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Scooped by Ileane Smith
October 29, 2013 8:18 AM

Auphonic Blog: Libsyn Podcast Hosting now supported by Auphonic (+ free promo code)

Auphonic Blog: Libsyn Podcast Hosting now supported by Auphonic (+ free promo code) | Podcasts | Scoop.it
The automatic audio post production webservice, using signal processing and machine learning techniques.
Ileane Smith's insight:

Technically this isn't really "news" but it IS a reminder that you can use AUPHONIC to record and edit audio and publish directly to Libsyn

You can also use Auphonic to publish directly to Blubrry, SoundCloud, and YouTube. 

Send files to Dropbox and Amazon S3.

I use Auphonic instead of Audacity to remove the background noise from my podcast. However, I'm still using iTunes to convert the raw wav files to mp3 and add the ID3 tags

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Scooped by Ileane Smith
September 17, 2013 6:30 AM

How-To use Auphonic to improve your audio and video sound quality for FREE

http://riverinaim.com/auphonic [ #riverinaim ] Topic: How we use a FREE service called auphonic.com to quickly and easily improve the sound quality of our au...
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