Newtown News of Interest
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onto Newtown News of Interest
March 13, 1:17 PM!

Major Upgrade To Begin At #NewtownPA Borough Intersection

Major Upgrade To Begin At #NewtownPA Borough Intersection | Newtown News of Interest |

A major intersection upgrade is scheduled to begin on Monday at Lincoln and Washington Avenues.


In December, the borough council awarded a $500,473 base bid to Armour & Sons Electric for an upgrade to the busy intersection.


The project will include the replacement of antiquated standards with new poles and signal heads, new LED countdown pedestrian signals and pavement markings, and the construction of new ADA (Americans With Disabilities Act) curb ramps.


Among the new pedestrian accommodations will be a leading pedestrian interval (LPI), which will allow pedestrians to enter the crosswalk 3 to 7 seconds before vehicles are given a green indication. The LPI allows pedestrians to better establish their presence in the crosswalk before vehicles are given the go-ahead to turn right or left.




johnmacknewtown's insight:


Meanwhile, the planned Newtown-Yardley Road and Tara Drive Crosswalk Improvements have stalled. According to comments from a resident:


“This period of time with No Reportable Activity or Progress by RVE is 68 days delay to a safer Pedestrian Crosswalk for Newtown!"


Residents were advised by the Township Maanger to contact their state represntatives.


Ms. Valerie Malek emailed State Senator Steve Santarsiero and Representative Perry Warren::


“We seem to have hit a “bump in the road” with moving our pedestrian crosswalk safety initiative forward. Your help is extremely needed.


“We need both of your offices to inquire why there is this delay with PennDot. 


“As you know a group within the Newtown Walk Community has worked tirelessly for what will soon be two years to keep all pedestrians safe when they use the midblock Newtown Yardley Rd/Tara Blvd crosswalk.  We need this project to keep moving forward for the safety of Newtown residents.  PennDot’s delaying this process is unacceptable.”

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Newtown News of Interest
These Scoops are excerpts from articles published in local newspapers and other sources that may be of interest to Newtown area residents. Please click on the "From" link to access the full original article. Any opinions and "insights" appended to these article summaries are solely those of John Mack and do not represent the opinions of any other person or entity.
Curated by johnmacknewtown