Notebook or My Personal Learning Network
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Notebook or My Personal Learning Network
a personal notebook since summer 2013, a virtual scrapbook
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Rescooped by Gilbert C FAURE from Information and digital literacy in education via the digital path
March 13, 2020 3:36 AM!

Tips for Designing an Online Lesson Using the 5 Es Instructional Model

Tips for Designing an Online Lesson Using the 5 Es Instructional Model | Notebook or My Personal Learning Network |
Covid 19 has educators and educational institutions worried about and preparing for possible school closures. What happens if students have to stay home for days or even weeks? How can we keep them learning remotely? What strategies and technology tools

Via EDTECH@UTRGV, Elizabeth E Charles
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Rescooped by Gilbert C FAURE from Information and digital literacy in education via the digital path
May 9, 2016 11:58 AM!

Instructional Differences Between Pedagogy vs. Andragogy

Instructional Differences Between Pedagogy vs. Andragogy | Notebook or My Personal Learning Network |
Administrators and educators need to use appropriate and effective instructional techniques for andragogy and pedagogy, whether in person or online.

Via Elizabeth E Charles
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Scooped by Gilbert C FAURE
August 17, 2018 2:20 AM!

A Brief Guide to Creating Learning Outcomes | Presence

A Brief Guide to Creating Learning Outcomes | Presence | Notebook or My Personal Learning Network |
Whatever you call them – learning goals, learning objectives, outcome statements, learning outcomes (my go-to) – we should be able to indicate the knowledge or skills we intend students to gain.

The good news is there are general elements to include in naming what students will know, think, or do as a result of engaging with us.
Tina Jameson's curator insight, August 23, 2018 7:58 PM
Even though this is not specifically aimed at schools, the simplicity of the advice and the 'formula' for breaking down your 'learning outcomes' could be useful to teaching staff.
Rescooped by Gilbert C FAURE from eLearning Industry
June 19, 2015 2:26 AM!

A framework for content curation

A framework for content curation | Notebook or My Personal Learning Network |

In conversation at EduTECH earlier this month, Harold Jarche evoked George E. P. Box’s quote that “all models are wrong, but some are useful”. Of course, the purpose of a model is to simplify a complex system so that something purposeful can be done within it. By definition,...

Via Christopher Pappas
Gilbert C FAURE's insight:

will use in the ECIL meeting on information literacy, Thks

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