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Rescooped by Bruno De Lièvre from Pédagogie en enseignement supérieur
May 3, 2015 6:17 AM

APPRENDRE | Mythes, représentations erronées & autres biais...

APPRENDRE | Mythes, représentations erronées & autres biais... | Pédagogie & Technologie | Scoop.it

The world of teaching and learning is rife with received wisdom, including the potency of learning styles (which deserves a page to itself), and plenty of other unproven but fashionable ideas. It is not so much that they are "wrong", but:

the evidence base and/or research methodology may be flaky, and/or

they may have been misinterpreted and generalised beyond their legitimate use, and/or they originate from such tightly controlled laboratory settings as not to make sense in the real world.

Via Jean-Loup Castaigne
Jean-Loup Castaigne's curator insight, May 2, 2015 12:03 PM

Le monde de l'enseignement est nourri d'un certain nombre de mythes dont la pyramide des apprentissages. Ces mythes sont très séduisants et certains se basent sur ces mythes pour se justifier. Mais ils sont construits sur des preuves non significatives, une méthodologie non fiable, une mauvaise interprétation ou une généralisation abusive

NathalieNoelYouinou's curator insight, May 5, 2015 3:50 AM

food for thought

Bernard VULLIERME's curator insight, May 5, 2015 9:22 AM

Exercice salutaire …

Scooped by Bruno De Lièvre
November 18, 2014 11:16 AM

Learner experiences with open online learning and MOOCs e-book | George Veletsianos

Learner experiences with open online learning and MOOCs e-book | George Veletsianos | Pédagogie & Technologie | Scoop.it
I’m excited to announce the publication of an open access e-book on learners’ experiences with open learning and MOOCs. The book consists of ten chapters by student authors and one introductory chapter by me.
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