Newtown News of Interest
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onto Newtown News of Interest
August 15, 2021 10:04 AM!

Petition From Residents of Newtown Crossing Regarding Access Options to Arcadia Green: Tell PennDOT no U-turn at Millpond & Buck Rd.

Petition From Residents of Newtown Crossing Regarding Access Options to Arcadia Green: Tell PennDOT no U-turn at Millpond & Buck Rd. | Newtown News of Interest |

We, the undersigned residents of Newtown Crossing, hereby request a meeting between our Homeowner’s Association representatives, Newtown Township representatives and responsible officials from the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation to discuss a decision regarding planned changes to an intersection at an entrance to our development.  We believe the planned changes will create a dangerous interchange for traffic in our community.


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Newtown News of Interest
These Scoops are excerpts from articles published in local newspapers and other sources that may be of interest to Newtown area residents. Please click on the "From" link to access the full original article. Any opinions and "insights" appended to these article summaries are solely those of John Mack and do not represent the opinions of any other person or entity.
Curated by johnmacknewtown