Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight
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Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight
Social marketing, PR insight & thought leadership - from The PR Coach
Curated by Jeff Domansky
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Scooped by Jeff Domansky
May 3, 2017 11:00 AM!

32 Free Online Marketing Classes to Master Your Marketing Skills

32 Free Online Marketing Classes to Master Your Marketing Skills | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

Below are 32 free online courses you can take to beef up your skill set. These offerings vary in time commitment, but many are self-paced so you can work on your own schedule. We'll fill you in on the details below, or you can also skip ahead to check out classes in the following categories:

  1. Content Marketing

  2. Email Marketing

  3. Social Media

  4. SEO

  5. Coding, Design & Other Technical Skills

A brief explanation of each course creator accompanies their first mention on the list.

Jeff Domansky's insight:

Looking to brush up on your digital marketing skills? Start with these free online marketing classes in content marketing, social media, SEO, and more.E

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Scooped by Jeff Domansky
May 16, 2014 2:07 AM!

Marketing has been too undisciplined - New Media and Marketing

Marketing has been too undisciplined - New Media and Marketing | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

Marketing can be downright self-indulgent.

If you want proof that most CMO’s are clueless look no further than the social media bubble.  The hype sucked in a lot of marketing dollars and only now are brands starting to really question the value of a “fan” or a “follower” on social media.  

In the meantime a national retailer recently stated that, in the food channel, POP displays placed in aisles increased conversion by more than 50% and he wondered why more brands were not focusing in on purchase decisions which are often made in the store....

Jeff Domansky's insight:

Have you got time for a quick social media reality check? Worth reading.

Idris Grant's curator insight, May 16, 2014 9:51 AM

Worthwhile reading...

Scooped by Jeff Domansky
May 12, 2013 1:46 AM!

What are Buyer Personas and Why Are They Important for Your Business? | Business 2 Community

What are Buyer Personas and Why Are They Important for Your Business? | Business 2 Community | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

Think like your customer” “Put yourself in your customer’s shoes” and so on. These are some of the most repeated phrases of a business and like all other most cited words/phrases very few attention is paid to them. Every business owner/marketer agrees that you need to get an idea of your customer’s choices, his needs , problems which he is facing but very few follow this advice and even those who follow don’t have any idea how to think like their customer.Marketers have tried to solve this problem by coming up with “Buyer Personas”.


What is a Buyer Persona In marketing circles one frequently comes across this term but very few people have any idea of what is meant by a buyer persona. A buyer persona is a fictional representation of your ideal customer or a segment of your target market. Please note that I’ve used ideal person as a synonym for a segment of your target market. Because in reality not all of your target customers are your ideal ones or those for whom you are looking....

Jeff Domansky's insight:

Find out about buyer personas and how to create and use them.

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Scooped by Jeff Domansky
January 16, 2013 3:19 PM!

The 6 Marketing Metrics Your CEO Actually Cares About [Cheat Sheet] | HubSpot

The 6 Marketing Metrics Your CEO Actually Cares About [Cheat Sheet] | HubSpot | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

...I think the best marketing metrics look at the total cost of marketing, including program spend, salaries of the team, and overhead, and relate that cost to the results you care about -- revenue and customer acquisition. Other metrics like cost per lead, cost per follower, or cost per page view can be useful to look at within a marketing team, because they can help you make decisions about where to focus and what parts of your marketing process are broken; but most CEOs really just care about the cost and the net results, not the interim steps. This list of metrics is meant to focus on the most critical measures of marketing that your CEO will likely want to discuss with you.


Here are some metrics I've found useful over the past 5 years at HubSpot while growing our company, working with our CEO and CFO, and talking with our board members. I don’t have all the answers -- so please add your favorite metrics and thoughts on these metrics in the comments....

Jeff Domansky's insight:

This is a high-level look at critical marketing metrics for social media. highly recommended.

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Scooped by Jeff Domansky
November 19, 2012 7:53 PM!

Most Engaging Facebook Posts for the Week of 11-18-2012

Most Engaging Facebook Posts for the Week of 11-18-2012 | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |
Ads are changing. Nearly every message we see online today comes with some solicitation behind it, whether upfront or buried. This evolution of media puts brands directly at the forefront of communication.


They’re no longer ads in between content people seek, but increasingly the providers of that content.


Is your Facebook content worth seeking out?


Last week we looked at a number of brands doing a great job to break through the noise on Facebook, and this week we have three more posts to examine....


