The Belly Flab Burner PDF eBook Download Free | Ebooks & Books (PDF Free Download) |

The Belly Flab Burner PDF eBook download. Feel free to share this book with your friends on Facebook! Weight loss isn’t easy for me but after a particularly bad experience last night, I am tired of feeling this way. I’ve been overweight since my son was born in 2008 but truth be told I have been on this path for a while. Before he was born I developed bad habits that have stuck with me. I do not dislike exercise, which is an assumption that even my family makes. I’m not necessarily lazy but exercise hurts. I have a bad back which running and certain other activities makes the pain almost double. So I avoid that type of issue pretty regularly. Now today I did my food index thing and found that I am about 2000 calories over what I should be at so tomorrow it is diet time. No soda, which guarantees I will have a headache by mid-afternoon. And less creamer in my coffee in the morning. Switching to tea and calorie-free items. I also need to call and speak with my doctor to make sure we are on the same page.