Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight
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Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight
Social marketing, PR insight & thought leadership - from The PR Coach
Curated by Jeff Domansky
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Scooped by Jeff Domansky
January 11, 2017 1:45 AM!

72% of Marketers Say Data Analysis More Important Than Social Media Skills

72% of Marketers Say Data Analysis More Important Than Social Media Skills | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

A new report by ad-tech provider Blue Venn finds that 72% of marketers consider data analysis more important than social media skills. The report, "Customer Data: The Monster Under the Bed?,” incorporates research from 200 U.S. and U.K. marketers, with the goal of identifying the attributes most needed to compete in the data-centric marketing landscape.

Key findings include:

--Data management is now considered more vital than social media (65%), Web development (31%), graphic design (23%), and search engine optimization (13%).

--However, 27% of marketers are still handing over the process of data analysis to IT departments....

Jeff Domansky's insight:

Data analysis skill ranks high with marketing pros.

John Tiller's comment, January 11, 2017 1:55 AM
Nice Post !
Scooped by Jeff Domansky
October 15, 2015 1:47 AM!

3 Ways Retailers are Winning with Big Data Insights | BDEX - Marketplace for Data

3 Ways Retailers are Winning with Big Data Insights | BDEX - Marketplace for Data | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

With an average website visitor conversion rate of just 3%, retailers struggle to convert sales. Online retailers lose an estimated $18 billion in revenueannually due to last-minute cart abandonment. Remarketing, the use of real-time insights to provide targeted recommendations, is just one effective big data methodology that can yield a 55% increase in spend from cart abandoners. 

Few industries are more impacted by quickly-changing consumer trends than retail. The complexity of consumer preferences means that big data is “especially promising and differentiating” for organizations in this sector, according to IBM’s Rebecca Shockley and Keith Mercier. In a retail environment where consumers take a multi-channel approach to product selection and purchase, creating a 360-degree view of target customers is particularly critical to retaining business.

62 percent of retailers report that increased adoption of analytics is creating a competitive advantage. While retail adoption of third-party data actually lags slightly behind other industries, retailers who optimize for modern cross-channel shoppers are likely to gain an immense lead.  In this article, we’ll explore some ways that modern retailers are utilizing big data insights to understand cross-channel behaviors and create a targeted customer experience....

Jeff Domansky's insight:

Useful examples of big data deployment by retailers for competitive advantage.

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Scooped by Jeff Domansky
August 17, 2015 9:55 AM!

How CEOs & CMOs Can Tell the Difference Between Information & Insights | B2B Marketing Insider

How CEOs & CMOs Can Tell the Difference Between Information & Insights | B2B Marketing Insider | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

What CEOs and the CMOs have come to realize is insights can play a pivotal role in enabling organizations to shift their organization towards customer centricity.  Enabling understanding of what customer strategies to implement and how to design marketing effective at connecting with prospective buyers and existing customers.

With the overwhelming amount of data available to corporations, as well as, what can be called the “marketing of insights” by analytics, SaaS, and consulting firms, CEOs, and their teams can get caught in the midst of confusion about what really is a good insight.  Confusing it is.  We are witnessing top-down big data along with readily available public data broadly categorized as insights.  When, in fact, they represent customer information and intelligence gathering organizations have to be good at just to compete....

Jeff Domansky's insight:

Information or insights? Ted Rubin looks at the differences.

Scooped by Jeff Domansky
April 6, 2015 12:27 PM!

Six surprising facts about who's winning the OS and browser wars in the US | ZDNet

Six surprising facts about who's winning the OS and browser wars in the US | ZDNet | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

The United States government has given the public access to its massive analytics database, and the results are fascinating. What share does the Mac really have? Is Windows 8.1 a hit or a miss? Who's winning the browser wars? I've dug deep to get the answers....

Jeff Domansky's insight:

Ed Bott shares interesting US government  data for those who love big data.

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Scooped by Jeff Domansky
January 1, 2015 2:37 AM!

A Statistical Analysis of the Work of Bob Ross

A Statistical Analysis of the Work of Bob Ross | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

Bob Ross was a consummate teacher. He guided fans along as he painted “happy trees,” “almighty mountains” and “fluffy clouds” over the course of his 11-year television career on his PBS show, “The Joy of Painting.”

In total, Ross painted 381 works on the show, relying on a distinct set of elements, scenes and themes, and thereby providing thousands of data points. I decided to use that data to teach something myself: the important statistical concepts of conditional probability and clustering, as well as a lesson on the limitations of data.

So let’s perm out our hair and get ready to create some happy spreadsheets!...

Jeff Domansky's insight:

This is one of the most creative uses of big data analysis I have seen. It's a fascinating read if you ever watched the Bob Ross "Joy of Painting" show on PBS. Nice work by the author WaltHickey.

