2013, the year of storytelling | Pando Daily | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight | Scoop.it


The result is a fragmented group of social media actions that, as we witnessed with the Twitter-Instagram spat this year, don’t care to include content from competing social networks. If Facebook-Instagram/ /Twitter/Pinterest/Tumblr/Quora don’t have to play nice with each other, they won’t.


This fragmentation will likely continue. It doesn’t appear we’ve maxed out on social networks. Every time a new social network blows up, we ask if we really need yet another one and eventually learn that yes, we do. We’ll all be Snapchatting in no time.


What’s more, with each progressive social network, the barrier to contributing content keeps getting lower. The box has shrunk from a big, intimidating blank text box of blog CMS’s to a simple one-line bar...


This is why I think some of the most exciting startups in social media are the ones that help us make these small, fragmented pieces of content into richer stories....