It’s finally happened. LinkedIn surpassed online news sources, Facebook, and Twitter as the go-to source for professional content consumption.
The news comes from the 2014 Professional Content Consumption Report, delivering survey results from more than 2,700 LinkedIn members who actively consume content on the platform. LinkedIn dubs these high-content engagers “Content Revolutionaries,” and characterizes them as people who regularly consume content online, moving content from their original publication source into diverse channels.
Content Revolutionaries are the grassroots influencers and brand evangelists, the people who many marketers spend a lot of money trying to reach, spending eight hours per week consuming professional content. 91% of them turn to LinkedIn for professional content compared to 64% for online news sites, 29% for Twitter, and 27% for Facebook, according to the report....
Valuable insight and reading, for marketing, PR, content marketing pros. 9/10