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Scooped by Système de veille
November 27, 2023 3:57 AM!

CHINE-USA : Entre économie, Taïwan et superpuissance 

CHINE-USA : Entre économie, Taïwan et superpuissance  | STRATEGIES |

Le dernier sommet entre Xi Jinping et Joe Biden a donné le signal d’un apaisement entre Pékin et Washington. Mais celui-ci n’est que temporaire. Si le président chinois a été contraint de temporiser, il n’a pas abandonné ses objectifs de puissance, y compris et surtout la conquête de Taïwan, l’une de ses principales obsessions.

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Scooped by Système de veille
October 20, 2023 11:19 AM!

The US-EU Summit: Time to focus on geopolitics

The US-EU Summit: Time to focus on geopolitics | STRATEGIES |

Faced with an increasingly hostile and divided world, US and EU officials must make the most of the upcoming summit in Washington DC.

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Scooped by Système de veille
October 2, 2023 4:41 AM!

EU-USA: Can Europe survive Trump 2.0? 

EU-USA: Can Europe survive Trump 2.0?  | STRATEGIES |

The Continent could face a US president who toyed with quitting NATO and pledged to strike a ‘peace deal’ with Russia.

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Scooped by Système de veille
July 11, 2022 4:49 AM!

USA/MO : pourquoi le monde arabe a besoin d’un nouveau leader

USA/MO : pourquoi le monde arabe a besoin d’un nouveau leader | STRATEGIES |

Alors que le président américain promet une nouvelle aube avec un nouveau dirigeant saoudien, les Arabes ont besoin d’un leader capable de tenir tête à Israël et d’unir un peuple malmené par l’hégémonie occidentale

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Rescooped by Système de veille from L'ECHO DEMETER
November 7, 2021 11:32 AM!

USA-UAE: La mission d'innovation agricole pour le climat

USA-UAE: La mission d'innovation agricole pour le climat | STRATEGIES |

La mission d'innovation agricole pour le climat (AIM for Climate) – une nouvelle initiative majeure menée par les Emirats arabes unis (EAU) et les Etats-Unis (US) avec le soutien de plus de 30 gouvernements - a été officiellement lancée aujourd'hui et a annoncé une "récolte précoce" de 4 milliards de dollars d'investissements accrus pour accélérer l'innovation pour une agriculture et des systèmes alimentaires respectueux du climat au cours des cinq prochaines années. 

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Scooped by Système de veille
June 6, 2021 11:17 AM!

AGRICULTURE : US-Israel agriculture fund chooses 20 joint projects for $6.7 million investment 

AGRICULTURE : US-Israel agriculture fund chooses 20 joint projects for $6.7 million investment  | STRATEGIES |
BARD R&D fund also sets investment priorities for next 5 years including food safety; plant, animal protection tech
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Scooped by Système de veille
February 21, 2021 12:06 PM!

YEMEN : The Biden administration should prevent an ‘atrocity famine’

YEMEN : The Biden administration should prevent an ‘atrocity famine’ | STRATEGIES |

After declaring an end to U.S. support for the Saudi-led offensive, there is more the president can do.

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October 25, 2019 3:34 AM!

Ships with one million tonnes of grain stuck outside Iran's ports in payment crisis 

Ships with one million tonnes of grain stuck outside Iran's ports in payment crisis  | STRATEGIES |

More than 20 ships carrying around one million tonnes of grain are stuck outside Iranian ports as U.S. sanctions create payment problems and hamper the country's efforts to import vital commodities, sources directly involved in the trade said.

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Scooped by Système de veille
November 20, 2023 6:11 AM!

STRATEGIE : Le port de Colombo, nouveau terrain de jeu d'influence entre Pékin et Washington

STRATEGIE : Le port de Colombo, nouveau terrain de jeu d'influence entre Pékin et Washington | STRATEGIES |

Les États-Unis ont annoncé, mercredi, un investissement de 553 millions de dollars pour agrandir le port de Colombo au Sri Lanka. 

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Scooped by Système de veille
October 6, 2023 11:53 AM!

STRATEGIES: Can Vietnam help America counter China?

STRATEGIES: Can Vietnam help America counter China? | STRATEGIES |

The limits—and hidden strengths—of Washington’s new partnership.

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Scooped by Système de veille
September 19, 2022 7:16 AM!

MIDDLE EAST : U.S. to redirect Afghanistan’s frozen assets after Taliban rejects deal 

MIDDLE EAST : U.S. to redirect Afghanistan’s frozen assets after Taliban rejects deal  | STRATEGIES |

The Treasury Department said an oversight body will deploy $3.5 billion of Afghanistan’s central bank reserves to help stabilize the country’s ravaged economy.

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Scooped by Système de veille
December 6, 2021 5:47 AM!

ISRAEL : It seeks strategic partnership in agriculture with US

ISRAEL : It seeks strategic partnership in agriculture with US | STRATEGIES |

Agriculture and Rural Development Minister Oded Forer told the Post of his ambitions to forge a strategic partnership with the US on agricultural issues.

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Scooped by Système de veille
October 30, 2021 2:01 PM!

MIDDLE EAST : Biden and Climate Change Have Reshaped the Middle East

MIDDLE EAST : Biden and Climate Change Have Reshaped the Middle East | STRATEGIES |

We are at the start of a paradigm shift from resistance to resilience.

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Scooped by Système de veille
March 8, 2021 4:32 AM!

US-Gulf : Clean energy offers a platform for US-Gulf cooperation

US-Gulf : Clean energy offers a platform for US-Gulf cooperation | STRATEGIES |

Gulf states are nervous about the new Biden administration. Noises around re-signing up to the JCPOA and the potential to be held at more of an arms-length than under Trump have caused some unease. Leaders in the region, as well as the new president himself, will be keen to find issues of common cause. 

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Scooped by Système de veille
September 16, 2020 10:30 AM!

USA : How Trump’s Middle East plan could boost the region

USA : How Trump’s Middle East plan could boost the region | STRATEGIES |

The UAE-Israel deal signed today could nudge Middle Eastern countries into taking more responsibility for defining the region’s future.

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