[Lots to learn. Really good examples of creative Facebook marketing: Nordstrom's, Red Bull and Philadelphia cream cheese ~ Jeff]

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Scooped by Jeff Domansky
October 16, 2012 1:24 PM!

Radically Connected Kids | MediaPost

Leah Bell, president of UQ Marketing, is more optimistic about the power of word-of- mouth offline. “There’s no denying the popularity of texting and social media among college students,” she says. “However, students begin to develop their long-term purchasing habits based on recommendations from their peers.”


She and Sepso agree, though, about brands’ needs to infiltrate young consumers’ daily lives. “Brands need to interject themselves into these real-world conversations,” says Bell.


That’s surprisingly difficult, consider how very connected these young adults are: 80 percent use two or more devices while watching TV, 76 percent spend at least an hour on Facebook everyday, and 59 percent even go on Facebook during class.


The huge obstacle for marketers trying to reach consumers through disruptive channels like Facebook and Reddit is creating authentic content and experiences. The only way to accomplish this is through transparency and respect....


[Fascinating marketing insight: Totally awesome and hard to reach; Dude, text me ~ Jeff]

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Scooped by Jeff Domansky
October 8, 2012 1:33 PM!

Is your business still anti-social? | SmartBlogs

Is your business still anti-social? | SmartBlogs | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

...It’s important that they — and all other skeptics out there — take the steps to learn because, as Slice quickly pointed out, marketing is not the game it was just five years ago — the companies that do well are the ones that understand and make good use of social media. Don’t worry, though, it’s not as hard as you think.

At this point, you don’t need to guess or learn by trial-and-error, Slice explained. There are plenty of case studies and volumes of advice available — much of it free on websites such as Mashable, Social Media Explorer and right here at SmartBlog on Social Media. There are also plenty of experienced professionals whom you can hire as staff members or consultants to help you out....


Here are five more bits of wisdom from Slice that should help social media skeptics see the point and feel more comfortable taking advantage of this powerful and necessary marketing tool....


[Useful social marketing reminders ~ Jeff]

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Scooped by Jeff Domansky
October 8, 2012 1:13 PM!

L'Oreal Social Media Chief Rachel Weiss Tells Us Why She's Bored Of Pinterest

L'Oreal Social Media Chief Rachel Weiss Tells Us Why She's Bored Of Pinterest | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |
"We're not seeing those platforms sell to us in a way that's meaningful."...


When Rachel Weiss, vp/digital strategy and marketing at L’Oréal, told Business Insider's Social Media ROI Conference that she stopped using Pinterest because "I got bored," we knew we had to grab her for a Q&A.


Pinterest is the new darling of social media, and advertisers are already flocking to it because of its huge female user base. Pinterest would be a natural for L'Oreal, surely?


Here's what Weiss told us about Pinterest — and Foursquare and Facebook — when she sat down with us recently to talk in more detail about her company's social media strategy....


[Lots of social marketing experimentation. Results? Not so much... yet. ~ Jeff]

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Scooped by Jeff Domansky
October 3, 2012 3:45 PM!

How Smart Devices and Social Media Impact Your Shopping Habits | Mashable

How Smart Devices and Social Media Impact Your Shopping Habits | Mashable | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |
This infographic shows how smart devices and social media impact your shopping habits.


Pre-Internet, the motto for shopping could’ve been “try and buy.” Nowadays, social media and mobile devices add a new dimension to the retail experience.


Online tools such as review sites, social networks and smartphones produce data for merchants that, if analyzed properly “in real time,” can transform the way consumers shop, according to a new infographic by custom development firm Symphony Teleca. This, in turn, can equal big bucks for business owners.

“By mining the mountain of internal and external data they’re compiling, retailers can provide targeted, relevant and timely offers to their customers, simultaneously improving the customer shopping experience and the company’s bottom-line,” says spokeswoman Brittany Klontz.


Entitled “The Meaning of Like,” the infographic shows just how much consumers are connected to the web. A staggering 167 million people will shop online this year, spending an average of $1,800 per person, it reveals. Unsurprisingly, shoppers are using their smartphones to look for sales and special deals, as well as read product reviews and ratings....


[Valuable trends and insight for retailers and marketers ~ Jeff]

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Rescooped by Jeff Domansky from Business Improvement
May 27, 2012 10:47 PM!

