Perfect Weight Forever PDF Book Download | Ebooks & Books (PDF Free Download) |

Perfect Weight Forever PDF book download. Feel free to share this book with your friends on Facebook!  I remember the first time a friend told me what shin splints were and I was so confused…how could that part of your body hurt?! But god now, I know what shin splints are. To be fair this is my fault. I am an all in, guns blazing kind of person so when I do something I go for it and that’s exactly what I have done with running. I am going to outright say it here, I am not a runner…or at least not a very good runner, I definitely didn’t run at all before November 2016, and the words ‘I hate running’ were commonly expressed…sometimes they still are when I am halfway up a hill and regretting all my life choices. Seriously though, before this year the longest I had ever run was 5km and then idiotically convinced by a friend I decided to sign up for a half marathon.