[Image shows proposed plan to add a dedicated right turn lane..]
Relief is on the way for customers of the Newtown Shopping Center tired of traffic backups around the Chick-Fil-A restaurant.
The Newtown Township Board of Supervisors on May 25 voted 5 to 0 to approve a settlement agreement with Newtown Bucks Associates LLP for improvements to the traffic circulation pattern around the fast food restaurant.
The plan includes a dedicated right turn lane into the eatery from West Road, which is designed to prevent traffic backups at the entrance to the restaurant and to allow through traffic headed west to Staples and Bed, Bath and Beyond to continue unimpeded.
Other improvements designed to improve traffic cueing and to eliminate backups include the addition of a bypass lane on the Staples side of the eatery. The bypass lane would allow customers who have already received their orders to drive past the pickup window and exit the lot. Under the current single lane set up, traffic must wait until every vehicle drives by the pickup window.
Under the settlement, which must still be approved by the zoning hearing board, the township has agreed to grant the developer the impervious coverage needed for the Chick-Fil-A improvements.
The settlement agreement, however, does not provide impervious relief for a previously proposed new retail pad site for Old Navy). The developer at a later date can seek development of the pad site if the it first seeks and obtains relief for impervious coverage from the zoning hearing board and obtains final and unappealable development approval from the Board of Supervisors for the pad site.
Read my Meeting Notes for more details.
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