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Scooped by Lionel Reichardt / le Pharmageek
January 27, 2020 1:35 AM

Bedside Manners Via Telehealth – Understanding How Your Screenside Manners Matter #esante #hcsmeufr #digitalhealth

Bedside Manners Via Telehealth – Understanding How Your Screenside Manners Matter #esante #hcsmeufr #digitalhealth | 8- TELEMEDECINE & TELEHEALTH by PHARMAGEEK | Scoop.it

Using telehealth technology still requires good bedside manners - just call it your screen side or website manners. So what do providers need to know that is different between an in-person encounter compared to a telehealth encounter? 


The space involved with making that first impression via telehealth is significantly smaller than meeting in-person in a clinical setting.  Besides being two-dimensional, your space is limited to the size and quality of the monitor projecting your image on the other end of the connection. 


You only get one chance to make a first impression – so make it good.


Important factors to consider to help develop and maintain a positive patient-provider relationship:


Prior to encounter – being prepared is always the best practice.

  • Equipment – understand how to use and test; know who to contact to troubleshoot; ensure good placement of the camera, microphone, and speakers
  • Physical space – clear of distractions; good lighting; private and secure (HIPAA)
  • Provider Appearance – professional; solid, non-distracting (preferably light blue) colors
  • Preparation – review patient history chart/file


During the encounter – a little extra explanation can go a long way to foster relationships.


  • Confirm connection quality (hear/see) and security of space (HIPAA)
  • Introduce self (and others), organization/location
  • Have patient introduce self and any others in the room
  • Explain the process of taking notes, and only briefly looking away from the camera as necessary, otherwise maintain eye contact
  • Periodically ask the patient if he/she has any questions or anything to say
  • Reiterate any instructions or follow-up procedures for a patient prior to disconnecting


Developing your screen-side manners in today’s telehealth world is just as essential as developing good bedside manners. 


Patients still need to feel they are being heard and understood by their provider whether in-person or via video connection. The tasks that happen during an in-person visit, (e.g., jotting down notes, or looking at an image), are seen directly by the patient.


These same actions may not be as visible via video, and require some explanation to keep the patient engaged. The patient still needs your full attention.


Empathy is no less important in telemedicine. Being prepared, clearly communicating, and focusing on your patient will help foster a positive patient-provider relationship.


 You can still make meaningful eye contact via telehealth, but the trick is looking directly at the actual camera, and not the projected image of the patient on your screen.


Body language can speak louder than words, but telehealth creates a situation where not all body language is actually visible. 


While a thoughtful hand to the chin while thinking maybe commonplace, on video the same action might communicate disinterest. 


Controlling reactionary movements is vital for telehealth. While standing bedside, a simple action like shifting weight from one leg to another has minimal visual impact compared to being on video and then seeming to shift out of the view of the camera.


Similar to developing a good bedside manner, a good screen-side manner takes practice.  Telehealth is unique in that you can record yourself and review the video before ever connecting with a patient.


By examining your recording, you can get a better understanding of the patient’s perspective of the telehealth connection. This process allows you to make adjustments that might not happen otherwise, creating the best patient encounter possible.

james brown's curator insight, May 26, 2023 5:41 PM

Acheter MDMA Molly Ecstasy au Canada
L’ecstasy (MDMA) est à la fois une substance stimulante (de type amphétamine) et légèrement calmante (tranquillisante)



john raph's curator insight, June 6, 2023 8:22 AM


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Acheter MDMA Molly Ecstasy au Canada
L’ecstasy (MDMA) est à la fois une substance stimulante (de type amphétamine) et légèrement calmante (tranquillisante)



Scooped by Lionel Reichardt / le Pharmageek
January 22, 2019 1:38 AM

Using telemedicine to treat chronic disease #esante #hcsmeufr #digitalhealth

Using telemedicine to treat chronic disease #esante #hcsmeufr #digitalhealth | 8- TELEMEDECINE & TELEHEALTH by PHARMAGEEK | Scoop.it

Flash back to the brink of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. On the cusp of the passage of the ACA, more than 41 million Americans were uninsured or underinsured, driving one of the largest health care overhauls in history. While controlling costs was an important consideration, the main focus of the ACA was expanding coverage. To increase accessibility to affordable health insurance options, the law employs a mixture of mandates, subsidies, tax credits, and penalties to increase coverage of the uninsured, spur health care innovation, and provide for new payment models to reward quality of care and improved health care outcomes.