20 Revealing Stats, Charts, and Graphs Every Marketer Should Know

20 Revealing Stats, Charts, and Graphs Every Marketer Should Know | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

Business owners everywhere need to update their level of awareness of the effectiveness of inbound marketing versus the traditional outbound marketing, and they must stay on top of the data available re the effectiveness of the key social media platforms in delivering new business leads, so that in future they can make effective marketing decisions.


A key piece of data now available to business owners, indicates that leads sources as a result of inbound marketing, are 61% less costly than leads sourced as a result of traditional outbound marketing efforts.


This excellent article (albeit a promotion piece), provides great intelligence about many aspects of lead generation, intelligence that all business owners should be putting to good use, as they plan future marketing activities....

Via Daniel Watson
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Scooped by Jeff Domansky
March 2, 2017 11:36 AM!

Your First 100 Days as an Inbound Marketer: A Framework for Success

Your First 100 Days as an Inbound Marketer: A Framework for Success | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

The most successful inbound marketers learn skills and create habits in their first 100 days in this new role. To make sure your trajectory is set correctly, we've catalogued much of what you'll need to succeed in inbound marketing.


Don't be scared by the length -- remember, this document is one to use over the course of three months. Still, it's not intended to be a complete list of every little thing you need to know -- rather, it’s a fairly comprehensive collection of the fundamentals. Your company's own plan can be tailored based on the goals you need to achieve, but this outline is a good guide to begin with....

Jeff Domansky's insight:

Hubspot's Lindsay Kolowich uncovers the best practices for your first 100 days as an inbound marketer. Highly recommended if you're new and need a place to start. 9/10

Jeff Domansky's curator insight, March 2, 2017 11:39 AM

Hubspot's Lindsay Kolowich uncovers the best practices for your first 100 days as an inbound marketer. Highly recommended if you're new and need a place to start. 9/10

Scooped by Jeff Domansky
May 24, 2013 9:41 AM!

5 Content Lessons & SEO Opportunities From Bloomingdale's

5 Content Lessons & SEO Opportunities From Bloomingdale's | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

Bloomingdale's is a leader in fashion in the brick and mortar world. But how does a store with history back to the 1800s adapt to the new online world? Let's look at a few tactics Bloomingdale's uses in content marketing and a few SEO opportunities....

Jeff Domansky's insight:

I thought there were some useful content marketing here. Check it out.

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Scooped by Jeff Domansky
May 11, 2013 2:17 AM!

Guy Kawasaki’s 10 Social Media Tips for Authors | Mediashift | PBS

Guy Kawasaki’s 10 Social Media Tips for Authors | Mediashift | PBS | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

Wrap your mind around this: One of the most important factors that traditional publishers use to decide whether to acquire a book is the marketing platform of its author.


You’d think that the main reason for approaching a traditional publisher is to reap the benefits of the publisher’s marketing, and you wouldn’t have to bring your own. Life is full of mysteries, and whether you’re working with a traditional publisher or you are an artisanal publisher (a.k.a., “self-publisher”), the potency of your marketing platform can determine your success. There is no scenario under which thousands of social-media followers is not a good thing, so here are 10 social-media tips for authors of any kind....

Jeff Domansky's insight:

10 great social media tips for authors. 

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Scooped by Jeff Domansky
December 10, 2012 7:18 PM!

13 Marketing Musts for 2013 | Small Business Trends

13 Marketing Musts for 2013 | Small Business Trends | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |
Check out these 13 marketing musts and get your business ready for the New Year!


...There is clear evidence that we are still watching TV, reading magazines and newspapers (more online) and listening to the radio. Add to that, the parallel world of content marketing with blogs, podcasts, e-marketing, mobile, text and social media platforms and we can and do get overwhelmed with all the choices.


Here’s what’s most important to figure out:

*  The marketing vehicles that are best for you and your customers.
*  A clear brand and marketing message about you, what you offer, why you.

*  Being consistent, looking professional and staying fresh....

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Scooped by Jeff Domansky
November 11, 2012 9:26 PM!

The world of shopping is moving online - 5 Innovative Examples | Simply Zesty

The world of shopping is moving online - 5 Innovative Examples | Simply Zesty | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |
While more and more consumers make the move from the real world to online retail and e-commerce, we have a look at five examples of where the world is going...


The high street has been under threat for many years from the emergence of the Internet, but although many have predicted doom, people have continued to shop in the real world in surprising numbers. Roughly two decades after the Internet first starting gaining traction, a cruel combination of factors are emerging that will pretty much disrupt every retailer that lives on the high street.

