Newtown News of Interest
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onto Newtown News of Interest
July 11, 11:03 AM!

#NewtownPA Yardley Rd & Tara Blvd Crosswalk Improvement Timeline

#NewtownPA Yardley Rd & Tara Blvd Crosswalk Improvement Timeline | Newtown News of Interest |

Back on November 15, 2022, residents of Newtown Walk invited me, supervisor Dennis Fisher, and PA State Representative Perry Warren to observe the excessive speed of motorists at the Newtown-Yardley Road/Tara Blvd entrance to their development. There is a “midblock” crosswalk at that intersection, which residents use to access the Newtown Trail on the south side of NT-Yardley Rd. At the time, there was also a school bus stop at that location.


Needless to say, residents were concerned about the safety of pedestrians – especially children – using the crosswalk some of whom have experienced close calls with cars.


A lot of Board of Supervisors (BOS) discussions, proposals, and communications with PennDOT has happened since then. I thought this was a good time to review the process to see where we are and when this problem will be addressed by making this crosswalk safer.


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Newtown News of Interest
These Scoops are excerpts from articles published in local newspapers and other sources that may be of interest to Newtown area residents. Please click on the "From" link to access the full original article. Any opinions and "insights" appended to these article summaries are solely those of John Mack and do not represent the opinions of any other person or entity.
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