More than five years into the ACA era, the White House touts that the number of people without health insurance continues to decline and has dropped by 15.8 million since 2013. Of the roughly 11 million people who enrolled in state or federal Marketplaces in 2015, about 4.2 million were auto-renewals or renewals, indicating that roughly half of all 2015 enrollees kept their 2014 Marketplace insurance plan.


The rurally ignored


Despite the widely publicized successes of the ACA, many rural Americans were forgotten by health care reform. Although the ACA proclaimed a renewed focus on rural America, little was accomplished for rural populations outside of Medicaid expansion. A policy brief published by the National Advisory Committee on Rural Health and Human Services stressed the importance of coverage in rural areas, where the population is disproportionately older, more chronically ill, lower in income, and less insured compared to urban areas.


Where are the rural communities? "Rural" encompasses all populations, housing, and territories not included in an urban area; essentially, it is defined by what it is not. In 2010, the U.S. Census estimated that 59.5 million people – 19.3 percent of the population – lived in rural areas.


Rural residents tend to be poorer, earning a per capita average income of $19,000, which is nearly $7,000 less than what their urban counterparts earn. Although rural Americans account for only 22 percent of the population, rural residents account for 31 percent of the nation's food stamp beneficiaries. Only 64 percent of rural residents are covered by private insurance, and the rural poor are less likely to be covered by Medicaid benefits than their urban counterparts (45 percent versus 49 percent, respectively). Compounding the issue of obtaining affordable coverage, rural areas rarely have access to the same types of coverage. According to the National Rural Health Association, only about 10 percent of physicians practice in rural America, even though nearly 25 percent of the population lives in rural areas. There are only 401 specialists per 100,000 people, compared to 910 in urban areas.


"Rural Americans face a unique combination of factors that create disparities in health care not found in urban areas. Economic factors, cultural and social differences, educational shortcomings, lack of recognition by legislators, and the sheer isolation of living in remote rural areas all conspire to impede rural Americans in their struggle to lead a normal, healthy life."


Perpetuated by the inability to find and afford care, rural populations face higher incidences of chronic disease. Obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and alcohol and substance abuse are all chronic conditions that disproportionately affect rural populations.


Turns out, chronic disease is costly


In the U.S., chronic diseases and the health risk behaviors that cause them account for highest health care costs. In fact, 86 percent of all health care spending in 2010 was for people with one or more chronic medical conditions. The total estimated cost of diagnosed diabetes in 2012 was $245 billion, including $176 billion in direct medical costs and $69 billion in decreased productivity. Medical costs linked to obesity were estimated to be $147 billion in 2008. Annual medical costs for people who are obese were $1,429 higher than those for people of normal weight in 2006. Of the top 10 states with the highest rural populations, half fell on the list of the states with the highest rates of adult obesity and diagnosed diabetes


So what is the government doing? Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services recently awarded $2.7 million to improve rural health, however, those grants will support 3-year pilot programs designed to train health professionals and expand health insurance coverage in rural areas, rather than impact rural health directly. Essentially, the 20 recipients of the grants (ranging from $75,000 to $200,000) are community colleges, hospitals, health education centers, individual counties, and other various providers, which are to use the money for formal training programs for health professional students. To put it in perspective, HRSA responded to the outcry by millions of rural Americans by awarding grants equal to the price of 17-year-old Kylie Jenner's first home, after spending hundreds of millions of dollars implementing the ACA and federal and state Marketplaces.


Is telemedicine the perfect solution? Maybe


Although the ACA does not specifically link telemedicine to rural populations, "telehealth" or "telemedicine," which is using telecommunication and information technologies to provide clinical health care at a distance, is a critical component of transitioning to value-based treatments, and to better serving rural communities and chronic conditions.


For rural populations, telemedicine has the potential to increase accessibility to providers and specialists who can remotely monitor and treat chronic disease, without the hassle or costs associated with traveling. In many states, telemedicine services are covered by insurance to the same extent as in-person services. It helps eliminate distance barriers to medical services that would often not be consistently available in distant rural communities.