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Scooped by Jeff Domansky
November 5, 2015 11:17 PM!

Marketing is the second-biggest user of Big Data (and other amazing facts)

Marketing is the second-biggest user of Big Data (and other amazing facts) | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |
Thanks to my friends at Dell, I received access to the latest EMA/9sight Big Data research. The report, a survey of 351 business and technology stakeholders around the world, illuminates key trends surrounding the adoption, expectations, and challenges associated with Big Data initiatives.

I found this interesting and you will too. Here are some highlights
Jeff Domansky's insight:

Mark Schaefer shares highlights key trends from a new Dell research survey of business and technology stakeholders surrounding the adoption, expectations and challenges of big data.

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Rescooped by Jeff Domansky from Cashback Industry Insight - global news, trends & information
September 22, 2015 9:38 PM!

The Role of Data in the Attention Economy

The Role of Data in the Attention Economy | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

“95% of data is fluff”
The panel divulged that despite the increasing amounts of data available, only 5% is truly valuable. Tony referred to this as the “95 – 5 rule”, and panelist Ben Jankowski of MasterCard, added, “data ages like fish, not wine.” Therefore, it’s not only important for companies to use the right data, it’s about using it as close to real-time as possible, for maximum success.

Start small, aim big
All panelists agreed big data is great, yet it was clear that it is necessary to start small. It is recommended to take a stepped approach, and find success in each step before continuing to the next. Tony went on to explain that in helping customers use data, the first challenge to overcome is reach. Once you have your hands around that, you can focus and improve upon your creative....

Via Douglas G Hall
Jeff Domansky's insight:

Love the quote from Ben Jankowski of MasterCard: “data ages like fish, not wine.” As always, It's not the fish,  it's how you prepare it and serve it that matters.

Doug Hall's curator insight, September 22, 2015 7:53 PM

Love the quote from MasterCard's Ben Jankowski: "Data ages like fish, not wine."

outlineluge's comment, September 23, 2015 2:52 AM
Its really good :)
s y m's curator insight, September 23, 2015 8:51 AM

Scrap dealer

Scooped by Jeff Domansky
July 23, 2015 3:48 AM!

Inside a consumer's mind with Text Analytics

Inside a consumer's mind with Text Analytics | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

So how can an analyst get into a consumer’s mind by analyzing Tweets and how would this information be useful?

To find some answers I teamed up with Marketing Strategist Dr Nikos Dimitriadis to assist me in the actionability and interestingness of each extracted insight.

Note that we capture thoughts from a biased sample which means that we cannot make inferences about the general population. However this work can be a great additional tool for finding new ideas and insights for Marketing initiatives -on top of more traditional methods such as focus groups- and also enables us to form several hypotheses as to what could likely work....

Jeff Domansky's insight:

Good illustration of big data analysis.

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Scooped by Jeff Domansky
January 1, 2015 2:54 AM!

4th Down: When to Go for It and Why -

4th Down: When to Go for It and Why - | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

This post is meant to be a quick tutorial on fourth-down strategy, neatly summarized in the chart above. (You can also read a post that explains the history of me — the NYT 4th Down Bot.).

First, the No. 1 lesson from my 10 years of data analysis about what to do on fourth down: Teams need to go for it much more often than they do. It does get a little complicated toward the end of games, but coaches should almost always consider going for it.In a reasonably close game, and any time until the last 10 minutes of the fourth quarter — when time and score become even more important considerations — here are my recommendations....

Jeff Domansky's insight:

Here's a fascinating application of big data to NFL football. Its fourth down and 1 yard to go. Should you go for it? Big data tells you. Coaches take note. Fun read for football and big data fans alike.

Scooped by Jeff Domansky
September 25, 2014 12:21 PM!

20 Free Big Data Sources Everyone Should Know | SmartData Collective

20 Free Big Data Sources Everyone Should Know | SmartData Collective | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

I always make the point that data is everywhere – and that a lot of it is free. Companies don’t necessarily have to build their own massive data repositories before starting with big data analytics. The moves by companies and governments to put large amounts of information into the public domain have made large volumes of data accessible to everyone.

Any company, from big blue chip corporations to the tiniest start-up can now leverage more data than ever before. Many of my clients ask me for the top data sources they could use in their big data endeavor and here’s my rundown of some of the best free big data sources available today....

Jeff Domansky's insight:

Great list of free big data resources. Recommended readings 9/10

Marc Fanuel's curator insight, September 25, 2014 4:02 PM

ajouter votre point de vue ...

malek's curator insight, September 25, 2014 6:39 PM

[url=/u/215175 x-already-notified=1]Jeff Domansky[/url] is a real web miner. 

I've been looking for something to mine Facebook, here's a gem


Gonzalo Moreno's curator insight, September 26, 2014 4:47 AM

BIG DATA sources...