5 Best Practices Every Content Curator Should Follow | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight | Scoop.it

I selected this piece by Steve Rosenbaum for Mashable because there are some excellent tips to make you a trusted source, build a loyal following and add value to the community.


I don't know about you but everytime I read a post about curation, I see something different, this one is from someone who knows what he's talking about.


Here are some highlights:


Be part of the content ecosystem


**What a curator should do is embrace content both as a marketer and an organizer


Follow a schedule


**No matter what and how much you post, 2 new links a day and one big post per week, that's a schedule


**Be consistent and post at the same time everyday so your readers will know when to expect new content


**consistency and regularity brings new users and helps you build a loyal fan base


Embrace multi platforms


**Put your work where your audience is, today you have to go to them (more about this in the article)


Engage and Participate


**Select only the best content - read everything before you hit the send button - you'll build trust by helping your readers find great content and information


**This is a great way to build relationships with bloggers and other curators (more on this in the article)


Share, Don't Steal


**Last but definitely not least, you must acknowledge the source, there are no exceptions


**When people choose to listen to you, it's because you've proven to separate the signal from the noise


Curated by Jan Gordon covering "Content Curation, Social Business and Beyond"


Read full article here: [http://on.mash.to/Jk8uWH]

Via janlgordon