Although it seems like a catch-all, it is important to note that telemedicine is not a replacement for an annual, in-person physical; it is used most effectively to manage chronic condition and preventive health care costs. Even the best physicians in the world cannot take the blood pressure of a patient or press on the abdomen of a sick patient remotely. While certainly this represents a drawback, it also presents an opportunity. The rules governing the practice of medicine do not need to be the same rules that govern the practice of telemedicine. By linking patients with doctors either via telephone or video chat, barriers of distance can be eliminated, which proves crucial for rural areas.


Telemedicine snapshot: Mississippi


To address the prevalence of chronic conditions, Mississippi became the 16th state to pass advanced telemedicine provisions. In 2014, the American Telemedicine Association (ATA) graded existing state telemedicine programs based on reimbursement and physician practice standards, rating Mississippi with the highest possible composite score. Evidence of a collaborative landscape accommodating telemedicine, Mississippi requires telemedicine services to be a 'real-time' consultation, which does not include the use of audio-only telephone, email, or fax. Additionally, the Mississippi legislature also required that telemedicine services are covered to the same extent as in-person services, although a health plan may limit the number of telemedicine providers to a local network.


With the highest prevalence of adult obesity and diabetes in the country, Mississippi prioritized remote patient monitoring services to coordinate primary, acute, behavioral, and long-term social service needs for high-need, high-cost patients. For telemedicine services to be reimbursed, patients must be eligible for remote patient monitoring and specific patient criteria must be met. For example, qualifying patients for remote patient monitoring must be recommended by their physician, be diagnosed in the last 18 months with a chronic condition like diabetes or heart disease, and have a history of costly services because of that condition.


Initial barriers to telemedicine implementation


Although Mississippi has faced relatively little resistance incorporating these laws, many states still need to consider a number of issues or barriers when developing telemedicine programs and policy.


1. Requiring coverage for telemedicine under private insurance, state employee health plans, and public assistance

Reimbursement continues to be a barrier to telemedicine adoption in some states. Medicare, which typically sets reimbursement standards, reimburses for telehealth services with relatively stringent requirements. Medicare pays for telemedicine services only when patients live in Health Professional Shortage Areas (HPSAs) and those who engage in "face-to-face" interactive video consultation services and some store-and-forward applications (e.g., teleradiology, remote electrocardiogram applications). As stated in a report by the American Hospital Association, "Without adequate reimbursement and revenue streams, providers may face obstacles in investing in these technologies."


Plan administrators and providers need to work together to discuss telemedicine benefits and determine coverage options and reimbursement policies, similar to the Mississippi State Legislature passing a bill requiring private insurance to pay for telemedicine services at the same rate as it does for in-person care. States considering telemedicine will have to wrestle with similar decisions about what to cover (e.g., video consultations, asynchronous store-and-forward platforms, patient monitoring) and review technology guidelines that determine reimbursement eligibility to ensure maximum reimbursement. To put it simply, if providers are not getting paid, they cannot provide.


2. Patient consent and education


Consent is a vital component of health care and is more complicated with a telemedicine platform. States must consider requirements for how to approach and obtain patient consent. The risk of consent-based claims for providers is a concern, and malpractice laws are currently geared toward face-to-face interactions; if consent-based claims become rampant, the willingness of providers to administer health care via telemedicine will likely decrease. Nebraska, for example, requires written informed consent, while California and Arizona law permit verbal consent to satisfy the statutory informed consent requirement. Since telehealth is a new and emerging field, patient education is critical to patients' health and providers' ability to practice.


Ideally, patients need to understand details about the expected risks and benefits of telemedicine, available alternatives, and how telemedicine fits into their personal wellness plan.


3. Geographical restrictions on telemedicine services

Although many states are ironing out provisions for health professional licensure requirements, including implementing special telemedicine licenses, border state and consultation exceptions, and interstate reciprocity and endorsements, little research has been done regarding restrictions on limitations for patient location while receiving telehealth services. For instance, can a patient on vacation in another state or country meet with his or her physician for an appointment? If the physician prescribes medication, can the patient fill his or her prescription outside of state lines?


Consideration needs to be placed on not just where the provider is operating from but also where the patient is located at the time of treatment and how treatment is administered.


4. Establishing the provider-patient relationship

Trust is an essential factor in a provider-patient relationship. It has been historically built during face-to-face interactions. States need to consider whether an in-person examination component is necessary or telemedicine can be used instead of an initial in-person patient evaluation.


