Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight
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Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight
Social marketing, PR insight & thought leadership - from The PR Coach
Curated by Jeff Domansky
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Scooped by Jeff Domansky
August 11, 2013 10:59 AM!

Must See Social Media Statistics | Social Media Today

Must See Social Media Statistics | Social Media Today | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

Social media marketing is not just a trendy word, it is fast becoming and in some cases already is a viable acquisition channel for most businesses.

In fact, Hubspot reports that 70% of business-to-consumer marketers have acquired a customer through Facebook. If you are still having trouble convincing your boss that social media is worth the investment, here are 28 must see statistics for 2013 to make him/her jump on board....

Jeff Domansky's insight:

Need help convincing your boss or senior management about the value of social media? These 28 stats will help you.

Juan Trujillo's comment, August 12, 2013 1:50 AM
Thanks for all. It's a great work! jt
Lee Werrell's curator insight, August 12, 2013 6:06 AM

The Jury is in! Time British business took notice and started using Social media properly to gain more and better targeted business. COntact me on 0800 689 9689 to discuss

Béatrice Tétaz, ACC's curator insight, August 13, 2013 2:02 AM

very usfull #aequaONLINE

Scooped by Jeff Domansky
August 6, 2013 8:41 AM!

Social Networking Sites | Pew Internet & American Life Project

Social Networking Sites | Pew Internet & American Life Project | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

As of May 2013, almost three quarters (72%) of online U.S. adults use social networking sites, up from 67% in late 2012. When we first started asking about social networking sites in February 2005, just 8% of online adults said they used social networking sites.In addition to asking about general usage of social networking sites in our current survey, we included a stand-alone question about Twitter and found that 18% of online adults are now Twitter users. This is roughly double the 8% of online adults who used Twitter in November 2010, the first time we asked about Twitter as a stand-alone platform.

Today, social networking site use is a major activity for internet users from a wide range of demographic groups. Younger adults are especially avid adopters, but social networking continues to grow in popularity for older adults as well. Six out of ten internet users ages 50-64 are social networking site users, as are 43% of those ages 65 and older....

Jeff Domansky's insight:

Here's a look inside the relentless growth of social media usage among adults. A variety of interesting trends for older and younger adult users will be of special interest to marketing and content marketing pros.

Mindy M Walker's curator insight, August 7, 2013 2:38 PM

New must-read from Pew Internet & American Life Project.