Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight
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Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight
Social marketing, PR insight & thought leadership - from The PR Coach
Curated by Jeff Domansky
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Scooped by Jeff Domansky
September 5, 2014 11:44 PM!

One Message, Lots of Impact: the Art of Creating Content that Motivates

One Message, Lots of Impact: the Art of Creating Content that Motivates | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

...What I love about today’s Content We Love example is twofold. The company issuing the survey results, Videology, is doing a great job of promoting a piece of their own content by surfacing the newsy elements, writing a really good press release, adding an infographic and distributing the whole package to the media.

(Link to the release: Heavy Video Viewers 57% More Likely to Spend on Holiday Gifts)

However, the way the PR team packaged the story will help direct resulting any news coverage advantageously for the brand....

Jeff Domansky's insight:

Here's an excellent example of a news release that provides valuable information and does a great job at selling without "marketing." Thanks to Sarah Skerik at PRNewswire for this example

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Scooped by Jeff Domansky
August 14, 2013 1:28 AM!

12 Ways to Optimize Press Releases & Avoid Google Penalties

12 Ways to Optimize Press Releases & Avoid Google Penalties | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

Google now calls links in press releases "unnatural" and is mandating nofollowing them. Even though Google took away the anchor text links in press releases (and guest posts and articles), there are still press release optimization opportunities.

Google's most recent update to their defintions of link schemes sent shockwaves through the SEO and online PR world; a real downer to link building strategists.

It's true: the world's largest search engine called links in press releases "unnatural" and is mandating nofollowing them. What does this mean to organizations using press releases to gain digital visibility in search and social?For brands publishing a press release or an article on your site and distributing it through a paid wire service, such as PR Newswire, Business Wire, Marketwire or through an article site, you must first make sure to nofollow the links if those links are "optimized anchor text."

Is This a Big SEO Deal? Yes. No. Maybe.

Google has been slowly squeezing the SEO life out of press releases for a while now.

"In 2006 online press releases were amazing for SEO. In 2013? Not so much," said Joe Laratro, SEO expert and PubCon lead moderator. "Online press releases have had very little value in terms of links and content over the past few years – I would say it had been steadily declining. However, I still thought it was a good part of a large organic link building strategy until the new guideline changes."...

Jeff Domansky's insight:

So there. The sky is not falling but the landscape is changing and the ways to get better news release results need revamping.

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Scooped by Jeff Domansky
August 13, 2013 9:28 AM!

Google Did Not Just Kill PR Agencies

Google Did Not Just Kill PR Agencies | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

Companies rely on PR firms for a variety of services and consulting ranging from strategy and message development to media relations and social media outreach to monitoring and reporting. Product launches, press conferences, event management and promotion, reputation and crisis management, media training, investor relations and of course content creation are all services provided by different PR agencies.

Press releases are most often at the top of the list of public relations content along with reports, white papers, newsletters, case studies, corporate website pages, newsrooms, blog posts, short form social media content and media from images to audio to video. To suggest that overly optimized press releases and other content will bring down the PR industry is simply a sensational headline.

It’s true, there are a lot of changes happening in the PR world right now and one area in particular that’s worth exploring risks and rewards involves the shift to native ads or as Google calls it, “commerce journalism”. I talked with Cara Posey about this recently and will likely post more about it here. But back to this business of optimized press releases killing PR agencies. Really?...

Jeff Domansky's insight:

Lee Odden offers solid advice on SEO for PR pros and throws cold water on the hysteria about Google killing PR.

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Scooped by Jeff Domansky
August 14, 2013 1:33 AM!

Seven Traits of Press Releases That Actually Get Read

Seven Traits of Press Releases That Actually Get Read | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

I wince at 99.99% of the press releases I receive daily. That’s because 99.99% look like sloppy cut-and-paste jobs, ones that have nothing to do with the Daily Fix and its readers, and everything to do with the sender, the sender, and, oh, right, the sender. Reading a press release that doesn’t make me wince is rare—yet not impossible.Now and then, I receive press releases that are smart, audience-focused, brief, and interesting. So, for this week’s post, I thought I’d stay on the sunny side of the street and share seven traits about press releases that DO get read....

Jeff Domansky's insight:

Good reminder about news release best practices that get news results.

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Scooped by Jeff Domansky
August 13, 2013 9:40 AM!

Has Google really just killed the PR industry?

Has Google really just killed the PR industry? | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

There are few companies or organisations that can come close to rivalling the power that Google wields over the internet and search in particular....

So when the search engine updated its rules on unnatural link schemes recently, making specific reference to press releases, it triggered a rather alarmist article from ZDNet asking whether Google had killed PR agencies.

The convergence of PR and SEO is something we’ve covered previously on the blog, with articles focusing on the importance of search optimised PR and suggesting seven SEO tools to improve online PR efficiency.

However the article on ZDNet understandably (and probably intentionally) ruffled a few feathers within the PR industry as it painted them as black hat SEOs, out to flood the internet with dull, keyword loaded press releases just so they could help their clients climb a few places in search rankings....

Jeff Domansky's insight:

Take a breath PR and marketing people. News releases are still helpful but better care needs to be taken to get better results.

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