The face of health care is changing, but prioritizing relationships is at the core of what creates value and better outcomes in health care. When implementing telemedicine programs, it is essential to consider the health of the patient first and design an interaction model that will create the most effective patient-provider relationship.


Overwhelmed? Here's what we know, and where we're going. We know that there are a significant number of rural Americans in the U.S. who have a difficult time accessing and affording health care. We know that many of these Americans are the ones who really need it, given their higher incidence of chronic disease. We know that chronic disease costs a lot and that most rural Americans cannot afford to treat it conventionally. We know that on its face, telemedicine may be one solution to solving the problem of rural health care.


A continued focus on this population of Americans and a renewed sense of urgency will allow for thoughtful state legislation and progressive development. Using Mississippi as a model of telemedicine implementation that is more thorough than many of its counterparts, other states can review their successes and challenges, with specific focus on the issues identified in this piece. For instance, considering where a patient must be located to receive care from providers, as well where they are legally able to fill a prescription from that provider are critical considerations for every state developing and amending telemedicine laws. There are a number of stakeholders involved in the telemedicine field. To ensure comprehensive, thoughtful laws and reforms, state legislature should reach out to local health care providers, nonprofit research centers, state insurance and Medicare/Medicaid departments, private insurance companies, state legislators, and patients to evaluate needs and requirements, and implement suitable legislation.

james brown's curator insight, May 26, 2023 7:18 PM

Quando si tratta di questioni di salute, è fondamentale sapere quali sono le farmacie buone e cattive.
Devi imparare cosa cercare in una farmacia per sapere se è quella giusta. Ricorda, hai a che fare con la vita, ecco perché devi stare attento a dove acquistare i tuoi farmaci e altre necessità farmaceutiche.


Rescooped by Lionel Reichardt / le Pharmageek from Trends in Retail Health Clinics and telemedicine
February 21, 2015 3:16 AM

Future Of TeleMedicine: Will Robot Chips Live In Our Bodies

Future Of TeleMedicine: Will Robot Chips Live In Our Bodies | 8- TELEMEDECINE & TELEHEALTH by PHARMAGEEK | Scoop.it
2040 will herald the decade of thought activation and mind control, and the work colleague we chat to at the watercooler might be a hologram. These were two predictions made by MYOB’s chief technology officer, Simon Raik-Allen, as part of ...

Via eMedToday
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Scooped by Lionel Reichardt / le Pharmageek
January 24, 2019 2:01 PM

Health System began exploring telemedicine as a way to connect its physicians and specialists with patients  #esante #hcsmeufr #digitalhealth

Health System began exploring telemedicine as a way to connect its physicians and specialists with patients  #esante #hcsmeufr #digitalhealth | 8- TELEMEDECINE & TELEHEALTH by PHARMAGEEK | Scoop.it

In 2005, Tift Regional Health System began exploring telemedicine as a way to connect its physicians and specialists with patients in the rural area surrounding its Tifton, Georgia, home base.

At that time, telehealth technology largely consisted of a hub-and-spoke network, based out of large tertiary care centers or academic medical centers.


"We understood [telehealth] was the future and we needed to be a part of this technology that could get our patients to the specialists that they needed to see 200 or more miles away," said Jeff Robbins, MD, director of telehealth and neurodiagnostics at Tift Regional Medical Center.


The virtual visits idea was starting to be discussed in rural parts of the country. The Internet was slow, but the tech was getting close to making distant encounters possible.


"In the early days, every encounter was basically a telehealth network within itself," Robbins said. "The technology only allowed us to connect to one endpoint at a time. The technology didn't allow us to network to a new endpoint or customer without a lot of IT involvement. Internet was slow and the devices used to conduct a patient-to-provider encounter were primitive compared to what we have today."


These issues prevented Tift Regional from achieving the outcomes it knew were possible but staff understood, given its track record at other hospitals, that telehealth could play a very important part in delivering healthcare in the near future.


Tift at that point partnered with the Global Partnership for Telehealth, a nonprofit with a 12-year track record in developing and implementing sustainable, cost-effective telehealth programs.


The Global Partnership for Telehealth markets telehealth systems to hospitals and other medical facilities in 11 states. There are a variety of telemedicine technology vendors with varied offerings on the market. These include American Well, Avizia, Cisco Systems, HealthTap, InTouch Health, MDLive, SnapMD, TeleHealth Services and Tellus -- many of those are in the Healthcare IT News Buyers Guide: Comparing 11 top telehealth platforms.


