Instagram "Stories" Is Better Designed Than Snapchat (Even If It Looks Like A Knock-Off) | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |
Instagram is taking a lot of heat for supposedly ripping off Snapchat with a "stories" feature of its own. And at first glance—hell, even at second and third glance—that’s exactly what it’s done: Stories lets you share photos and videos that disappear at the end of the day. But start using it and you begin to get the sense that it’s actually a much better experience from a user interface point of view.

Instagram is taking Snapchat's basic language and tinkering with the grammar, adding new expressions, and polishing up the prose.

In the subtlest of ways—so subtle that they’re easy to dismiss as blatant plagiarism—Instagram has made serious design improvements on Snapchat that are hidden in plain sight—er, swipe. Here’s how....