Secrets To Lasting Longer Book PDF Download | Ebooks & Books (PDF Free Download) |

Secrets To Lasting Longer PDF book download by Big Mike. One of the best ways to make sure you are able to hold off the magic moment I have found was to desensitize yourself. What I mean by this is getting yourself used to feel awesome without the feeling causing you to get excited and ejaculate before you want to. You need some alone time and one of those pocket pussies you find on the internet. The best one I found the easiest to walk around within my room was the Tenga egg. It’s smaller so it’s easier to hide and it is very inexpensive. Hang out in your room while you are working on various tasks and keep using the egg to constantly masturbate your penis. Do not make yourself cum. It was more effective when I was putting clothes away or doing homework and concentrating on something else.