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on peer-to-peer dynamics in politics, the economy and organizations
Curated by jean lievens
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Scooped by jean lievens
June 17, 2014 12:16 PM!

Education is a Commons!

Education is a Commons! | Peer2Politics |
the first global and interconnected event of the Near Future Education Lab, in collaboration with the P2P Foundation
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Scooped by jean lievens
March 18, 2014 6:30 PM!

What I Know Is - Wikimedia UK

What I Know Is - Wikimedia UK | Peer2Politics |

Dogma concerning the use of the Wikipedia has, for many of us working in Higher Education, tended to dictate a lukewarm and grudging acknowledgement of its existence at best; at worst, a belief that any and all uses of it ought to be expunged from academia forever. This attitude to the Wikipedia, and its umbrella organisation in the UK, Wikimedia UK, has in recent years mellowed and in some disciplinary circles it has now been appropriated as a tool for Learning and Teaching.

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