Green Smoothie Happiness PDF Ebook Download | Ebooks & Books (PDF Free Download) |

Green Smoothie Happiness PDF ebook full download. There’s no denying that smoothies are delicious, easy to make, and open to endless possibilities of ingredients. One of my favorite parts of smoothie making is finding the perfect toppings; the only problem is you’re usually working with a small glass, leaving little room for all the goods. The solution? A smoothie bowl! If you browse Instagram from time to time, you’ve probably seen beautiful images of colorful and decorative smoothie bowls (aka smoothies in a bowl). They’re pretty much all the rage right now, as they allow smoothie enthusiasts to not only expand their line of toppings but turn their food into a work of art. The trick to a good smoothie bowl is getting it thick, creamy, and (hopefully) tasty. Here’s a recipe that’s super simple to make, extremely filling, and is easy on the eyes if I do say so myself.