GPT's network of caregivers and its technology gave Tift Regional the ability to connect to nursing homes, school clinics, emergency rooms, stroke teams, specialized wound care teams and advanced critical care teams hundreds of miles away from its rural location in South Georgia.


"I like to say the miracle of telehealth is that it gives us the ability to erase time and distance," Robbins said. "Our patients benefit with virtually no travel time or expenses, decreased time waiting for an appointment, reduced medical costs, and extra value to the patient encounter and extended access to consultations with specialists not offered in their area and usually hundreds of miles away."


The partnership with GPT also allows Tift Regional's employed physicians to increase revenue because they can see patients outside their area, reducing missed appointments, and giving them the tools to treat more patients over time and have better patient follow-ups that improve outcomes, which also cuts down on readmissions, he added.


Telehealth carts generally include a monitor, camera, keyboard and remote control. Peripherals give physicians the ability to monitor vital signs, use a digital stethoscope, and use high-definition cameras for specific types of care such as dermatology or wound care.


Telehealth has become a critical component in Tift Regional's ability to deliver quality healthcare, and the healthcare organization has seen success in using the technology.


"Telehealth has increased access to healthcare within our organization by making it easier for our patients to obtain clinical services," Robbins said. "It also allows our hospital to provide emergency services that we cannot always provide like advanced/emergency stroke care. We have also seen an increase in improved health outcomes."


Telehealth allows Tift Regional to get its patients seen, diagnosed and treated earlier. This leads to improved outcomes and less costly treatments, Robbins explained.


"Telehealth has allowed us to have advanced ICU support and that has reduced mortality rates, reduced complications and subsequent hospital stays," he added. "We are seeing a reduction in healthcare costs through home monitoring, which is lowering costly hospital visits. Our stroke program is reducing the high cost of transferring stroke and other emergencies."


And Tift Regional has used telehealth to address the shortage in healthcare providers by allowing its patient population to see specialists outside Tift's area, also enabling Tift's own specialists to serve more patients, he said.


Before telemedicine, a virtual encounter meant both the presenter and the provider had to switch between many different programs. This presented issues when programs failed and data didn't link up correctly.


"The provider can now see who is waiting to be seen in the virtual waiting room, and data entry has been streamlined to allow patient data and notes to be uploaded into our existing EHR," Robbins said. "And maybe the best improvement is the ability to switch programs, going from Pathways to the stethoscope then the cameras within the same encounter."



john raph's curator insight, June 6, 2023 10:15 AM

Acheter MDMA Molly Ecstasy au Canada
L’ecstasy (MDMA) est à la fois une substance stimulante (de type amphétamine) et légèrement calmante (tranquillisante)

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Scooped by Lionel Reichardt / le Pharmageek
January 2, 2019 2:40 AM

Virtual Healthcare Gets Real, As Telehealth Turns to AI #esante #hcsmeufr #digitalhealth

Virtual Healthcare Gets Real, As Telehealth Turns to AI #esante #hcsmeufr #digitalhealth | 8- TELEMEDECINE & TELEHEALTH by PHARMAGEEK | Scoop.it

One day you wake up with a pain in your side that persists. You want to be seen by a medical professional, but you don't want to go through the hassle of making an appointment and schlepping to your doctor. Most large healthcare organizations now allow you to make an appointment with a physician and get observed from the comfort and privacy of your own home — via video conferencing software on your smartphone, tablet or PC.


Such "telehealth" capabilities, as they're known, have been around for several years, but they're gaining traction as the sector swivels from fee-for-service to outcomes-based care. Intermountain Healthcare, a healthcare system that operates 23 hospitals and 170 clinics in Utah and Idaho, earlier this year took the concept of telehealth to another level by launching a virtual hospital.


The digital service, Intermountain Connect Care Pro, provides people anything from basic care to advanced services such as stroke evaluation, mental health counseling and critical care for newborns, says CIO Marc Probst.


Virtual care on the rise
Connect Care Pro marks the acceleration of a trend. Seventy-four percent of healthcare customers have already received or are interested in some form of virtual care, according to Forrester Research. The researcher also says that 55 percent of healthcare organizations are making a new investment or increasing investment in virtual care technologies, which they view as crucial to patient acquisition and retention.


