What are the five pillars of personalization marketing? | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight | Scoop.it

To determine what has changed and what has transferred this “legacy” technology into the modern digital world of marketing, you need to look at the independent components of this discipline, also known as the five pillars of personalisation marketing.

In fact, with the digitalisation of this technology, which could not exist in a purely analog world, the modern brand, enterprise, marketing disrupters and influencers can, when properly executed, find that personalisation marketing is a powerful results-driven tool that is draped in metrics, measurement, ROI, and repeatability as well as re-marketing – all of which are the foundations of modern digital marketing.

To ensure success and to make sure you have the witch’s brew of modern digital marketing mixed correctly, you need to balance, design, if you like your personalised marketing programme based on the five integrated components or pillars listed below....