sales, scavenger hunts, and messages from your company would work on both platforms. There are a few differences however that you should take into consideration when deciding whether Instagram Direct or Snapchat is better for your business goals....
Stephanie Frasco shares tips on how to use Instagram's direct message feature in comparison to Snapchat.