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on peer-to-peer dynamics in politics, the economy and organizations
Curated by jean lievens
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Scooped by jean lievens
May 24, 2014 3:26 AM!

Community Supported Everything · Portland, Oregon

Community Supported Everything · Portland, Oregon | Peer2Politics |

What would happen if communities took higher education into their own hands? What if education meant pursuing our passions and growing at our edges, immersed in a culture of creativity, accountability, integrity and action? What if instead of using degrees to measure our success, we were credited by the direct impact our work has on the world? We could transform our communities and build resilient new systems that will carry us through the next century.

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Scooped by jean lievens
October 19, 2013 5:57 AM!

Cities and Geographic Development | Sustainable Cities Collective

Cities and Geographic Development | Sustainable Cities Collective | Peer2Politics |
There seems to be a prevalent trend in media and political commentary about the Canadian province of New Brunswick where I live and am from; that the province is falling behind, in decline.
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Scooped by jean lievens
February 3, 2014 6:06 PM!

Developing Collective Wisdom in Communities, Cities, & Regions

We serve the vision of a world in which place-based communities become increasingly thriving and resilient. Rather than relying on the government to authorize and drive change from the top down, we believe that the shift to a global wisdom culture must also be initiated on the ground through the efforts of ordinary citizens within their home communities and cities.
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