"Patients seek personalized and convenient care," Forrester analyst Arielle Trzcinski wrote in a recent blog post. "They will not tolerate an aggravating, time-consuming experience when options that fit their needs are just a click away."


For Connect Care Pro, Intermountain Healthcare wove together 35 telehealth programs and allocated more than 500 caregivers. Probst says the virtual hospital saves patients and doctors the time and trouble of meeting in person for routine ailments, such as a headache or a pulled muscle. "They do 100 percent of their work virtually," Probst says of the physicians working for the virtual hospital. Probst estimates that as much as 75 percent of healthcare appointments can be performed virtually.


That presents great opportunities for Intermountain, which can now more efficiently treat patients who require emergency medical attention, Probst says. Probst helped implement the software and systems for the virtual hospital, including integrating them with the provider's Cerner electronic medical record (EMR) system.


The virtual hospital is one of the cornerstones of Intermountain's multi-year digital transformation, supporting more than 2,300 physicians and clinicians. It builds off of a decade-old telehealth initiative that Probst helped expand to more than 12 non-Intermountain healthcare facilities in Utah, Wyoming in Idaho.


However, he acknowledges that the technology doesn't work for all scenarios. "I don't want my prostate exam over my computer," says Probst, when asked for an example of a necessary in-person treatment. Indeed, while telehealth will never completely supplant on-site caregivers, Intermountain believes it can ease the burden on existing staff, particularly with the population of Baby Boomers set to exceed children in the U.S. by 2030, according to the U.S. Census Bureau.


A virtual assistant for your healthcare needs
For Intermountain, virtual care is just one piece of a larger emerging healthcare puzzle that Probst says will also include virtual assistants driven by artificial intelligence (AI) — think Iron Man's "Jarvis" for healthcare. Take the virtual hospital or telehealth scenarios, for example.


If someone has a medical issue they want attended to, they can cue up Amazon.com's Alexa or Google Assistant from their home-based smart appliance and describe the condition. The virtual assistant could walk the patient through questions about the location and severity of the pain, while in the background accessing the patient's EMR (with the patient's prior permission, of course). Ideally, the assistant could then "get close to a diagnosis" and recommend the person see a doctor either in-person or via virtual care, Probst says. The assistant can then make that appointment.


Probst says these capabilities, which he expects could one day be integrated into Connect Care Pro, will likely happen within his career. "It's very much using AI and tapping into the EMR for digital triage," Probst says. He says the AI will also, with a patient's permission, assist with ordering prescriptions, such as an antibiotic to a CVS or Walgreens.


Eventually, AI could be extended to the exam room, assisting a doctor while he or she is examining a patient. Most doctors today spend an inordinate amount of time entering notes into a patient’s EMR on a computer.


Probst envisions a future where computer vision and voice recognition technologies can “listen” and “understand” what a doctor is telling a patient during an exam and accurately enter the data into the EMR.


"It may seem a little farfetched, but a lot of what we can do for healthcare can be completely digitized with little to no human interaction once we've proven out the AI,” Probst says.

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Rescooped by Lionel Reichardt / le Pharmageek from Trends in Retail Health Clinics and telemedicine
January 7, 2015 1:08 AM

Telemedicine market could grow by $5 billion in next five years

Telemedicine market could grow by $5 billion in next five years | 8- TELEMEDECINE & TELEHEALTH by PHARMAGEEK | Scoop.it

By the year 2020, the patient monitoring market in the U.S. is expected to grow by about $5 billion--mostly because of the expansion of telemedicine use, according to a reportby iData Research.

The report also looks at the impact vital sign monitors, fetal and neonatal monitors, cardiac output monitoring devices and blood pressure monitors will have on the market, among others. In addition, the telehealth market in the U.S. is projected to grow in double digits in the next five years, according to an announcement on the report, with telehealth for disease conditions management set to make up more than half of that market. 

Public and private organizations will also help telemedicine grow as they budget more funds for the technology in the ensuing years, according to the announcement.  

Another industry report also says major growth in telemedicine is on its way, predicting the market will double in the next four years, FierceHealthIT previously reported. The market will see growth at 18.88 percent CAGR, from 2014 to 2019, according to ReportsnReports.com.

Other factors moving telemedicine forward are changes in reimbursement and healthcare policies, which will increase physician confidence in spending money on the technology. according to the iData report.

Via eMedToday
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