Technology is at the heart of these changes, mainly a mixture of mobile, social media and cloud technologies are coming together to cause what I predict will be a year of huge turmoil for shops, brands and retailers that have been around for as far back as our memories stretch. Here is why the high street is about to change in front of our eyes over the next couple of years....

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Scooped by Jeff Domansky
October 8, 2012 4:11 PM!

How to Leverage the Marketing Power of Social Media and Mobile – Case Study

How to Leverage the Marketing Power of Social Media and Mobile – Case Study | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |
Social media and mobile are two top technology trends and as a business and brand learning to use them well is becoming vital.


If you want to connect with your target market in a digital economy you need to be relevant and use the modern cool tools and they don’t come any cooler than social and mobile.

Owning and using an iPad is almost like driving and parking a BMW in your driveway. Being able to talk intelligently about Facebook and Twitter now means you are invited to cocktail parties.

Print media is dying, direct mail goes into the circular file (also known as the rubbish bin) and the “Yellow Pages” is so uncool that no self respecting marketer wants to be seen with it near his desk or in his possession. So how do you move from uncool to cool?….. but before we do that we need to understand what “football” is!...


[Don't "get" rugby (Aussie football)? You'll get the results of this case study from a social marketing strategy by the Eeels rugby FC ~ Jeff ]

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Scooped by Jeff Domansky
October 8, 2012 1:22 PM!

These Were The 10 Most-Liked Facebook Brand Posts In September

These Were The 10 Most-Liked Facebook Brand Posts In September | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |
Yes, Bud Light did post a picture of deli meat.


When it comes to effective branded Facebook posts: The simpler the better.

Track Social is an analytics firm that monitors 10,000 brands' social media activity in real time, and it found that the Facebook posts that got the most likes in September weren't based on intricate social campaigns. Rather, they were heartfelt.

Target and Walmart's sincere tributes to the victims of the Sept, 11th attacks, and other companies' get-well-soon messages to various ailing celebrities, generated the most engagement.

The counter-intuitive lesson seems to be: Going off-brand, if only briefly, proves your brand has a human side, and thus pays dividends in new brand engagement....


[The social marketing lesson seems to be: KISS - keep it simple ~ Jeff]

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Scooped by Jeff Domansky
October 6, 2012 10:02 PM!

Marketing Data, Metrics, Charts & Graphs | HubSpot

Marketing Data, Metrics, Charts & Graphs | HubSpot | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |
Marketing Research and Data: Download for free over 120 marketing charts, graphs and other data for your own use.


HubSpot has compiled a brand new collection of 120 Awesome Marketing Stats, Charts & Graphs based on original research and data from a variety of sources, including analysis of our 6,500 business customers, surveys with hundreds of small and medium-sized businesses, and dozens of top-notch publications like MarketingSherpa, eMarketer, Pew Research, McKinsey, and more. ... 


[This is an exceptional social media & marketing resource from HubSpot. Ideal charts for presentations, proposals and blog posts. Highly recommended ~ Jeff]

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Scooped by Jeff Domansky
August 11, 2012 11:16 PM!

Marketing Is Dead | Bill Lee, Harvard Business Review

Marketing Is Dead | Bill Lee, Harvard Business Review | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |
In our social media-infused world, traditional marketing logic just doesn't work.


Traditional marketing — including advertising, public relations, branding and corporate communications — is dead. Many people in traditional marketing roles and organizations may not realize they're operating within a dead paradigm. But they are. The evidence is clear.

First, buyers are no longer paying much attention. Several studies have confirmed that in the "buyer's decision journey," traditional marketing communications just aren't relevant. Buyers are checking out product and service information in their own way, often through the Internet, and often from sources outside the firm such as word-of-mouth or customer reviews.


Second, CEOs have lost all patience. In a devastating 2011 study of 600 CEOs and decision makers by the London-based Fournaise Marketing Group, 73% of them said that CMOs lack business credibility and the ability to generate sufficient business growth, 72% are tired of being asked for money without explaining how it will generate increased business, and 77% have had it with all the talk about brand equity that can't be linked to actual firm equity or any other recognized financial metric.


Third, in today's increasingly social media-infused environment, traditional marketing and sales not only doesn't work so well, it doesn't make sense....


[Traditional marketing isn't really working anywhere says Bill Lee in HBR - JD]

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